My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 78: The future is the first!

"Hee hee!"

Just the moment when Hui Ye's words fell, there was a crisp and pleasant laughter around him, and then a whirlwind rolled up from the empty space in front of the courtyard.

A large amount of snowflakes flew under the whirlwind, presenting a rather beautiful picture.

But whether it was Hui Ye or Feng Jian You Xiang, their eyes were not on the snowflake, but on the red-haired boy and Goth Loli who had just appeared under the snowflake.

These two people are not others. It is the Nagato and Bailian, or Saya, who have just left the border!

"It's really interesting!"

Facing Huiye and Youxiang's gaze, Saya of Gothic loli looks directly at Huiye, "I didn't expect that such an interesting character as you in the crystal palace of Nagato's brother."

"Hello, Saya!"

Hearing Saye ’s words, the red-haired boy could n’t help but say something, and then his gaze also looked at Hui Ye. Although he did n’t speak, his silent words explained everything.

Facing such a glance, Hui Ye's face was very thick, completely ignored.

At the moment, Nagato feels that he seems to need to tune up the princess of the moon, otherwise, it seems that some husbands are weak.

It's just that the red-haired boy has no time to say anything in the future-


A strong torrent of magic erupted from Feng Jian You Xiang's body, and turned into a substantive wave, directly and fiercely pounding in all directions.

In an instant, the figure of Nagato disappeared into place, appearing behind Hui Ye.

After hugging the girl, the two stood up in the sky, avoiding the magic frenzy.


The huge courtyard seemed to be raged by the twelfth typhoon under this magical frenzy. Even the land was lifted up, collapsed and turned into a ruin.

"Haha, you are the devil, really good!"

Seeing the speed of the Nagato, the wind saw Youxiang's face could not help but show a burst of madness, "Sure enough, come to battle with you before hibernation, it is indeed the right choice!"

As soon as the words fell, the Flower Tyrant gathered his parasol and pointed it toward the long gate and Huiye in the sky.

A large amount of magic power gathered frantically at the top of the parasol, almost turning into a real magic gun.

However, just before the magic cannon is about to fire


The fist that appeared in vain hit the parasol in Youxiang's hand from bottom to top.

Without anticipating the attack, Yuxiang's magic cannon shifted its direction and blasted directly towards the sky directly above it, and soon disappeared without a trace.


The Flower Tyrant narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the Gothic loli, who was waving his right fist without knowing when he appeared in front of him.

After a while, a smile of excitement appeared on the face of Feng Jian Youxiang.

"Unexpectedly, there is also a strong man here!"

It's just that when the wind saw Youxiang's words, the wind changed, and he said quietly, "But you are not strong enough now, let go, and I will fight you again in the future!"

"I only have one goal now, and that is the demon occupying the monster mountain!"

"No need to wait for the future!"

In the face of Youxiang's words, there was a rare war intention on Saye's face, "And, Saye, I want to see, who is stronger in the future between you and Bailian." During the speech, Saya retracted his right hand and stroked it on the ring on his ring finger of his left hand.

Suddenly, the ring on the girl's left ring finger glowed strangely.

Under this light, the surrounding time appeared faintly slowly.


Soon, a beam of light with a radius of one meter centered on the girl appeared in the sky, and unimaginable forces spread in all directions, impacting everything.

This impact has completely surpassed the magic frenzy previously released by Feng Jian You Xiang!

"Huh? Interesting!"

Seeing the change of the Gothic girl in front of her, Feng Jian Youxiang, who stood in front of the impact, could not help showing a little smile, and her madness gradually spread.

Feng Jian You Xiang knew that the other party was carrying out an unknown dangerous ritual, and had no defense at this time.

However, the Flower Tyrant never fears any challenge, as long as the opponent is strong enough!

Therefore, she just stood on the spot and quietly watched the local action.

Then, after about thirteen seconds


The soaring beam of light burst again into a roar. The top of the beam of light directly penetrated the void and evolved into a huge vortex. The center of the vortex descended on an illusory figure.

From the perspective of the wind and the fragrance, you can see clearly the face of the phantom, and it is the girl who started the ceremony.

No, to be precise, the mature version of that girl!

"It turned out to be borrowing the power of the future!"

The well-informed Feng Jian You Xiang had to admit that he was a little surprised, and did not expect that someone could get strength from the distant future.

"Haha, interesting, it's really interesting!"

Unable to bear the turbulent fighting enthusiasm in his heart, Fengxiang Youxiang finally laughed, almost endless madness and fighting raged.

It seemed to feel the madness of Feng Jian You Xiang, and a gentle smile appeared from the phantom falling from the sky.

Subsequently, the ghost image merged directly with the girl under the beam of light.


In an instant, the entire beam of light turned into countless fragments scattered.

The figure full of endless harmony strolled out of the flying debris, and came to the front of the laughter of Kaori Yuka, smiling and folded his hands together without speaking.

The posture of being like a saint, and the tyrant flower tyrant, formed a very strong contrast.

No words are needed, and both wills are accepted by each other.



Almost at the same time, the tyrant and the saint moved at the same time.

I saw the tyrant of the flower directly throw away the parasol in his hand, the whole person's momentum spread out, directly invaded the surrounding world, carrying the world's momentum, and punched out.

In the face of the fist of the tyrant, the saint took a step back, and a large number of runes and diplomas appeared.

Between the electro-optical flints, runes converged and merged into the right leg of the saint.

In the next moment, the saint kicked directly out of the air

"Boom !!!"

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