My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 2: Before going out

In Bai Yujing, the technology of space-time transmission is very simple.

The vampire maid just felt a little space fluctuations, and nothing more than that, then the elevator door opened again, and the destination had arrived.

By the way, the entire transmission process takes less than three seconds.

Coming out of the elevator and showing in front of the vampire master and servant, is a large and grand palace of white gold. Looking at the left and right, you can't even see the end of the palace wall.

This is Nagato's palace on Baiyujing, which is located in the core building of Baiyujing's central city!

Although there is no clear name, Remilia understands that this palace is absolutely the top priority in Baiyujing, because he symbolizes Baiyujing's owner!

"Come on, Leticia!"

After stopping for a while, Remilia greeted her maid and walked towards the palace. The gate of the palace was not guarded, and in fact did not need any guards.

Because the entire world of heaven and earth symbolizes the three restraint girls who guard the world.

This kind of guard is much more powerful than ten million guards.

As she approached the palace, Remilia felt a familiar breath greet herself. The girl immediately looked up and said, "Sister Alaya, take me to see my father."


There was such a noise echoed in the void.

In an instant, the space around Remilia's master and servant echoed with a wave of ripples, and a vast, magnificent and gentle power appeared out of thin air, and the two disappeared in place.

"Yo, isn't this Little Remy, you are here!"

When the vampire maid opened her eyes again, the two had come to a courtyard inside the palace, and before they could see the surrounding environment clearly, Remilia heard such a sentence.

"It's not Remy, call me Remilia!"

Almost subconsciously, Missie instantly shouted out such a sentence, although her own growth rate is very slow because of her own parents. After so many years, she still looks like a young girl.

But Missy thinks that she has grown up and is an ancestor of a majestic vampire demon!

However, in the eyes of others, Missy is still a child. Because of this, Missy even voluntarily moved away from the blood nation created by her grandmother Zhu Yue to build the Red Devil Hall.

In such a situation, Remilia hates the other person calling her nickname-Lemi!

As soon as the words were spoken, there was a burst of laughter around him.

At this time, Remilia was able to see clearly the surrounding situation: in the small courtyard, there were hundreds of figures at this time. Except for the maid who was a double-digit maid, the rest of them were his father's lovers.

——Everyone is here!

The thought flashed in his mind, and Remilia saw the guy who had called herself Lemi before. It was a black, long and enchanting woman sitting on a garden chair and drinking black tea.

Next to the woman, there was a white bulldog with three or four people tall, exuding fierce fluctuations.

At the moment, Remilia's cheeks swelled up, and a cold grunt came out.

"Ah, Xiao Leimi is angry!" Seeing Remilia ’s expression, the black long straight woman gently dialed her long bangs and smiled softly, "Come on, come here, little Remy. "

"Ah !!!"

Listening to the other party continually shouting little Remy or something, Remilia immediately shouted and rushed into the woman's arms, "Really, Mom, you are so bad !!!"

"No way, Xiao Leimi's expression is too interesting."

"Nonsense, where is it interesting!"


The good cold war directly turned into a mother-daughter interaction, which made Reticia behind Remilia feel a little funny, but soon, Reticia couldn't laugh at all.

Because, the atmosphere of the entire courtyard suddenly became fierce, full of murderous.

Then, Leticia saw that the majority of the girls in the entire courtyard were wrong, and many girls even looked at the interactive mother and daughter, gritting their teeth.

The pure blood vampire Ji, with the power of pure blood dragon species, is very good, and soon heard a lot of whispers.

"Damn, the vampire is on the show again, are you looking for a fight?"

"That's right, it's just that she gave birth to a daughter for Changmen Jun. It's not that her sister also gave birth to a daughter for Changmen Jun. What's so great."

"Stop talking, it's sad!"

"Really sorry!"

"Well done, I am worthy of my daughter and granddaughter, but it is a pity that both Erquette and Fran are not there, otherwise it will be more perfect."

"Are you provoking, Zhu Yue! Well done, no need to say anything, let's fight!"

Along with this voice, a loud roar came from Reticia's ear.

Then, a violent whirlwind suddenly echoed in the courtyard. In the turmoil, the vampire maid saw that Zhu Yue, the strongest vampire in Bai Yujing she had met a few days ago, was beaten by a woman wearing a Han suit. Too.

Then the girl in Hanfu chased it up again, and Zhu Yue also reacted, and also shot!

In this way, the two directly fight in the air.

In an instant, the sky roared continuously.

Looking up at the battlefield in the sky, Leticia found that there was a crack in the space between the two.

That terrible battle wave, if there were three terrible waves of will in the area that wiped out the aftermath of destruction, I am afraid that the entire palace has been directly destroyed.

At the moment, an anxiety appeared in the heart of the vampire maid, but soon, the anxiety became speechless, because the whispering of other lovers from Nagato came to her ear

"Ah, those two fight again!"

"No way, those two guys are the kind of guys who don't fight or feel uncomfortable. It's normal to fight. After all, we are waiting for Chang Menmen to go out. Do you want to persuade me?"

"I'll go to you, otherwise I will find Qishi and Campanulaceae, don't look for me anyway!"

"Uh, so, let's watch the drama!"

"Well, watch the show!" ..

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