My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 12: Suppress the third lock!

Under normal circumstances, Bai Yujing's foreign operations are divided into three steps:

Lock, loot and devour!

When the target plane is found, it first locks, then invests its forces, and plunders in all aspects to occupy most of the plane's luck, and finally the chaotic starry sky forces to fully devour the plane.

In these three steps, looting and devouring are not the most important, locking is the most important.

As long as the plane is locked, with Bai Yujing's thousands of planes' powerful background, there is no need to say what the result is, even if the invaded plane even bursts with its own old background, it is absolutely necessary to kneel.

The so-called lock is to gather the power of the three wills through the power of the key of the world to transform into an invisible channel to communicate the invaded plane and the chaotic starry sky.

Under normal circumstances, most planes can't resist this kind of locking.

It's just that this plane is different now.

That essence, which is completely different from other planes, made it free from the lock of the chaotic starry sky several times. Even the current chaotic starry sky can only fix it in this position.

That terrible plane crystal wall, even the ability of the key to the world is directly shielded!

If Feiyaye took Elkett and others to stay here and watch over the imprisonment of this plane, I am afraid this plane would have ran away from Bai Yujing's eyelids.

But even so, it still can't stop this plane from getting faster and faster.

This is especially obvious in the eyes of Lamia, who is resident here. At the beginning, the interval between breakouts was one week. Now, there are only two days left between breakouts.

"I really don't know how long this device will last!"

Looking at the plane that had freed himself from the lock, Lamia walked up to a cuboid device in the monitoring room, raised his right hand, and stuck it on a palm print of the device!

In an instant, the magic of the vampire girl was injected into the device in a large amount, and the device was activated in an instant.

The invisible fluctuations spread, and the magic of the girl poured into the chaos, turning into the medium to carry the power of the key to the world and the will of the three wills, and once again launched an 'offensive' towards the plane, trying to lock it again.



At this moment, a wave of waves burst out on the face crystal wall, and the girl's magic power was defeated. At the same time, the device in front of Lamia directly cracked.

"Sure enough, I can't hold it!"

There was a flash of surprise and comprehension in her eyes. Lamia looked at the monitoring device with some concern. Then she saw that the figure of Nagato and Saya appeared in chaos out of thin air.

"Just instinctive resistance, there is such a degree of power."

Standing in the chaotic void, Nagato felt the frustrated lock and could not help but sigh softly, "I can imagine how the extraordinary creature in that plane will end."

"Brother Nagato, what are you feeling!"

Seeing Nagato still feeling, Saya couldn't help but urged, "Hurry up and grab this plane. If our guess is correct, the core of this plane definitely has a big secret!"

"Relax, won't let it run away!"

Hearing Saya's urging, Nagato nodded, and then flew forward a distance, then snapped his fingers, and at the next moment, a huge space ripple rippled behind the red-haired boy.

In an instant, there was a huge flow of chaotic airflow around it, even a little wind, water and fire

Then, in this flood of water and fire, chaotic giants as high as 100 meters appeared in the sky.

This is nothing else, it is the body of the divine incarnation set before the Nagato left. It is a super giant composed of the sky dragon, the giant **** soldier and the wing **** dragon.

After thousands of years of continuous baptism, this body is now completely called the Chaos Giant. In fact, in the eyes of many high-level forces, this chaotic giant is the body of the chaotic city master!


Without turning around, Nagato issued his order directly. The next moment, at least a thousand years of chaotic giant gods disintegrated instantaneously and turned into sky dragons, giant **** soldiers, and wing **** dragons.

It's just that the three beasts at this time have completely turned into chaotic colors, and no longer have the attitude they once were.

However, the beasts of this posture are more powerful


At this moment, as if perceiving the danger, the face planet turned directly, stirring the chaotic airflow, turning it into thrust, and going crazy away from the long gate.


"Humph, Pterosaur!"

Facing this situation, Nagato just greeted the lower wing dragon, and took a diamond-shaped **** from his body, transformed it into a bullet, and quickly integrated into the wing dragon.


In the high-pitched cries, the figure of the Pterosaur Dragon disappeared in place, instantly appearing in the direction that the plane left.

Later, I saw the whole body of Pterosaur Dragon turned into a sun, and countless lines of law spread from the sun, turned into a net covering the sky, blocking the plane that was about to escape.

"Come on, Giant Divine Soldier!"

At this moment, the figure of Nagato appeared beside the Giant Divine Soldier, injecting the Protoss Spirituality that had just achieved to him, and the Giant Divine Soldier gave a roar.

Then the chaotic giant turned into a huge crimson sun, and countless crimson stars bloomed.

Soon, the crimson starlight, which seemed to be substantial, also turned into an extremely huge network, connected with the large network of laws, and completely surrounded the entire plane.


The face rushed left and right inside the surrounding net, but it couldn't get out anyway.

But at this moment, there was no need to make a sound from the long door, and finally the sky dragon roared upward in the sky and directly merged with the power of time and space of the Key of the World to grow madly thousands of times.

In less than a moment, the sky dragon's body grew to a terrible level unimaginable.


The sky roared loudly, and the surrounding chaos instantly set off a huge wave. Under this wave, the chaotic starry sky was still, but the planes of the port were shaken.

At the next moment, the incomparably huge sky dragon rushed towards the plane, ignoring the surrounding network, directly appeared beside the plane, and hovered over it!

Using the entire sky dragon's body as a medium, the Key to the World began to suppress the entire plane.

Under this repression, the originally turbulent plane soon lost its movement.

It is just that the power of time and space of the Key of the World still cannot penetrate into the crystal wall of the plane, and enter the interior of that plane. It is a distant matter. The Nagato cannot help wondering how the Queen of Halloween ran into that plane.

"Cut, I knew it wouldn't be that simple!"

He whispered to himself in a low voice, the hands of the long door clinging to each other, the body was only a half-awakening of the authentic origin and the sky dragon resonated a little, and the big dragon body shone a little light.

In this light, the power of time and space pervades the dragon body, adjusting the fluctuations of the dragon body to a level similar to the crystal wall.

Soon, the sky dragon and the entire plane actually produced signs of fusion.

According to Nagato's estimate, the fusion can be completed in another three years. By then, he will have a reasonable identity in the plane-the incarnation of the sky dragon!

"There are still three years left, just for preparation work!" ..

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