My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 37: Penglai's medicine is second!

The wedding process is very simple, it is a grand banquet.

This is a decision made by the red-haired boy after referring to the customs and habits of the monsters of this world. After all, if it is in accordance with the rules of the human wedding, it is really troublesome.

The most painful thing is that humans seem to need to worship the world at wedding

For Nagato, this alone is absolutely intolerable.

The so-called heaven and earth, where is eligible to let him worship!

"At best, it's just prey!"

With this in mind, Nagato directly rejected the human wedding process and chose the simplest and violent monster wedding, a banquet where all monsters gathered together.

That night, across the bamboo forest, thousands of monsters cheered and blessed the newcomers!

Then, with the blessing of many monsters, Nagato entered Huidong holding Hui Ye.

In the face of the indifferent peerless girl, Nagato directly ignored the other person's shameful temperament, put his hands together, and used his tongue together to directly break the princess's indifferent face.

"Huh, you really are a **** !!"

The moment the Nagato entered Huiye's body, the girl finally broke the silence, saying so, and opened her small lips, and directly bitten on Nagato's shoulder.

It seems to be venting his grievances, and biting like an appointment.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

He smiled and said that Nagato entered the body of the Princess Moon.

It was night, the girl sang a whisper under the red-haired boy, deducing a beautiful song of humane reproduction, the moonlight outside the room was soft, as if celebrating the wedding of the moon princess.

The next day, it was not yet dawn.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning entered the room from the window, the long door opened his eyes, and it was Hui Yeji who had fallen into a deep sleep in his vision.

Hui Ye, who took Penglai's medicine, was indeed an undead body, but that was only an undead body.

Hui Ye's physical strength is not even as good as the ordinary moon people.

After all, she is the princess of the moon who is spoiled!

Therefore, after a long night of "reclaiming wasteland" by the red-haired boy, the young girl was exhausted so long that the long door moved her body a distance without ever waking her up.


Casually put on a coat, the long door wandered to the window, pushed open the window, felt the fresh air in the morning, and couldn't help taking a long breath.

"It seems that today will be a good day!"

Looking at the bamboo forest outside the window, and the little monsters patrolling the forest in the distance, the long gate turned lightly and wandered to Hui Ye's side, finishing the bed for the sleeping girl.

"Keep rest, Huiye!"

Speaking softly, the long door turned and left the room.

After walking out of the room, the red-haired boy found that there were already a few figures in the entire Japanese-style building moving around. Looking closely, it was Huiyin's maids selected from thousands of monsters.

Ignoring these maids, the long gate wandered freely inside the building and soon came to the courtyard inside the building.

He found a gazebo in the courtyard and sat down. The long door hesitated, and left hand penetrated into the void.

Soon, the long door took a crystal clear bottle from the void.

Unscrew the bottle cap, and in a flash, a strong medicinal fragrance emanates from the bottle and diffuses in the surrounding space, and a large tree around can't help but shake the leaves.

"Are you craving?"

Perceiving the simple emotions that permeated the big tree, the long door looked at the bottle in his hand and capped it again. Then he could not help but sigh:

"It's worthy of Penglai's medicine, amazing!"

Yes, in the hands of Nagato, it is a legendary medicine of Penglai.

Penglai's medicine, made by Hui Yeji and Bayi Yonglin, makes people immortal!

At that time, the two women Nahui Ye and Bayi Yonglin made a total of three bottles of Penglai's medicine. Two of them drank separately, and the last bottle was placed on Huiye.

In the process of getting Huiye last night, everything in Huiye's body was put away by the long door.

And this Penglai medicine is among those items!


"It's a pity, it's useless to me!"

Turning the bottle in his hand, a look of helplessness appeared on the face of the long door.

Last night, after Hui Ye finally couldn't bear to sleep, in order to divert his attention, Nagato had taken out this Penglai medicine and studied it.

It's just that for Nagato, the results seem a bit disappointing.

The so-called Penglai's medicine, although it is indeed very technical, but aside from the so-called technical content, its essence seems to be a kind of panacea.

In this panacea, except for some invisible spells, Nagato sees only two forces.

One of these powers is the power of eternal and imprisonment held by Hui Ye, and the other power is a very ancient source power!

After taking Penglai's medicine, the power of that source will bring the soul of the person taking the medicine into contact with the root of the plane.

And at the moment of contact, Hui Ye's power will explode directly.

Obviously it is only a momentary contact, and it will become an eternal contact under the power of Huiye, and this force will ensure the independence of the soul in the roots, not affected by the consciousness of the plane.

In this way, if the root of this plane is not completely destroyed, the Penglai people really can't kill.

Of course, taking Penglai's medicine is not without cost.

In the state of the Penglai people, I am afraid that the possibility of further strength has been greatly reduced. After all, the soul is covered by the power of forever and Xu, and it is difficult to perceive the outside world.

"However, it is no wonder that Hui Ye was called a sinner and completely offended the plane consciousness!"

Whispering to himself, Nagato suddenly thought that if his own energy produces Penglai's medicine, and the soul touches not the roots of this world, but the roots of the chaotic starry sky

Thinking of this, Nagato seemed to see the appearance of a perfect undead legion!

"Maybe I need an experimenter of Penglai's medicine?"

Standing up from the seat, a long memory flashed on the face of Nagato, "I remember, it seems that there is a third Penglai man in Fantasy Township, named Fujiwara Meihong." ..

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