My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 4: So far

Suspended in the source starry sky, Nagato was a little flustered.

At the time when the Naruto world was reborn, the red-haired boy might think that he was just a super lucky person among all living beings, due to the accident of cause and effect.

But as time passed, he was no longer so naive.

If there is no special place in his life, Nagato is absolutely unbelievable.

Especially the three consecutive advent of the mother of the avenue made him feel an indescribable feeling. He seemed to be in an extremely huge game.

The sentence "I'm waiting, the arrival of Ru" just now makes people think about it!


With a soft breath, Nagato finally converged in his heart. No matter what was waiting for his future, Nagato was already fearless.

Even if it is the worst result, the red-haired boy still has great confidence to conquer it.

This is determined by Nagato's own beliefs and the path he has practiced!

The domineering heart is different from any room for retreat!


"The result is not necessarily bad, is it?"

Speaking to himself in a low voice, Nagato remembered the mother of the avenue that made her feel like a mother, and suddenly felt from the heart that things might not be what she thought.

The reason is that Nagato always likes to speculate on others with the worst malice

This is somewhat biased.

Then Nagato stopped thinking about this, diverted his attention to other things, spread his ideas, and instantly perceive the situation in Bai Yujing——

"Uh, sure enough, let's go out first!"

Thinking this way, the figure of the red-haired boy disappeared in the starry sky of the source instantly.

Bai Yujing, over the central city.

The battle between Luo Hao and Zhu Yue is getting more and more intense, and there is even a real fire.

There were some slight fluctuations in the three big wills scattered in the surrounding void, and it seemed to be thinking about whether to forcibly interrupt the battle between the two, because the surrounding energy storm has become greater and greater.


At this moment, Luo Hao, who was extremely sensitive, suddenly said, "I owe you one time, don't disturb my fight with this guy!"

"Yes, concubine also means this!"

Zhu Yue, who also responded with dissatisfaction, echoed, and his madness continued to wreak havoc.

Hearing the complaints of the two men, there seemed to be some ripples between the three wills wandering around in the void, and then gathered a lot of vitality and turned into a border, surrounding Luo Hao and Zhu Yue's battlefield.

"Haha, thanks a lot!" Perceiving the changes in the surroundings, Luo Hao laughed, the whole body was filled with horrible fluctuations, and the opposite Zhu Yue was also unwilling to be weak, and the red blood was all over the madness

Under the momentum of the two, the space on the battlefield even showed a little distortion!

In the millennium years when Nagato left, with the experience of Nagato's promotion to Dao Realm, coupled with Nagato's divine will to help all the women to enter the state of joint together and increase their experience, many people have been promoted to Dao Realm.

Among them, Luo Hao and Zhu Yue were the first to be promoted to Daojing.

After thousands of years of accumulation, the two have already gone further!

Luo Hao fully comprehended the three principles of space, wind and sound, and then merged them into one, and merged his own martial arts, deducing his own martial arts.

Between his behavior and behavior, Luo Hao seemed to fit the whole world, bringing the unity of heaven and man to the point of nowhere to be added.

In some planes with weaker consciousness in the world, Luo Hao can even usurp the plane authority directly!

As for Bai Yujing's earliest existence of Taoism, Zhu Yue is not weaker than others.

In these millenniums, the ancestor of the month finally removed his existence from the long river of fate, and condensed out his own river of destiny, which is no longer an illusory life river projection.

Not only that, Zhu Yue also condensed the destiny of the blood clan forces in the heavens into his own river of destiny.

In control of the destiny of a family, Zhu Yue took a very solid step in the never-ending way of destiny.

If evaluated by the combat power level of the box court, both of them can be regarded as the first double-digit devil.

However, compared with the existence of double digits in most of the cabinets, the two have surpassed a lot in mind, will and belief. If they can get the full support of the original starry sky, their combat power can soar to double digits. The apex.

This is a power comparable to that of Tiandong in the heyday, and it can be regarded as the power of the top 20 in the Sand Chamber.

In fact, if it wasn't for this soaring combat power that could not last too long, Bai Yujing would have been able to completely wipe out thousands of gods and gods from the box court and devour the whole box court into the chaotic starry sky.

Such two people are already in an absolute upper position in the entire heavens and the world.

You know, even if it is Saya, the combat power of a single individual avatar is only the apex of three figures. Of course, this does not affect Saya's status.

After all, everyone knows that Saya ’s situation is only temporary.

If she can completely complete her own avenue, she can definitely become the existence after the long gate again, and even so, if she has the support of the chaotic starry sky, Saya can soar to the level of one-half step, which is far from Luo. Hao and Zhu Yue can compare.

Uh, no more gossip, go back to Luo Hao and Zhu Yue

The two women who have reached such a level have almost no rivals. The battles that have really been experienced for thousands of years have resulted in a lot of fighting enthusiasm in their hearts.

As a result, in this collision, both of them coincidedly ignited the fighting enthusiasm in their hearts.

When the war in the hearts of the two women burned to the fullest



As the voice just fell, Luo Hao and Zhu Yue launched a charge towards each other. In an instant, two rays of red, blue and blue crossed the void, and they must collide head-on.

"It's over!"

In the sudden voice, the figure of Nagato appeared directly at the intersection of the two rays of light! ..

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