My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 76: The reason and speculation is third!

Seeing the vastness of chaos, Saya is confident that few things can scare himself.

Especially with the passage of time, her own strength and the essence of life continue to improve. In the eyes of the girl, it is really rare to surprise her.

But at this moment, Saya is not only as simple as being surprised, but completely frightened!

The memories conveyed from Nagato are a lot of unknown memories.

The most complete in memory is the history of Secondary Two of a 14- to 15-year-old boy. In addition, all are fragments of memory, scattered and scattered, with thousands of thousands.

At this time, Saya's computing power beyond the limits of humanity naturally operated.

The massive memory fragments that entered the sea of ​​Shaye's knowledge began to be derived and reorganized continuously!

Soon, a broken life appeared in Shaye's mind.

The memory tells about an ordinary human orphan boy who was reborn in a different world after an accidental death. After a lot of fighting and sad baptism, he grew up to the chaotic extreme.

The last picture of the memory is that this young man took countless followers to the final battlefield.

To be honest, although the entire memory is too fragmented, almost no substantial content can be seen.

But it seemed rather heartbroken and touching.

If Nagato and Saya perform a more detailed analysis of these memories, they may get more information, especially those battle pictures that span chaos, and may contain more mysteries.

However, neither Nagato nor Saya had such a mood at this moment.

This is because the owner of this memory is exactly the same as Nagato's previous life, not only appearance, but even some experiences of the previous life are exactly the same.

In such a situation, how can I not let Saya be surprised or even frightened!

At the moment, Saya extracts more computing power from the ontology.

Nothing else, only find out the reason for this!

In half an hour

In the secret room, the two with their teeth intertwined separated.

Because too much computing power was invested, the physical energy that carried the consciousness was a little too large. Shaye Jiao gasped, and the whole person collapsed into the arms of the long door.

"how are you feeling?"

Embracing the girl in her arms gently, the left hand of Nagato stroked the girl's heterogeneous long hair. "It took so much computing power, any ideas?"

"Well, there are three speculations right now!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Saya closed his eyes halfway and said quietly, "The first speculation is that this guy is very surprised and resembles you."

"A bit nonsense!"

Shaking his head, Nagato said negatively.

Although this probability is not without, it is too small and too small, infinitely close to zero. The most important thing is that the long door can be vaguely foreseen, this speculation is wrong.


Also aware of Nagasaki's intuitive hunch, Saya nodded and said a second speculation, "In a big chaos, some worlds have parallel worlds, so does chaos have parallel chaos."

"You mean, this is me from parallel chaos?"

Hearing Saya's judgment, the red-haired boy raised his eyebrows and had to say, this is indeed a possibility that he didn't think of, but is there really parallel to chaos?

After thinking for a while, the red-haired boy shook his head subconsciously and asked about the third speculation.

"The third speculation, don't you know Brother Nagato?"

This time, Saya didn't directly answer, but rather lazily rubbed in the arms of the long door, like a coquettish kitten, which was lovable.

"Yeah, I do know that!"

Ignoring Saya's actions in his arms, the red-haired boy could not help but sigh softly, saying that the so-called third speculation is actually very simple-that guy is the past life of Nagato.

To be honest, this is an incomprehensible situation, but it is the most likely.

But if this possibility comes true, who is Nagato?

Is he really the rebirth in his memory?

This kind of near-negation of the possibility of self-existence is the main reason why Nagato has maintained a rather violent state a few days ago.

In fact, Nagato was really fortunate that he only got the memory of the fragment at this time.

If it were earlier, I am afraid that Nagato might collapse.

Perhaps it is also because knowing that Nagato will not collapse the Dao heart because of these memories, the will of the mother of Dadao will guide the Nagato to resonate with the strong debris.

Thinking about it this way, Nagato realized that the mother of Avenue seemed to be trying to tell herself something.


"Too few memories of fragments!"

Subconsciously frowned, the long door could not help whispering to himself.

"Brother Nagato, don't frown!"

At this time, Saya's left hand was raised directly, stroking between the eyebrows of the long gate, "The ship is naturally straight to the bridgehead, and, brother Nagasumi, don't you think this plane is a bit too weird?"

Hearing Saye's words, Nagato nodded unconsciously, agreeing.

Whether it is a plane consciousness that is so unimaginable, or an ancient heritage that is suspected of the last chaotic era, or a fragment of a strong man who is incomprehensible, all explain the peculiarity of this plane.

Similarly, Nagato and Saye have refreshed the difficulty of conquering this plane in their hearts.

"Combining a lot of data, Saya I have a less mature idea."

Speaking of which, Saya's face was very rare and hesitantly expressed, and then quietly opened, "This plane can be left from the last chaotic era, will it be because this plane buried a previous era? The ultimate strongman, and this plane is actually the grave of that strongman? "

Taking the plane as a grave, it sounds like a fantasy, but in the ears of the long door it seems like thunder.

This kind of thing is not impossible. In fact, if Nagato was defeated and died one day, he would even use the entire chaotic starry sky as his grave.

Especially in the case of the unbelievable relationship between the ultimate powerhouse in Saye's mouth and Nagato!

"Forget it, leave it alone!"

After being silent for a long time, Nagato temporarily let go of these unnecessary thoughts and said, "Saya, I can feel that there is a strong fragment in this plane, but that fragment seems to be in the origin of the plane and I can I felt a bit malicious in my life, so we have to be prepared. "

"I need your help, whether it is wisdom or strength!"

"Don't you ask me why you let your will come, instead of letting your body come, because this war is a bit confusing, I need the strongest blade!"

"I think you should almost perfect your own strength system, and have been thoroughly promoted!"

"Are you promoted?"

At the same time, in a mysterious high tower located in the northern area of ​​Baiyujing, Saya sitting on the throne slowly opened his eyes and the faint starlight flickered.

The four sides of the tower are inscribed with four huge totem carvings. If you look closely, you can see the outlines of the four forms of Shaye.

Before the sculpture, there are up to 666 mirrors suspended.

In front of each mirror, there is a Saya!

Of course, the dresses and spirits of these Sayas are quite different from those on the throne. They are not others, and they are indeed Saya.

"Indeed, it's almost time to perfect it!"

Talking softly, Saya's eyes swept over himself in the surrounding mirror, "Sisters, it's almost time to get back our status in Baiyu Jingzhong!"

"God! It's finally starting!"

"The Queen has temporarily lost sight of the Lord God and can start anytime!"

"Long live, Saya couldn't help but cheer!"


In an instant, various sounds echoed in the tower, and in this cheering, Saya body closed his eyes slowly again, and began to sleep further.

Indistinctly, the girl sensed her upcoming promotion opportunity.

Only, you still need to wait ..

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