My Infinite Life

Vol 4 Chapter 21: Hell comes seventh!

Once the Crusaders, who had dedicated everything to the glory of the Lord, once again assembled, the knights around the world were reaching helicopters to London, and then brought death.

On the edge of the city, on the other end of the broad river, the snake-eyed bishop Maxville is waiting for the final brigade to attack.

At that time, the British pagans and monsters abandoned by the Lord will be turned into ashes under the wrath of God.

He has smelled the breath of war, and can't wait to wait, waiting for the beginning of the war, and waiting for His Holiness the Pope's messenger to bring the brand new holy to his own.

At that time, that tie that burned like blood would decorate its own suit with the blood and fire of London.

And in the sky at the end of everyone's sight, a group of airships like ghosts traveling through the clouds were full of monsters eager for hell.

When the night began to fall, the roaring Jing flute suddenly began to reverberate in the army command room.

It was like the moment when the moon soared, all the institutions lost contact with the headquarters, and in the sound of Jing flute, bad news sounded in the headquarters.

"The general intelligence control headquarters of the general government has lost contact!"

"Not reachable!"

"London btn social control bureau also lost communication!"

"At present, the civil communication telephone lines in the capital circle are completely unavailable!"

The middlemost correspondent turned his head nervously and yelled, "The Royal Air Force Base has no contact!"

"Atlantic Fleet Fleet Command communication is interrupted!"

"The intelligence control department of the Ministry of National Defense has no contact!"

With more and more bad news, the map of the light blue s on the screen became a deep red representing the warning one by one

Until the end, the intelligence representing the arrival of the war finally sounded: "The general has a civilian grade report to find the airship team in Newfields, South London."

Perwood whispered incredulously, "Is the airship really going to war?"

Intergula was expressionless and smoked a cigar and replied, "Exactly."


The woman, who had always been famous for her strength, closed her eyes and the fog of tobacco rose from the cigar: "War"

"it has started!"

The huge spaceships were walking through the night, flying in the bright and cold moonlight. The monsters who seemed to wake up in the end of the year opened their eyes and flew into the sky in droves, casting a huge shadow on the earth.

With the cheering that the vampires can't wait for, the crazy war of the Third Reign is ignited again from the dusty years, held by the monsters in the hand, and will soon fall from the sky.

The soldiers who turned into vampires from World War II to the present cheered and roared: "Go forward!"

The huge spaceships made a low sound in the night sky, flying, crossing the river with their own shadow, and then covering the lights of London.

Among the dozens of spaceships, the vampires held their breath at the same time. They seemed to have smelled the sweetness of the flesh and blood in the air. The heart that had dried up in the chest for years seemed to be beating nervously at this moment.

Now that it has become a monster, then it should be more along the original crazy road, turning the whole world into a purgatory where they can survive

Even if they are waiting for them in front of them is perishing.

go ahead! go ahead! Go to hell!

London's lights will turn into flames in the battlefield in a few moments.

Under the night sky, the astounding crowd in the street pointed at the sky above, and in the depths of the crowd, the quiet men who didn't exist there smiled.

The moment Kira is waiting for has finally arrived

He seemed to be able to hear the monster monster who turned into a war on the spaceship cheering and toasting with his monsters!

In the unanimous response of the vampires, he did not drink the champagne in his hands, but let it fall from his hands.

At that moment when the wine glass fell into pieces, Kira saw countless streamers flashing in the sky.

In the night sky, they rushed out of the spaceship, blazing like **** on the black sky.

That is

Among the panicked and chaotic crowd, Kira's eye pupil was illuminated by the flashing light, and said in a low voice: "Missile."

The first missile gliding in the night sky penetrated the Big Ben that stood still in countless winds and rains, so in the sudden fire and the loud noise, the British gentlemen were proud of The symbol collapsed in the flames of war, and the stones shattered, making a final groan.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, fourth and even the buildings lit by the explosion illuminated the night sky.

The war was finally ignited, and the war began!

In the crowd's sight, the layered spaceships slowly spread out, and then scattered the flames that had been accumulated for half a century without aim.

There is no need to aim or any target, they just need to sound the first echo of the war.

Vent the hunger and thirst of the monsters and announce their coming

Endless flames fell from the sky, and this historical ancient capital wailed in the bombing of missiles.

Until now, the ignorant crowd finally reacted, screaming and running away.

No more explanation is needed, they still understand: war is coming.

It seemed that there was only a moment, and it seemed that after a long burning, the dark sky was red by the fire on the earth.

The scarlet flame burned in the building, and the dead bodies involved in the explosion were scattered on the ground.

In an instant, the peaceful night scene was transformed into a slaughterhouse among the monsters' grinning.

Burning red clouds in London burned with **** flames everywhere, like **** glowing

There was no order and law, the screaming and frantic crowd ran around, looking for every safe place.

Nagato and Saya are drinking tea at the teahouse at this time.

After a few days of rest, Nagato waited sharply for Israel, and in order to get rid of Anderson, Nagato prepared a suitable weapon for himself.

For the situation in London at this time, Nagato is also very clear, but what about that!

The sympathy of Nagato has always been pitiful!

ps: Thank you "dxsjh" "false mask" for the monthly ticket! The song of **** seems a bit unpopular, well, let's end soon! ..

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