My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 81: Nagato and Youxiang

In the end, Feng Jianyouxiang's fist did not blow down.

There are many reasons for this. The sharp blade that suddenly appeared behind Youxiang is one reason, and the shadow of creeping under the feet of the Queen of Flowers is also one of them.

But these circumstances are not the reason why Youxiang really did not start.

The Queen of Flowers in combat never lacked the courage to fight fiercely. During her long career, she has ignored more than one attack on Wei Jiu Zhao and directly hit her enemies.

It may be difficult for other people to change lives for injuries. For the master who can get unlimited four season flowers from nature, it is not too easy!

The reason why Youxiang really stopped her fist is-

"Crack !!!"

The sound of crumbling echoed around.

The ring on the left hand of St. White Lotus burst, and the power of time spread out, so that the flow of time on the entire battlefield could not help but appear a momentary stagnation.

Then, behind the white lotus appeared a ghost image of a girl with apology, slowly dispersed

The momentum of St. White Lotus itself quickly dropped to the extreme.

"Ah la la!"

The compassionate and holy lady turned into a cynical witch in a moment, raised her left hand, and looked at the broken ring. The girl whispered:

"Really, people just broke a little bit with a little effort."


Unwillingly withdrawing his fist, Feng Jianyouxiang's face was full of unhappiness. "It's really uncomfortable to support the battle, which is really unpleasant!"

Feng Jian You Xiang can kill enemies without any hesitation, regardless of strength, good or evil, it is due to the habit.

But she, who is no longer a weak person, still has a reluctance to kill.

For example, the existence of pure heart, for example, the strong man!

The former is liked because of his identity as a flower demon, while the latter is the pride of the fragrant beauty. The already powerful demon can never tolerate himself when the enemy is down.

This act of daring not to confront the enemy is a cowardly act in the eyes of Youxiang.

Fortunately, there is no other enemy here

Thinking like this, Feng Jian You Xiang looked at the creeping shadow under his feet.

From the shadow, Youxiang perceives the vast Longwei, and then the girl follows the shadow that extends into the air, and she sees the red-haired boy and the black-haired girl standing in the sky.

Then, Youxiang turned slightly, and saw a silver-haired young man who didn't know when to appear behind her. The young man was holding a fierce demon knife in his hand, and the blade pointed directly at Youxiang.

By the way, behind the silver-haired young man is the little crow tengu who was previously stunned by Youxiang.

"The demon of the monster mountain, and the big tengu!"

Recalling the message given to him by Xia Yunzi in his mind, the master of the four seasons flowers pondered for a while, made his own judgment, and then said:

"It was just a little bit addictive. You two, who will fight with me, maybe, together?"

"Hey, little demon, you are so arrogant!"

Neither Nagato nor Shisheng Pill has spoken yet. Bailian, or Saya took the lead. "Although the strength is good, if it is too arrogant, it will die!"

"You know, even if it is you, you will meet the overbearing that you can't resist!"

Although the words were said like this, Shaye's eyes could not help but filled with a sense of admiration.

Seeing the presence of Youxiang, Saye seemed to see Luo Hao in Bai Yujing.

The path of these two guys is almost the same.

I would be very happy to come to Nagato Brothers!

Thinking of this, Saya couldn't help but look at the red-haired boy in the air, just seeing the splendidness in the other person's eyes, and eager to move.


Hearing Saya's words, Feng Jianyouxiang's brows couldn't help but wrinkle, but she didn't wait for what Youxiang said. The shadow under her feet flew up directly, swallowing Youxiang.

The next moment, the shadow disappeared in front of everyone, and the long door disappeared.

"Ah, Brother Nagato's movements are really fast!"

Seeing this scene, Saya smiled at the sudden appearance of Shisheng Maru, and then wandered to the front of Hui Yeji not far away, his face full of warm smiles:

"Hello, you are Huiye Ji from Zhutui. I have been admired for a long time. I am Saya!"

"Hello there!"

Looking at the completely different white lotus in front of him, he fell silent, raised his sleeve subconsciously, covered his chin, and responded with a smile.

The two women with the same black belly looked at each other in this way, and the surrounding temperature decreased slightly.


Shi Sheng Wan in the distance whispered, turned around and walked away, while Shi Ming Maru beside Shi Sheng Wan watched Saye and Hui collide at night and immediately followed.

Raven Tengu girls do n’t want to be affected by this strange battlefield here.

At this time, a wilderness land hundreds of kilometers away from Monster Mountain.

The sky above the wasteland showed a ripple of space. With the fluctuation, a huge black sphere slowly appeared, falling down from the high sky.


This is not the roar of the black sphere hitting the ground, but the sound of the sphere exploding.

When it was less than 100 meters above the ground, the dark sphere exploded strongly, roaring through the sky, and a strong hurricane rolled up in the vast wilderness.

In that violent hurricane, a girl with short green hair wearing a plaid shirt appeared in the sky.

That is no one else, it is the master of the flowers of the four seasons-Feng Jian You Xiang!

Seeing her inexplicably appear in such a place, Feng Jianyouxiang's face was naturally unhappy. This scene reminded her of the loach-like monster sage.



With a sip, the girl's body burst into an unimaginable frenzy of demon power.

Under the raging tide that swept the world, the hurricane that was raging couldn't turn over at all, and it quickly calmed down, and the entire wilderness seemed to turn into a sea of ​​flowers.

Uncountable, a large number of flowers bloom and bloom everywhere on this barren plain

"It's so beautiful!"

At this moment, Youxiang's ear came a relaxed admiration.

Brows can't help but lightly pick, the queen of flowers turns her head slightly, and then she sees, the figure of the heavenly demon does not know when to appear near herself, the face is full of intoxication.

The new master of the monster mountain seems to be admiring the beauty of the fragrant sea of ​​flowers.

"Beauty comes at a price!"

A look of arc appeared on his face, and the warlikeness gradually appeared in the scarlet eyes of Fengxiang Youxiang. "If you have the blood of a big monster as a flower fat, I think it will be even more beautiful." ->

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