My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 39: Xing Xiong Yongyi first!

This is a girl who is unforgettable once she has seen it once.

The long blond hair is free and easy, and the red unicorn of Liu Haihai is quite personal. Under the simple kimono, it is more outstanding than Huiye and Huiyin.

However, these are not the most unique places in front of the girl.

Her truly unique beauty is not in appearance

It lies in its unique temperament.

The kind of broad feelings from the heart, the boldness of the spirit that reveals from the depths of the soul, and the free and generous intentions that are inadvertently radiated between words and deeds.

Such a total number of people, all make people feel the yearning.

Upon seeing the other party for the first time, Nagato suddenly felt that his heartbeat seemed to be accelerating, and it seemed that after Jihui Night, Nagato really moved for the second time.

At this moment, the blonde one-horned girl seemed to feel the presence of Nagato and Shishengwan, stopped her urge to continue drinking, and turned her head to look over.

Suddenly looked at each other, Nagato seemed to feel an extremely hot fighting heart.

"Ha, the powerful guy finally appeared!"

With a rather bold smile, the blonde girl's eyes first glanced at the ultimate killing pill of a senior monster with some regret, then all concentrated on the red-haired boy:

"It's really a powerful dragon's breath. It seems that you were the dragon born out of thin air before?"

Although it was a questioning tone, the girl's words were full of affirmation, as if to confirm this fact.


Some looked at the other hesitantly, and Nagato didn't deny it, or it wasn't something that needed to be denied. Hesitation was just surprised that the other party could actually see this.

It seems that the girl in front of me is not a normal role, the red-haired boy secretly said.

"But my current name is Heavenly Demon. I don't know what the lady of the ghost family is doing?" With a smile on his face, the red-haired boy said so softly, and walked towards the other party.

Yes, ghost race!

The girl in front of me is a unique monster in the entire Yingzhou Kingdom-the ghost family!

This is a special monster with the characteristics of ghosts in the underworld. There are not many members of the entire monster race, but each ghost race is a powerful warrior. Alcoholism and bellicoseness are unique labels for ghost races.

In front of this race, the famous Tengu in Yingzhou Kingdom is just a servant.

From this point of view, you can know the strength of the ghost race!

"Hey, don't talk so weird!"

Listening to the words of the long door, the ghost girl's face flashed unpleasantly, "The old lady has inquired, but your kid has robbed Hui Yeji's man and spoke hurry!"

"Lao Niang Xiong Yongyi, one of the four kings of the ghost family, came to fight with you deliberately, come on!"

Between the speeches, the ghost girl, or Xing Xiong Yongyi, flashed a fierce war of intent on his face, and the surrounding air seemed to be scorching with this sense of war.

Obviously, although it was an invitation to fight, the girl did not want Nagato to refuse at all.

Feeling this sense of war, the red-haired boy couldn't help but stop at a distance of less than ten meters from Yong Yi.

"Xing Xiong Yongyi?"

He whispered this familiar and unfamiliar name quietly. The long door suddenly flashed various memories of the name from the previous life, and suddenly understood the identity of the other party.

The ghost king of the power among the four heavenly kings of the ghost clan power chaos god-Xing Xiong Yongyi?


Laughing softly, there was a faint dragon power pervading Longmen's body, fighting against Yongyi's war intentions, "Fighting me will cost you money, are you sure?"

Between the speeches, Nagato's gaze glanced over the girl unscrupulously, the intention was self-evident.

"Hahaha !!!"

Feeling the gaze of Nagato, Yong Yi froze a little, then laughed out loud, "If you can beat me, then be your woman, then why not!"

As soon as the words fell, the ghost king of force crushed the ground under his feet and rushed towards the long door.

Its speed is so fast that it is a hundred times faster than the speed of sound, and even directly explodes the surrounding air.


Facing the star Xiong Yongyi who came as if charged like a tank, the long door whispered softly, and the whole person kept receding at the same speed.

In the process of retreating, the teenager's right hand clenched a fist, and the fluctuation of light and dark dragon appeared out of thin air.

"Dragon Extermination-Light and Dark Dragon Flashing Teeth !!!"

With the sound, the power of the Holy Dragon of Light and the power of the Dark Demon Dragon merged into a terrible energy wave of light and darkness, exploding from the fist of the long door.


At the next moment, Xing Xiong Yongyi directly collided with the light and dark dragon flash teeth.

The violent energy wave spread from the center of the collision, the sky and the earth echoed with such roar, and the nearby bamboo forest suddenly swayed under this impact.


Just then, the center of the collision once again set off a fierce blast.

The concentrated energy wave of light and dark attributes exploded directly. Then, the figure of Xing Xiong Yongyi rushed out of the center of the explosion, and appeared in front of the long door.

"Haha, you also took a punch from the old lady, the broken diamond force!"

As soon as the words fell, Yong Yi gathered a lot of demon fists and bombarded directly towards the Nagato.

The simple fist seems to gather the power to destroy the world.

Just looking at it makes people feel unmatched!

Faced with such an attack, the red-haired boy subconsciously crossed his hands and blocked himself in front of him, and then was directly punched by the girl in his hand.


The face of the red-haired boy suddenly changed.

At this moment, Nagato finally understood why Xing Xiong Yongyi was called the mighty ghost king. With such a humble punch, the red-haired boy even felt hit by a planet.

Of course, it just feels like it.

This plane has obvious repression for those forces that are too powerful.



The red-haired boy flew straight out, and then hit the ground heavily, and plowed out a trace of tens of meters long. In the roar, a large amount of smoke stirred.

In an instant, there was silence all around, and all the onlookers had their mouths widened and horrified. ..

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