My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 57: Guild Wars and Volcanoes first!

The arrogance of time erupted suddenly, sweeping in all directions.

At this moment, it seemed to feel the crisis, and a terrible coercion also erupted in the mist, suppressing the burst of time that had already burst out.

Only in the face of this situation, the red-haired boy was not surprised.

You must know that this change has appeared in Haze, which clearly proves that the strength of Nagato has a great restraint on Ibuki extract, otherwise, there will be such a reaction.

Now that he knows how to defeat the enemy, Nagato naturally has countless ways to achieve his goal.

The foundations of the heavens and the worlds have created the helplessness of the Nagato rarely.

the most important is

"This coercion should be the coercion of the entire ghost race's will!"

Feeling the increasing pressure around, watching the mist gradually thickening, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the long door, and the surging fighting began to spread out.

"Very good, as a man about to conquer the ghost race"

The power of the dragon in the body continued to run, and the momentum of the long door body became more and more sharp. "It is to crush the will of the family by hand, the roar of the time dragon !!"

As soon as the words fell, the long gate simulated the breath of the dragon, and a large amount of gray starlight spewed from his mouth.

After these gray starlights appeared, they had a perfect promotion reaction with the gray flames and the gray storms around them, and turned into an expanding time field.

Everything outside the realm is constantly being eroded, and everything inside the realm is decaying.

The terrible and great power of time is vividly displayed at this moment.


Facing the pressure of the time domain, the surrounding haze sent out a roar as if all the ghosts were shouting together, and the will of the ghost family immediately showed an unspeakable anger.

At the next moment, part of the haze condensed and turned into a figure of Yi Chu Cui Xiang, before the time domain appeared.

Looking at the approaching field, Cuixiang's eyes flashed with determination.

"The three-step mystery of Eunuch!"

In an instant, Cui Xiangshi exhibited a similar provocative move similar to that of Yong Yi. The first step was taken. The terrible ethnic will blessed her, and the girl was more than doubled.

It was only at this moment that the fog around was suddenly thinner.

Subsequently, the girl took the second step, the spirit of the ghost king soared to the extreme, the whole person doubled again, and there was only a thin layer of fog around.

And when Cuixiang took the third step, the whole person had turned into a giant of more than ten meters.

At this time, the haze around was almost all integrated into the body of Cuixiang.

The spectators around saw the Cuixiang's posture at this time, as well as the situation on the battlefield, and almost everyone's faces showed a surprised expression.

Especially the two ghost kings who were still sober looked at each other in surprise.

However, at this time, Cuixiang did not care about the surroundings. With the blessing of the ghost family's will, the girl's body contained unimaginable immense power at this time.

Without any hesitation, the giant Cuixiang blasted his fist towards the expanding time field!


In an instant, a shock like a comet hitting the earth exploded completely.

In the deafening roar, the realm of time shattered violently, turning into the aftermath of power, echoing throughout the enchantment

Especially the power of time in it completely shakes the entire enchantment.

After the attack, Cuixiang reverted to its original state. Now, the girl ’s face flashed pale.

But soon, she recovered.


"Shoot !!!"

The sudden sound of breaking through the air is especially clear under this shocking aftermath.

The figure of the red-haired boy appeared directly on the side of Cuixiang. Without any hesitation, the red-haired boy swept out towards the ghost king and bombarded her in the abdomen.


Under the kick of the long gate, Cuixiang flew out of the whole person, hitting the enchantment heavily.

There was already a shaky enchantment at this moment. At this moment, a slight crack appeared directly, and the spectators outside the enchantment could not help but be frightened.

It stands to reason that at this time, Nagato should stop and repair the enchantment.

Otherwise, the result of broken enchantment is absolutely fatal.


"Severe casualties? It's my hair!"

Without hesitation, Nagato rushed towards Yi Chu Cui Xiang. At this time, she should pursue the victory without hesitation.

The red-haired boy could understand that the so-called strange ghost king is indeed very strange to fight.

If he can, he would rather play earlier than fight this guy.

This kind of battle is really too much trouble, which makes people uncomfortable!

It's just that there are 9 out of 10 people who are not happy in life. When Nagato is preparing to give Cuixiang the last blow, intuition suddenly shows a mysterious fluctuation.

Subconsciously, the red-haired boy stopped the offensive in his hand and his eyes narrowed.

Not only the Nagato, but the big monsters around them all showed a strange color.

This is even true of the incense that has just come back.

These big monsters standing on top of all living beings have sensed this fluctuation, and vaguely, all beings are aware of it, and there seems to be something to appear.

In less than a moment, the enchantment that had been gradually restored with the strike of the battle slightly oscillated!

The surrounding temperature continues to rise at an alarming rate. The numerous existences on the top of Suzakuyama, whether it is a monster or a human, feel the heartfelt heat.

Soon, this sudden heat rose to a jaw-dropping level.

And then


Unimaginable magma burst out of the top of the mountain and directly impacted on the enchantment. Under the extraordinary impact, the entire enclave quickly broke.

Powerful monsters and humans quickly escaped from this sinister place.

"Do not!!!"

As an ordinary person, Fujiwara could n’t wait to face this situation the most stunned, almost subconsciously wanting to call for help, and then he desperately saw that many Onmyoji teachers had already been buried in magma.

And more Yin Yang teachers were riding the paper cranes, flying away from their side.

When the disaster hits, he, an ordinary person, is directly abandoned!

Subsequently, the magma rushed up and swallowed him completely.

At the last moment of life, Fujiwara's eyes could not wait to see Hui Yeji on the demon cloud in the distance, some of melancholy, and then fell into eternal darkness. ..

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