My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 7: Dragon claw butcher **** fourth!

Guren's flame burst and roar

The devil's muscle-like agent was blasted out and smashed heavily on the ground.

Then the hot flame swept through the air and dissipated, revealing Hong Meiling's vigorous posture, landing like a light ape, and the red-haired girl's face could not help showing a little success.

"Let you look down upon me, this is retribution!"

So proudly speaking, Hong Meiling actually did not have a half-point accident.

After all, compared to Hong Meiling's authentic inheritance, which has received some long gates, and after nearly a thousand years of practice and the existence after the baptism of the dragon extermination method, the power of the agent can be described as small.

A head-on collision between the two people will have such a result. In the eyes of Hongmeiling, it is completely normal.

It's just that other agents are not so easy to accept this fact.

Immediately, all the agents could not help but exclaim.

And what is the result of being distracted in battle?

The originally suppressed scene suddenly turned to one-sided, almost less than a moment, the digital agents were knocked down to the ground, and the body was controlled by the magic power of the girls.

"Sir, the battle is over."

After doing all this, one of the slightly mature rabbit monsters walked to the long door and bowed to salute, "The enemy is all captive, how to deal with it next, please give your instructions!"


Facing the rabbit demon's request, Nagato just nodded gently and didn't pay attention to it directly.

At this time, Pa Qiuli's problems were more troublesome than Nagato's imagination. He needed to concentrate a little bit of energy to deal with them perfectly.

After all, the girl in her arms is the woman scheduled by Nagato, or almost all the women in Nagato Township.


At this moment, the devastated muscular man suddenly coughed up blood, and then said, "Here, heretics! My lord, I will not let you go, Lord, I, I beg you!"


With this guy's half-dead speech, a sudden white light rose into the sky.

At the next moment, a faint divine power spread through the forest, and the devil muscle man stood up again, his eyes filled with silver, and six pairs of pure white wings appeared behind him.

Sensing these supernatural powers, the rabbit monsters could not help but tremble, and the agents were all mad with expressions.

"Damn it !!"

Seeing this scene, Hong Meiling's face changed slightly.

The girl really didn't expect that it was just a group of walkers, and it didn't actually lead to the advent of the spirit of the god. How stingy the **** in front of him would do such a thing.

After being surprised, the girl's face showed an angry look.

It ’s just a god. Red Meiling has never been seen in Baiyujing. If you do n’t want other powers to pollute some of the authentic power you get from Lord Nagato, Red Meiling will even run to be a **** killer.

Even the gods dare to be arrogant in front of her and Lord Nagato.

and so

"go to hell!!"

The method of extinguishing the dragon was fully implemented, and the power of the dragon shining with fire and light burst out, and a little red lotus spell was filled around the girl, as if a humanoid dragon was charging.

The domineering posture of the girl made the consciousness of the **** who had just arrived slightly change.

"Law: Holy Guard!"

The indifferent voice of God echoed in the air, and the divine power instantly condensed into a barrier, and there was a frontal collision with the red Meiling that charged.


In a sudden burst of sound, the sacred barriers split directly in half.

Such a situation made the god's face change, but he didn't wait for him to make a new action. Hong Meiling had rushed in and instantly came to the body before the **** came to the body, punching out directly:

"The intersection of fire and light, the iron fist of the red lotus dragon !!!"


In the sudden roar, the advent of the gods flew out.

To the naked eye, the attacked head of this guy suddenly deformed, but the divine power in the void came again, and the advent body was quickly restored.

Seeing this scene, Hong Meiling's eyes froze and rushed up again.

"Law: Imprisonment !!"

And all of this, the advent of the gods apparently absorbed the lesson, and replaced a new spirit of speech, the invisible power of time and space suddenly appeared, and the red beauty bell without the power of time and space was instantly imprisoned.


With a cold snort, Hong Meiling is about to explode with more powerful power!


"Stop, Meiling!"

Sudden voice echoed around. This voice seemed to have a magical power, dispelling the anger accumulated in Hong Meiling's heart, and letting the advent of the **** involuntarily annotate.

"If you are allowed to fight him in full, this forest will be destroyed!"

Still holding Pa Qiuli in her arms, the red-haired boy raised his head slightly, and looked at the divine advent, "The only god? Forget it, no matter who you are, today's things stop here, leave yourself. . "


"Here, be bold !!"

"How dare you talk to my lord !!"

The advent of the gods hadn't finished speaking, and the agents clamored loudly, even if they were caught by the enemy at this time, their names were worrying, but they couldn't see this from their expressions.


Hearing these sounds, Nagato said softly.

The invisible power spread out, and directly shattered the souls of these agents, and immediately these angered guys fell to the ground one after another. Although the body was still breathing, it was already scattered.

"Law: Town"

After the Long Gate started, the advent of the deity immediately shot towards the red-haired boy.

"It turned out to be just a puppet of faith!"

Seeing the strangeness on the other side, Nagato was a little surprised at first, and then could not help being speechless, "I thought that the Western Supreme God of the last era really survived the disaster. Right. "

As soon as the words fell, Nagato raised his right hand, and the ice-blue scales spread out, transforming Nagato's right hand into dragon claws.

The dark blue dragon claw volleyed out, instantly penetrated the void, and grabbed the head of the god's coming body. With a bang, the dragon claw crushed the head directly.

It didn't stop there, and then the dragon claws continued to probe into the void, along some connection in the underworld, through the heart of the god's body. ..

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