My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 55: Nagato vs Cuixiang fourth!

Yi Chu Cui Xiang is the most pure ghost family!

Although it only took less than a moment to get along at close range, and there wasn't even much dialogue, Nagato came to the conclusion that she was more authentic than the other three ghost kings.

The other three ghost kings on the road to growth, more or less borrowed from the power outside the ghost family.

But Yi Chu Cui Xiang did not exist at all, and walked on the most orthodox way of ghost race.

After the girl took the orthodox way of the ghost race to the extreme, if the racial will of the whole ghost race did not choose her as the spokesperson, I am afraid it would be a little unreasonable.

Therefore, she is the first ghost king of the ghost family, the strange ghost king!


With a soft smile, the red-haired boy raised the wine gourd in his right hand and poured wine into his mouth. The heroic gesture was a bit like the taste of a ghost couturier.

At least let Cuixiang look, but a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Soon, Nagato finished drinking the wine gourd.


A long breath spit out, and suddenly Nagato's gaze suddenly looked at Cuixiang with a smile, "In other words, are we really kissing indirectly?"

"Huh, is that true?"

Obviously, Nagato's malicious flirtation didn't get a response, because at the moment he finished drinking, Cuixiang entered the fighting state, and the temperament of the whole person changed completely.

The terrible momentum spread from the girl's body, as if dancing in groups!

Even across the border, the outer spectators also felt an unspeakable fear. At this time, Cuixiang has completely transformed into a evil spirit.

"Does this kind of thing make any sense?"

Some unknown reason tilted his head, the ghost king girl showed a slightly dumbfounded expression.

It's just that under this terrible momentum, people simply can't get up!

But soon, she threw away these useless ideas and threw it out with her left hand. The iron chain dragged the whole iron ball and bombarded towards the long door, just like a shell.

Faced with the girl's attack, the red-haired boy smiled slightly and jumped back, avoiding the iron ball bombardment.

"Avoid it, then"

At this time, the faraway fragrance came from, and I saw that the ghost king girl opened her small mouth and blew directly towards the place where the long gate was.

Then, the violent wind swept directly to the body of the long door, and was about to blow it away!

In this violent wind, the red-haired boy even smelled alcohol.


Some shook their heads silently, and Nagato knew that it was almost time for him to start a serious fight. After all, Ibuki Choi was more difficult than Xing Xiong Yongyi.

The most important thing is that the power of racial awareness in Cuixiang has not been fully activated!

Under such circumstances, Nagato dares to pack tickets. When necessary, Cuixiang will definitely explode. To be honest, this kind of enemies that explode will definitely be the most troublesome.

Nagato is ready to truly explode all his strength.


"Before this, try this first!"

So to speak to himself, an extremely powerful Longwei burst out of the body of the red-haired boy, and four ghost images of dragons of different colors appeared in the sky behind the red-haired boy. Suddenly under pressure, Cuixiang narrowed her eyes and stopped her mouth.

In an instant, the violent winds around them stopped.


At this moment, in the sudden roar, the four dragon shadows merged into the body of the red-haired boy, and gray flames burst from it.


The thick dragon chant sounded out of thin air, echoing across the battlefield, and then the endless dragon power descended from the sky. The surrounding time seemed to stagnate.

Time Dragon Mode, this is the second battle mode recently developed by Nagato!

With the power of light, dark, wind and thunder, evolve the power of the dragon of time!


Feeling the power of the time dragon in his body, the long door exhaled for a long time, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

The evolution of the power of the dragon of time shows that Nagato has gone a step further in exploring the power of authentic roots.

Most importantly, space is regional, while time is fluid.

The power of the space dragon will lead to the collapse of the entire battlefield, but it is very difficult for the dragon of time. In addition, the long gate itself has little interest in rebellious time, and at most stagnation time, seeing through the future.

Therefore, under the Dragon of Time mode, Nagato's continuous combat capabilities have been greatly enhanced.

and so


Such a word was spoken in the mouth, and a pair of wings of wind and thunder appeared instantly behind the long door. In an instant, the whole person traversed a trajectory in the void and rushed to the fragrance.

"Just right!"

Facing the active attack of Nagato, Cuixiang's face showed a fanatical smile, and his right hand raised up to the attacking red-haired boy and said:

"Air, give me the greatest gathering!"

Along with the words and spirits, huge fireballs converged in front of the girl, bursting out towards the attacking red-haired teenagers. For a time, the entire battlefield was filled with fireball barrage.

Looking at the barrage in front of him, Nagato knew at the first time that it was not actually a fireball, but an agglomeration of air particles that gathered infinitely.

At the moment, the red-haired boy did not fight hard, but chose to rub the bullet!

Under this barrage, Nagato displayed an amazing ability to predict, and actually avoided attacks.

There is no other reason for this to happen. It is Nagato who sees the trajectory of the future through the power of time. Under this premise, Nagato traverses the barrage with an amazing trajectory.

"Take the trick, the Iron Fist of Time Dragon!"

Soon, the body of the red-haired teenager appeared directly in front of Yi Chucuixiang, and a large amount of gray blaze gathered in his right hand, slamming straight down towards the girl.

Facing the fist of Nagato, Cuixiang wanted to avoid it for the first time.

However, under the lock of the red-haired boy's fist, Cuixiang immediately felt a delay in the surrounding time. Cuixiang, who was able to avoid the other party's attack, was directly hit by the body under the precaution.



As if it were fragile, the girl was broken.

Seeing this, almost all the combatants on the field stood up one after another. They couldn't believe it. The Yiqiuixiang, known as the first ghost king, was gone.

ps: There is one more change, it will be later! ..

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