My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 8: Port plane

So-called port plane

It is a special plane born in the chaotic starry sky in the millennium that Nagato left.

In ancient naval warfare, there was one of the earliest methods of warfare. Its name is side-to-side warfare. As the name implies, it is a naval warfare method in which a soldier's side is used to approach the enemy's side and the soldiers jump to help.

The port plane derived from this is just the springboard plane used to invade other planes.

In the past millennium, although Nagato has left his own divine incarnation to sit in Bai Yujing, although the two are one, the divine incarnation without emotion and the body of Nagato are ultimately different.

When Bai Yujing started the war of conquering other planes, the main body of Nagato often ran to that plane because of curiosity and had some experience. During the process of conquering the plane, Nagato will try to minimize the loss the process of.

However, the Divine Incarnation will not, because of absolute reason, it will completely ignore these meaningless things.

For him, as long as he can conquer the plane, except for the guy who sets the body to provide protection, other people don't need to pay attention to it, and it doesn't matter if there are more casualties.

In addition to these years, Saya has been focusing most of his attention on the Lord God, unable to take too much into account

The numerous warriors under the entire Bai Yujing can be said to have experienced the true test of blood and fire.

In a sense, this is a good thing. At least today, thousands of years later, the elite troops under Bai Yujing are not comparable to the team a thousand years ago.

Only in this way, it led to another possible thing-anti-invasion of the heteroplane!

Without the attention of the Nagato body and Saya, the attention of the three big wills is equally possible, but it cannot perfectly shield or completely suppress the invading alien plane, which may lead to the instinctive rebound of the alien plane.

Under those circumstances, it was possible for the invading troops to be repelled, and even the chaotic starry sky to be counter-invaded.

Eighty-one days ago, when Nagato retrieved his divine form, he also accepted the memory of the divine will for thousands of years. Among them, there were as many as six anti-invasion incidents on the eccentric plane, which was impressive for Nagato.

Especially in the first anti-invasion incident, the guy named Wu Zu even led his army directly to the Heaven Continent.

Although the ancestor Wu was eventually killed by Qi Shi, the whole incident gave Bai Yujing a wake-up call.

After that, Bai Yujing arranged a series of actions, the three major restraints set a series of restraint procedures against intruders, and the Divine Incarnation developed nine planes.

These port planes are all specially refined element planes, which are nine attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, and darkness, on which are placed a large number of prohibitions.

On the plane is the army stationed on the invading plane, which also acts as a barrier against intrusion.

Facts have proved that the decision of the divine incarnation is correct. The subsequent five anti-invasion incidents were all concentrated in these port planes, without much impact.


A large amount of memory flashed in my head, and I murmured softly in the long doorway, looking at the end of the passage in close proximity, the red-haired boy snapped his fingers, and in an instant, the surrounding environment was distorted.

But soon, the distortion disappeared, but the environment around the three people changed.

The channel of starlight is no longer there. At this time, a dark world is displayed in front of the three men of Longmen. Of course, this kind of darkness is not the kind of darkness where you can't reach with your fingers, but a ray of light.

It was this light that the three of Nagato saw, the dark sky, the dark earth, and everything in darkness!

Although it seems that there is no life, the long door of the memory of the divine incarnation knows that once there is an invader, there will be countless dark elemental life here, killing all enemies!

"Here is it, the ninth dark side port?"

At this time, Remilia, who had recovered from the realization of those truths, looked at everything around her, with some hesitation on her face, although she was His Royal Highness Princess Bai Yujing

But Remilia hasn't really been to a place like the side plane. He only listened to his name, but nowhere.

As for Leticia, it didn't take long to come to Bai Yujing, and I didn't know anything about connecting the side planes.


Nodded, the long door said while opening his left hand towards Leticia, "grab my hand, Leticia, this plane is very large, and then I will speed up."


Reticia did not hesitate to reach for the left hand of the long door. Only the long door of the other party's small hand could be felt. The girl's heartbeat slightly accelerated.

With a slight smile in his heart, Nagato instantaneously launched his own Protoss ability-Tian Dun!

At the next moment, then with the help of Nagato, the three of them wandered on this plane at an unimaginable speed, and their own leisure and the rapid changes of the surrounding environment formed a strong contrast.

Soon, under the power of the Nagata, the three men advanced at least thousands of kilometers to the end of the world.

Here, there is a huge sky, connected to the earth, standing in front of the three people in the long door.

Nagato knows that this sky canopy is the portal for contact with other planes. If viewed from the outside, the whole port canopy is an ellipsoid that has been cut, and the sky canopy is actually the one that has been cut. Face.


At this time, the Baiyujing warriors guarding the front of the sky discovered the arrival of the three men from Nagato, and surrounded them from all directions. For this situation, Nagato raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The ubiquitous three wills responded and passed a command to the minds of these soldiers.

All of a sudden, the warriors who had been struggling to stiffen had stiffened their bodies and looked at the long door with a surprised face, but soon, the surprise dissipated, and everyone kneeled down on the ground and shouted in unison:

"Patrol Squad No. 13 of the Ninth Permanent Garrison, seen the Dominator!"


Nodded faintly, the long door led Remilia and Leticia through the middle of the soldiers. When crossing the sky, the long door said:

"Get up, work hard!"

As soon as the voice fell, the long door took two girls and stepped through the sky

ps: There is one more change, maybe later. ..

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