My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 123: The fangs that show up are the first!


Under the order of Shisheng Pill, the monster army screamed.

After a hearty victory, the morale of the entire Monster Corps is like a rainbow, and the bloodiness and killing of all monsters have been fully stimulated.

Therefore, after hearing the order of killing pills, all the monsters were excited.


After seeing the reactions of the monsters around, and feeling the enthusiasm of the monster, even the indifferent killing pills can't help but show a little smile.

The so-called monster is such a free, unbridled existence!

"So, let's make a big noise!"

As soon as he had finished speaking, Shisheng Pill jumped into the void and ran out towards the center of the moon capital in the manner of a volley, as fast as lightning.

"Kill !!!"

"Vow to die to follow Master Shengsheng Maru!"

"Stupid moon people, hand over the moon capital!"

After seeing the killing pills, the monsters shouted and followed closely, but the chaotic voice implied amazing fighting intentions and enthusiasm, and the endless killing opportunities were revealed.

The vast and enchanting spirit swept the world, causing all the surviving moon rabbits to tremble.

"Ah, it's really bloody."

Above and behind the Monster Corps, Kanako Yasaka was riding on the pure white clouds, looking at the marching scene underneath.

"It reminds me of the days before the battle, and I really miss it."


Hearing Yasaka Kanako's words, Seyasuwako sitting next to her couldn't help but snorted coldly. The former indigenous **** would never forget that she was also one of the targets of Kanako's previous battles.

At the beginning, Xieya Suwazi was a deity standing at the apex of the indigenous god, and Yasaka Kanako was the conquering **** sent by the Yamato Shinto to conquer the rest of Yingzhou.

The two are opposing spirits in their innate positions.

The first meeting was a battle of life and death, and in that fierce battle of Gods, Xieya Suwazi defeated, losing his territory and kingdom of faith.

The original Xieya Suwazi would die as a result, but survived because of his particularity.

In fact, if it wasn't for her and Kanako after going through a lot of misfortunes, and even supporting each other through the catastrophe of the times, the hatred between the two would not end so simply.

However, although he survived, it does not mean that Suwako did not care about the defeat.

"Ah, sorry, sorry!"

Hearing Xieya Suwako's cold hum, Yasaka Kanako couldn't help but apologize with a smile. Yasaka Kanako was also a little speechless about the heart of the little kid from time to time

Obviously, Suwako's stability and calculation are stronger than his own.

Such thoughts flashed in her mind, and the girl turned to the topic and said, "Speaking, Suwako, did you feel anything wrong with the moon?"

Xieya Suwako squinted at Yasaka Kanako, but she was too lazy to answer. For the unfamiliar place, the girl was too lazy to express her opinion.

"You know, this is the site that you see at night!"

Obviously, Kanako Yasaka didn't expect his partner to answer, but thought for himself, "In my memory, this is a very sinister goddess."

"If her hole cards are all these, my first kanako did not believe it!"

"You know, the gods of Tianzhao were all turned around."

"Ah la la, somehow, a little curious!"

With that said, Kanako Yasaka drives the clouds under her feet and keeps on advancing with the legion. As the leader of the legion, she and Suwako can't fall behind.

After all, this is the task assigned by their main god, the Long Gate!

The most important thing is that after watching a war, the blood in Kanako Yasaka also began to boil, and the girl didn't want to be playing soy sauce all the time.

The hunch of the gods told Kanako Yasaka that the real battle is probably just beginning

The premonition of Kanako Yasaka soon became a reality.

At the beginning, the attack of the monster army was almost unfavorable, and the fortifications in the moon capital could not stop these monsters that had been completely burned.

The people of the moon and the moon rabbits they lead are more like scorpions

In less than ten minutes, the Monster Corps broke through to the core area of ​​the Moon City.

However, at this moment, amazing changes were born!


The whole month shook in an instant

With the central palace of the moon capital as the core, the mysterious waves that are difficult to describe in words spread out, and all the people of the moon and moon rabbits swept by the waves instantly reddened their eyes.

The madness and restlessness pervaded, and the army guarding the moon capital was all crazy!

The people of the moon are no longer indifferent, and the rabbits are no longer timid

Under such a will, in conjunction with the super-age technology in the core area, the Moon Corps guarding the central core area has exerted an extremely amazing fighting power.

This caused the monster legions that had just entered this place to be seriously hit in an instant.


Seeing this scene, Shi Sheng Wan couldn't help but let out a dissatisfied hum.

At this moment, the silver-haired monster pulled out from his waist the blade of the tooth he had forged in this world, the ghost tooth, and waved towards the Moon Legion that was constantly attacking in the distance.

In an instant, the icy sword pressure appeared in the air, advancing at a terrifying speed and killing the enemy.


Suddenly roaring, the densely packed Legion of Moon in the eyes of Shi Sheng Wan showed a long gap, but he still had to wait for the orders of the monsters around him.

The long gap was quickly filled by the moon rabbits.


Seeing this change, Shi Sheng Wan couldn't help but slightly surprised, but soon, the silver-haired monster suddenly became, "It's really interesting that someone in the Legion of the Moon is commanding."

"Finally, can't help but show your fangs, see you on moon night!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Shi Shengwan subconsciously stepped on the ground under his feet.

The silver-haired monster can clearly perceive it, and with the delay of time, the earth underfoot is undergoing some wonderful changes at an alarming rate.

When this change is completely over, it is probably the time when the real fangs of the moon city light up. ..

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