My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 32: Ba Yi Yong Lin first!

The words of the long gate just fell, and there was a sudden silence around.

Zhu Weng had just relieved himself from the horror pressure gathered by the ghosts and ghosts around him. Hearing this, he couldn't help but be completely blank, and he didn't know how to answer.

In this era, the monster is at its peak.

The confrontation between humans and monsters is very fierce. In the case of confrontation, most of them only kill each other, even if they don't kill each other, then they don't interfere with each other.

In the eyes of the monsters, humans are completely inferior animals.

Although it has some strength, it is like that.

It ’s as if humans would like small actions like kittens and puppies, but I ’m afraid no one will marry these small actions except for perverts

Marriage of monsters and humans is rare in this era.

Therefore, in the face of the probation of the young boy suspected of being a monster leader, Zhu Weng was stunned, but Zhu Weng was stunned.

You know, among the suitors present, apart from a few older men, they are all young people.

The so-called youthful spirit is talking about these suitors!

Perhaps at the beginning they were stunned by the numerous monsters and the sword of Shousheng Maru, but after hearing Nagato's words, several young people broke out.

"Bold demon!"

"Dare to blaspheme Hui Yeji, let me die!"

"Do it all !!"

With a few rants, a dozen figures burst out of the marriage proposal team, it was a riot of several suitors and their guards, or followers.

By the way, among these people, that He Mao Caiwen is also in it!

Their goal is impressively their back door.

The thief captures the king first. This is the truth that has not changed since ancient times.



Leng's killing sound suddenly sounded, killing pills turned into a silver-purple knife light, flashed in the courtyard, the next moment, the silver-haired monster figure returned to its original shape again, standing behind the long door.

Then, all the violent guys were divided into two, and a lot of blood suddenly fell.

The monsters automatically rushed out a large number of miscellaneous monsters and directly ate these corpses.

The chewing of eating permeated in this quiet courtyard. Almost all the people who were alive were a bit blue, and even those with weaker mentality vomited out.

In the process of all this happening, Nagato showed no signs of turning back.

"how is it?"

Asked again, Nagato still looked at Zhu Weng and Hui Ye with a smile on his face. Although he could not see it on the surface, Hui Yeji knew that this person was already impatient.

"Huh, really impatient guy!"

Such complaints flashed in her mind, but Hui Yeji had to stand up. After all, her adoptive father might not even speak in front of such a guy.

"This demon lord, your love makes the concubine panic, just the concubine"

After pondering his vocabulary in his heart, Hui Yeji said quietly, but just before her words were finished, the long door directly grabbed her right hand. "I, but refuse to allow it!"

Holding Hui Huiji's soft little hands, a long smile appeared on Nagato's face, "Don't even tell me any excuses, anyway, I will make you today!"

Listening to such words, and looking at the small hand that he was holding, Hui Yeji couldn't help but panic.

Despite her self-important wisdom and wisdom, Hui Yeji found out that she had indeed met the nemesis. This kind of completely overbearing and unreasonable guy in front of her, she had no way to do so by virtue of power.

The so-called Xiu Cai encountered the soldiers who could not explain clearly, what I want to say is the situation in front of me!


He exhaled gently and calmed down some of the panic in his heart. Hui Yeji quickly recovered her calm, even graceful and graceful posture, and said:

"You call Tianmo, do you really want to do this?"

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the change in the temperament of Hui Ye, Nagato showed a wanton laugh, "I know you have your own cards, all come out, from Her Royal Highness Princess!"


Hearing Nagato's words, Hui Yeji's pupils could not help shrinking for a while, and almost immediately activated his cards, and in an instant, as if stepping through the endless years of will.

The normal people and miscellaneous little monsters in the courtyard fell into a coma instantly under this terrible will.

The monsters and onmyoji who were not comatose were subjected to powerful oppression!

I am afraid that only Hui Yeji is at ease with this will!


Feeling the pressure on his body, the long door snorted coldly and closed his eyes. The overbearing will burst out from the hardened body and collided head-on with the long-term will.

In a trance, Nagato's consciousness continued to rise, and soon broke into a void world!

In this void world, the consciousness of Nagato condenses into an entity, but only at the moment when the entity takes shape, a terrible crisis emerges from the heart of Nagato.

Subconsciously, the red-haired boy took a step back!

At the same moment, a glorious glory like a meteor swept across the cheek of the long door.

Soon, there was a scar on the face of the long door.


Lifting the left hand to wipe the scars on the face, the long door could not help but sigh deeply, "The timing is so ingenious, the control of power is almost impeccable, who are you?"

Between the speeches, the gaze of the long door lifted up, and in the eyes of the red-haired boy was a young girl holding a bow and arrow.

This is a beautiful girl with a long-term breath.

What is more worthwhile is that the girl is wearing a purple and red Taoist costume and has a nurse hat on her head.

But this does not hinder the beauty and uniqueness of the girl.

And what Nagato is most concerned about is the various patterns on the opponent's body.

The Lyra pattern on the hat, the Cassiopeia pattern on the upper right body, the Beidou Qixing pattern on the upper left body, the Sagittarius pattern on the lower right body, the Andromeda pattern on the lower left body, and the gossip pattern around the skirt.

On these patterns, Nagato felt a very powerful mysterious power!

"My name, Bayin Yonglin!"

At this time, the girl who heard the question from Nagato made her own answer and pulled the longbow up again. "Leave the side of the princess, otherwise, I will fight against you here!" ..

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