My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 95: The power of heaven and earth


That is heaven, earth, yin and yang!

In a sense, the power of Qiankun is almost equal to the power of the origin, but compared to the purest power of the origin, the bias of the power of Qiankun is obvious.

As the name suggests, the emergence of the power of heaven and earth requires the sky and the earth!

Therefore, the power of the universe is the manifestation of a certain plane!

As Zhou Yi said, the power of Qiankun is exactly what Nagato needs, because the red-haired boy is desperate to know more about this mysterious plane.


"I know that it is Kanako Yasaka!"

Also walked up to the altar of heaven and earth, placed Kanako Yasaka next to the pillar, turned the long gate, and looked at the haze around the iron wheel in front of him with some tangled eyes:

"Then Kun Kun's power is to whisper Suwa, but how did she become like this!"

"Isn't it normal to lose one's form without faith?" Zhou Yi replied subconsciously when he heard the words of the long gate and was using his finger to engrave the new gods on the altar.

"No, I don't mean that!"

Shaking his head, Nagato pondered a little, then said, "I mean, the two of them should appear in the future fantasy town."

"But in this case, Kanako Yasaka doesn't say, Xieya Suwazi can't sustain it for ten years."


After stopping the movement in his hand, Zhou Yi was also silent, and he replied for a long time. "The memory of the previous life is not necessarily prepared. Perhaps, there is a turning point that we do not know."


Nagato is undeniable and does not know what is thinking.

Almost thirty minutes later

Zhou Yi has already made his own arrangements, and the silver-haired children have used the scriptures they have comprehended to tamper with the original contract scriptures into another form.

The original contract is the contract of Yasaka Kanako, Xieya Suwako and Yingzhou Royal Patriarch!

The content of the contract is that, in exchange for the beliefs collected by the royal family of Yingzhou, Kanako Yasaka and Yuko Shiya must stay in the imperial palace of Yingzhou and help when the royal family is in danger.

According to Zhou Yi's speculation, the contract was signed shortly after the end of the previous era.

At that time, the two gods Kanako should be in the weakest period.

Therefore, such a passive contract will be signed.

Then, the two gods were directly pitted!

Although the faith collected by the Yingzhou royal family survived, the two gods became the permanent patron saints of the Yingzhou royal family and were imprisoned in the imperial palace of Yingzhou.

The most pitfall is that with the passage of time, the rise of monsters, the royal family collected fewer and fewer beliefs.

Under such circumstances, the indigenous **** Xieya Suwazi was the first to fall asleep.

And Yasaka Kanako's power is constantly weakening. If she had not absorbed a large amount of belief power at one time, I am afraid that even the power standing in front of the long gate would be gone.

"It's too embarrassing to look straight!"

Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help making such a judgment, and then the red-haired teenager looked at Zhou Yi's just-tampered contractual scripture and couldn't help laughing.

The changes made by Zhou Yi were very large, in a sense completely subverting the whole contractual scripture.

In the new contract, the Yingzhou royal family became a pure provider of faith, with no part of the interest, and even the collection of faith by itself became something of Zhou Yi.

Yasaka Kanako and Xieya Suwako belonged to Nagato in the form of subordinate gods.

In short, Nagato and Zhou Yi both turned into robbers and directly robbed all their original interests, leaving no interest at all.

"Of course, it is difficult for me to complete this demanding contract directly."

Strolling to the magic knife on the altar, Zhou Yi directly reached out with one hand and gently swiped on the blade, and the blood quickly merged into the magic knife:

"Therefore, you need the elder brother to transform and use the power of fate."


After listening to Zhou Yi, Nagato nodded.

Although it has been determined not to use forces other than the dragon extermination method in this plane, the red-haired boy has never been a pedantic existence, and when necessary, it will not be taken into account.

At the moment, the figure of the red-haired boy slowly suspended, standing in the void above the altar.

Invisible power diffused from the red-haired boy and flowed on the altar.

The entire altar seemed to be activated, and the divine writing began to shine.

From the perspective of the long gate, it is easy to see that the discords that exist in the divine writings, in short, there are two kinds of divine writings, which cannot be perfectly integrated.

The red-haired boy knows that now is the time for his own shot

"Tamper, destiny !!!"

Along with the language of words and spirits, the overbearing mysterious power spewed out of the void and washed over the altar, forcibly fusing two different scriptures.

Under such power, the Divine Sword glowed with golden light and merged into Zhou Yi's body.

The silver-haired child grew up more than ten centimeters out of thin air in an instant

Subsequently, Zhou Yi and the entire altar of heaven and earth had a deeper resonance. At the same time, other existences on the altar were suspended under the fluctuations caused by this resonance.

Soon, the mist-filled iron wheel and the pillar supporting Kanako rose to the sides of the long gate.

"In the name of my Lord of Chaos, enforce the contract!"

The power of the Protoss disappeared and turned into the power of Chaos Realm in a moment. The left hand of Nagato reached into the mist on the iron wheel, and the right hand directly held the small hand of Kanako Yasaka.

The power of chaos poured from the hands of the red-haired boy, and the void even showed a burst of instability.

"Boom! Boom !!"

In the two consecutive roars, the iron wheel and haze turned into a brilliant light group, and the pillars and kanako were also covered by the light. Under the power of chaos, the two gods were undergoing the expected transformation.

In this transformation, Nagato felt separately that the power of Qian and the power of Kun were flowing into his body from his own two hands, and merged into the power of heaven and earth!


In an instant, the sea of ​​red-haired teenagers seemed to explode with a roar, and countless messages from this plane emerged, which were constantly absorbed by the spirit of Nagato.

In the process, the red-haired boy's breath became thicker and thicker

The origin of the dragon is like a heartbeat!

In a trance, Nagato seemed to hear Orpheus's cheerful dragon chant, and even the red-haired boy felt that as long as this state continued, he should be able to complete his dragon's origin completely soon ..

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