My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 34: Fight against Yonglin for a subscription!

"Why, how?"

Watching the red-haired boy walk out of the ripples of the space unharmed, Ba Yi Yonglin's face could not help changing, but soon, the girl calmed down.

Slightly turned his head and glanced into the depths of the void, where there was a red-haired boy who disappeared.

Within a few moments, the figure dissipated in the void and disappeared completely.

In an instant, Bayi Yonglin understood the causes and consequences.

I am afraid that the other party's fist that the flame and the thunder meet is just a cover. In order to cover up the previous party's practice of hiding the real body in the ripples across the space.

And Yong Lin's arrows attacked, I am afraid it is just an insignificant avatar.


Subconsciously sneered, Yong Lin's eyes looked at the long door coldly, "It must be admitted that I underestimate you, but, from now on, it will be different."

The voice just fell, and the entire void continued to oscillate, echoing Yong Lin's will.

In an instant, Nagato felt the endless coercion from all directions!

Obviously, the surroundings have become the home of Yongyi Yonglin.

"are you angry?"

He murmured in a low voice, and a fierce fighting spirit also appeared on the face of Nagato, "Exactly, I also want to give it a try, how much combat power I can play in this plane."

As soon as the words fell, the unimaginable Longwei burst out of the red-haired boy.


In the violent roar, the huge void seemed to be turbulent, and then in the slightly surprised eyes of Bayi Yonglin, the ghost of nine dragons appeared behind the long door.


Jiulong roared, the sound shook the entire void.

Rao is like Ba Yi Yong Lin, and can't help but feel a deafness in both ears, but this can't affect the fighting state of this month's brain.

"Invert it, the big galaxy in the pot!"

With the call of the girl, a huge crack appeared in the void.

Like a super-shrinked version of the Milky Way slanting down from the crack, countless shrunken stars blasted down towards the location of the long gate, densely packed, like a natural disaster.

The terrible energy fluctuations made the entire void directly unstable.


Faced with such a near-destructive blow, a smile burst into the face of Nagato, and nine dragon shadows roared into the body of Nagato one after another in the roar.

In an instant, an unimaginable flame burst forth from the long door, and a dark blue cross appeared directly on the right eye!

"Dragon Extermination Mode-Complete Body!"

With the roar, the momentum of the long gate soared to the extreme!


At the next moment, the red-haired boy turned into a dark blue light beam, rushing towards the countless planets, and the unprecedented blasting sound continued to reverberate.

In that continuous earthquake, the entire void finally showed signs of collapse.


Perceiving this scene, Yong Lin's face could not help flashing an unsightly expression.

Especially through the vanity that has been controlled, I feel that the other party is actually breaking through the star's block at an ever-accelerating speed, and Ba Yi Yonglin's face is even more ugly.

The girl never forgets that her own body is still far on the moon.

At this time, she only pulls the consciousness of Huiye's enemies into this void by virtue of her own special setting on Huiye.

You know, at this time, Yonglin Bayi could not leave the moon for some special reasons.

If before the destruction of the void, he could not kill the other party's consciousness, Hui Ye could be in danger. Although he would not die, as long as he thought that Hui Ye would be insulted, Yong Lin would not be able to bear it.


Feeling that the figure of Nagato was getting closer and closer, Yong Lin's brain went back and forth, a lot of tricks were constantly forming in her mind, and then a flash of grief flashed on the girl's face.

"In that case"

Putting away his bow and arrow, Yong Lin raised her hands high, and then opened her arms, as if embracing the entire void, she read the final words and spirits:

"In my name, ignite the flame of the end, bury the stars, astronomical secret burial method, launch!"

At the moment when Ling Ling ended, a huge pitch-black sphere appeared between Yong Lin's hands. In an instant, the breath of the decaying end echoed throughout the void, and the collapse of the void intensified instantly.


Ignoring all this, Yong Lin threw the terrible sphere directly in her hands!

I saw that the dark end sphere traversed a beautiful arc in the void, and then directly bombarded on the shrinking dumping galaxy, and then—


The flame beyond imagination completely ignited the entire small galaxy.

At this moment, all the miniature stars were transformed into bomb-like existences, and then they exploded violently. The ultimate impact completely destroyed the void.


Just then, a roar came from the center of the explosion!

Then in the void that was on the verge of destruction, the phantom shadow of the nine emperor dragons flashed past, making Yong Lin's face can't help but show a sense of consternation.


At this moment, accompanied by the blasting sound of the distance, the figure of the long door suddenly rushed out of the center of the explosion, instantly crossed the space with extreme speed, and came to Yonglin.

"Emperor Dragon's Iron Fist !!!"

Without any hesitation, Nangmen's fist blasted out, as if penetrating the void, the world in the pot appeared silently and quietly between the red-haired boy and Bayi Yonglin, and took Nangmen's fist!


A lot of space cracks appeared in the sky, and the world in the pot almost disintegrated directly.

However, it still protects Bayi Yonglin!


"Roar of the Emperor Dragon !!!"

But seeing Nagato raise his head, he spouted an unimaginable dragon breath directly, directly smashing the heaven and earth in the pot that almost disintegrated, and it is about to be killed on the body of Yongyi.

Ba Yi Yonglin's face even showed a look of extreme surprise!


The void world came to an end, and everything suddenly dissipated.

The figures of Nagato and Yonglin disappeared quickly

At this moment, I just recovered from the surprise that I was almost bombarded by my body. Bayi Yonglin looked at the red-haired boy who disappeared in front of him in advance, but the corner of his mouth accidentally appeared a smile. meaning.

"The game is just beginning" ..

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