My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 27: Summon the killing pills third!

Earlier, after determining that this is the location of Fantasy Township, Nagato immediately recalled the memories of his previous life about Fantasy Township in his mind and made a brief analysis.

It's just that the analysis here is mainly aimed at the powerful and powerful forces, as well as some major events.

After all, the so-called Fantasy Township is just a barrage game with no specific story.

Of course, this little thing is not a concern.

At this time, Nagato has grown to the point where the so-called plot prophets are not needed, and the trend of the entire plane can be clearly seen. The so-called plot has little meaning.

After the analysis was completed, only two thoughts remained in Nagato's heart.

The first idea is that there are so many powerful people in Fantasy Township and those with strong potential.

To be honest, looking at the girls with different abilities, even the long door is a little bit emotional.

Nagato is even a little unimaginable. It is obviously just a single cosmic plane, and it has not even gone out. It is not a multi-dimensional universe. How can it be that so many days of arrogant daughters.

The second thought of the red-haired boy is that although there are many strong men, they are useless.

The so-called fantasy township, although it is very good to say, what kind of fantasy township is attached to the gods is actually the last refuge of monsters and gods who are not willing to exit under the tide of the times.

Even Nagato can assert that with the passage of time, in the distant future, Fantasy Township will eventually disappear.

After all, fantasy is just fantasy. I have never heard of a fantasy that will last forever!

From here, Nagato also knows the general trend of this plane, and obviously, if you want to go against the sky, Nagato is on the side of Fantasy Township, or on the side of monsters and gods.

Nagato's establishment of his own power actually takes into consideration the standing of the monster.

It was just that the red-haired boy was preparing to establish a new force of his own. However, before that, he had inadvertently whim and took the name of the devil for himself.

In the realm of Nagato, you can actually perfectly grasp your own destiny.

So, at the moment of whim, Nagato knew

In the evolution of this plane, in addition to the incarnation of the sky dragon, he also got the identity of the demon, the leader of the monster mountain in the future fantasy township.

"Since it is a gift of fate, then I will accept it politely!"

Walking on the unmanned path, a smile appeared on the face of the long door.

Although it is a man who is against the sky, it does not mean that the long-term things must be arranged to reverse the fate. If anyone really does this, it goes without saying that the guy is definitely mentally disabled.

The so-called sky-turning requires skillful enough

Only by making the most correct choice in the most suitable place, at the most suitable time, can we truly reverse the fate of the invisible but real existence.

Before that, it was completely feasible with the help of the force of fate.

Moreover, the mountain of monsters is indeed a force that makes Nagato like very much.

In the memory of Nagato, the future Monster Mountain is one of the most mysterious places in Fantasy Township.

Several young girls who are active in Fantasy Township are actually not high in the entire Monster Mountain, but they even rank high on Fantasy Town ’s strength list.

Well, this fully reflects the strength of Monster Mountain.

The most interesting thing is that the other group of monster mountains besides Tengu, Kappa, has extremely in-depth research on modern technology, and it is a strange kind in the entire fantasy town!

But there is no doubt that such an organization is indeed very close to Bai Yujing of Nagato.

Can be used as the spokesperson of Bai Yujing in the fantasy township in the future!

Of course, when the monster mountain at this time is still a ghost race, if Nagato wants to become a real demon, he also needs to defeat the ghost race and get the allegiance of Tengu from those drunkards.


"I need someone who can defeat the ghost race and conquer the entire Tengu clan, Great Tengu!"

It took several hours to continuously choose among the deep forest and old forest, and finally stayed at a node with a strong ground breath. The long gate arranged a formation to shield the plane consciousness, and closed his eyes and said so.

Along with the words of the red-haired boy, the invisible wave spread from his heart.

At the same time, in a cosmic vacuum inside a planet on a plane in a chaotic starry sky, a huge white demon dog with a height of more than three kilometers, suspended in a cosmic vacuum, could not help opening his eyes.

The huge eyes of gold and silver instantly illuminate the dark universe, as if dazzling like the sun and the moon.


A roaring nasal noise suddenly sounded, even spreading in the vacuum universe, "It turned out to be the call of the big brother, eh ?! Become a big tengu?"

This demon dog is no one else, it is really the incarnation of **** road-killing pills!

In the millennium years when Nagato once left, Shisheng Pill was finally promoted to Dao Realm, and completely transformed his bloodline into a terrible existence named Tian Tian Beast, called the enemy of the starry sky!

However, I don't know if it is influenced by blood veins. Shisheng Pill increasingly likes to show his prototype, sleeping in the vacuum of the entire universe, and constantly feeling the pulsation of the entire starry sky in his breath.

At this time, the killing power of the killing pill is completely at its peak, which is much stronger than Luo Hao and Zhu Yue.

There is only one step away from the omnipotent Taoist Saint. Of course, this step is actually very close to the horizon. If it is to be crossed, it may be possible to achieve it by tens of thousands of years of accumulation.

"Exactly, I also thought about it quietly, and I just tried that path!"

In this way, a flash of brilliance suddenly flashed on the huge monster dog, and then the breath of the monster dog instantly became extremely indifferent, exactly the same as the entire starry sky.

At the same time, the body of Nagato on the plane of Fantasy Township moved slightly, a noble will permeated.

"Oh, you are here!"

Feeling this will, a smile appeared on Nagato's face, and the shadow beneath him turned into a three-dimensional appearance, and above the shadow was a dripping red blood.

That's not something else, it was the whole body blood of Tengu killed by Nagato.

In the moment when the essence blood appeared, the noble will around the long gate was directly integrated into it.


In an instant, the surrounding earth aura continuously emerged and was absorbed by the essence blood. After a while, centering on the essence blood, an extremely huge aura vortex was formed.

In the center of the essence and blood, a trembling figure slowly formed! ..

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