My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 41: End of battle


Looking at the changes in the surroundings, the long door could not help showing a trace of dissatisfaction.

Although he was determined to continue the battle, Nagato also understood that it was impossible. His battle mode was too violent. If the battle continues, the entire battlefield space may collapse directly.

By that time, the response of the mechanism of the inhibition that led to the plane was still good.

I'm afraid that the sleeping plane awakens.

By that time, I am afraid it is really out of control.

"What a pity!"

Also dissatisfied is the powerful ghost king, Xing Xiong Yongyi.

As a militant ghost king, she has fought thousands of times, and she doesn't know how many times she has passed in her life. She won't fight for a few days and nights, where can she calm the fighting in her body!

It's just obvious that although Xing Xiong Yongyi is a fighting mania, she still retains her own reason in battle, not the kind of fighting maniac that once desperately fights.

In the current situation, she also understands that the two are not suitable to continue fighting.

"Since it is so, then"

As if he had a spirit in his heart, Nagato and Xing Xiong Yongyi glanced at each other, and then the two understood the meaning of each other, and almost said in unison:

"Last blow, decide your victory!"

As soon as the words fell, Nagato and Yongyi began to gather their own strength!


The ghost horn on the head of the power ghost madly gathers a large amount of ghost gas from heaven and earth, merges with the fighting intention, and transforms into endless broken diamond power, which continuously gathers on the girl.

In less than a moment, the girl's body released a slight golden light.

That is the power of Vajra, symbolizing immortality!


When the ghost king girl acted, Nagato was equally unwilling.

The power of the multicolored dragon continues to burst from the body and keeps resonating with the surrounding space, and the amazing dragon power continues to rise during this time, crushing everything around!

Time is passing by second by second. For the monsters watching the battle, this time is really long enough to make people collapse.

Many monsters even fainted because they couldn't bear this atmosphere.


At the edge of the battlefield, Sheng Sheng Wan finally couldn't help but humming softly. Since coming to this plane, the silver-haired monster still felt the longing for the big monster in his heart for the first time.

Nothing else, he was just inspired by the fighting in his heart.

Soon, after a minute

When both sides of the battle reached their climax—


Ghost King star Xiong Yongyi took the lead in moving.

In an instant, the ground where the girl is located shattered again. Then I saw that the power ghost king took three steps directly in the direction of the long gate, and every time she took a step, her momentum broke through a bottleneck.

The accumulation of three breakthroughs made the pressure on Yongyi instantly reach hundreds of times on weekdays

That vast coercion even completely covered the entire battlefield, crushing everything.

The powerful punches even directly locked the position of the long door.

"Four Heavenly King Ao Yi will kill in three steps!"

Along with the last binge, Yong Yi waved his strongest punch towards Nagato. The golden fist seemed to penetrate the obstacles of time and space directly, and bombarded directly towards Nagato's face.

Nagato, who faced no one head-on, knew more about the fright of Yong Yi's punch.

Although the previous star Xiong Yongyi was powerful, in the final analysis, it only had the unimaginable power of Vajra. At most, he had the combat skills that ordinary people could not imagine, and it was just a warrior.

But the girl's punch completely subverted the previous view of the long door.

This fist that seems to penetrate the world is full of shocking power!

If it is expressed in terms of combat power, the bravery under normal conditions is just the existence of a real state of Dao, but this punch has already reached the realm of Dao God.

If it is not in this world, it may be a blow to the broken planet.


"Mystery is my space!"

In the face of Yong Yi's killing trick, a smile appeared on the face of the red-haired boy.

All of a sudden, Long Wei of the red-haired young man converged, and the whole person was directly integrated into the space, directly getting rid of the lock of Yongyi's fist, and the whole person turned sideways, even avoiding Yongyi's fist.


"Mysterious Broken Void !!!"

Along with a light drink, Nagato deceived himself and came to Yongyi, and his right fist banged directly on her abdomen.

A powerful force erupted from the fist of the red-haired boy, penetrated the body of Yong Yi, and rushed directly into the sky, then turned into a mass of will and merged into the void.

At the next moment, the space of the entire battlefield seemed to be blessed with some kind of blessing, but it turned into a field of red-haired teenagers, releasing a terrible force of repression and crushing on Yongyi.


Yong Yi finally couldn't help shouting and spit out blood. Under the two consecutive attacks by Nagato, the ghost king girl was finally hit **** the spot.

"Xing Xiong Yongyi, it seems that I won!"

Loosing his fist on the belly of the girl, the long door embraced the swaying body and said, "In this case, from today, you are mine."

During the talk, Nagato felt the girl's body unexplainably and expressed great satisfaction.

"Cough! The old lady is not a loser."

After coughing up some blood again, Xing Xiong Yongyi took a few deep breaths before speaking, "Forget it, you won, I'm yours, but I will win back, and there is"

"Is there alcohol, it is better to be hard liquor, cough, after the fight is over, some want to drink."


Do you want to fight like this!

Looking at the star Xiong Yongyi who was talking and vomiting blood, a word of speechlessness appeared on the face of Nagato.

At the same time, at the top of the mountain of monsters in the faraway place, the three monsters who were drinking in a big mouth stopped their movements in their hands, showing a surprised look.

"Ha, Yong Yi's guy was defeated. It's so funny!"

"It's really unimaginable. In terms of feeling, it seems to be defeated by the dragon's power. It should be the dragon of the previous days. The knife underneath is also rusty. Would you like to take a look."

"No, the guy who defeated Yong Yi will come here. Wait a minute, drink now!"

"Okay, drink!" X2 ..

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