My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 23: Advent and plan to subscribe!

"Really, is this?"

He kicked a gravel at the foot into the deep pit in front of him, and a little hesitation appeared on the face of Mebius who hadn't seen an echo for a long time.

Although I have heard Longmen said before that this bottomless hole is the entrance to another living space, but in the face of such a bottomless hole, even if it is cheerful like Mebis, it is still a little scared.

"right here!"

Faced with the girl's doubts, the red-haired young man said with a smile.

After arranging the future of Edras, Nagato came here with Mebis. As for the future development of Edras, it is beyond the attention of the red-haired boy.

In any case, Edras's pattern is too small after all, and it really makes the long door lazy to pay attention.

Being able to make so many arrangements is already in the face of Mebis.

And here, three days ago, the long gate saw from the memory of the dragon that was killed by his own soul. The dragons came from the space on the other side through the bottomless hole in front of them.

"That's it!"

With such a sigh, Maybez couldn't help but take a few deep breaths and adjusted his breathing and mentality, "So what should I do next, jump directly into this bottomless hole?"

During the speech, the girl even made a move to take off, and all the hesitation had disappeared.

Looking at such an excellent mentality, Nagato couldn't help but feel satisfied.

"No, I have to deal with it."

Raising his hand and holding Mebis, let her be restless, and then the red-haired boy wandered to the edge of the bottomless hole, stomped his foot gently, and suddenly, with the foot of the long door as the center, the ripples in the space ripple .

Under the ripples in the space, the deepest bottomless hole gradually narrowed, and soon the radius was less than one meter.

"It's now!"

With the sudden command of Nagato, Mebius jumped into the bottomless hole almost unconsciously, and then Nagato also stepped in. After the two disappeared, the huge bottomless hole completely disappeared.

The whole Edras seemed to be slightly shocked, and there seemed to be some changes in the world.

And after jumping into the bottomless hole, the two of the long doors fell into an endless darkness.

The keen sense of extreme allows the red-haired boy to easily capture the fluctuations of space, the many space debris hidden in the depths of the darkness, and the surrounding space, and a few space cracks.

In the final analysis, this spatial channel is completely open naturally, and naturally there will be various problems.

Only a creature with a thick skin and a thick skin can enter and leave at will regardless of these factors.

Fortunately, before jumping in, the red-haired boy had taken over the wild space channel, otherwise, Mebis, who had just extracted some magic power, was in danger.

Soon, Nagato and Mebius suddenly discovered that the environment in front of them had changed, the light appeared, and the darkness was dispersed.

Along with the light, there was a roar filled with eardrums and a vast air current.

Nagato and Mebius appeared directly in the sky.


Feeling the vast air current around him, Mebis not only didn't have a fear on his face, but instead showed a big smile, "I didn't expect to pass through the bottomless hole, I would come to the sky!" In addition to the previous slightly adventurous moves, the girl ’s adventurous heart has been completely stirred up at this moment.

"Hahaha, this is just the beginning !!"

Seeing the girl's performance, the red-haired teenager also laughed loudly, and took Mebius around him into his arms, and then the two continued to accelerate and fall down towards the ground below.

During this constant fall, the smiles on the faces of Nagato and Mebius grew stronger.

In just a moment, the ground becomes clearer


When the teenage girl fell to less than 100 meters from the ground, a sudden shock wave burst from the free palm of the long gate and hit the ground fiercely.

In the violent roar, a large pit was directly blasted from the ground, and the smoke stirred up.

Under the influence of the recoil force, the falling speed of the two people was reduced madly.

Until the two of Nagato touched the ground, exactly zero

This is a perfect landing!

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away

Here is another continent separated by the only sea in this space. In the hinterland east of this continent, there is a huge lake named Lake of Mist.

The origin of the name of this lake is precisely because of the surrounding area, which is permeated with fog all the year round.

Regardless of the season, regardless of the temperature, the fog does not disperse throughout the year.

In the depths of this haze area, there is a very strange **** fog area. This is a dangerous restricted area recognized by all forces within a hundred miles of the surrounding area, and no life is allowed to come close.

There were once a few dragons who entered in a desperate way, and soon, people outside the area heard earth-shattering wailing.

Then again, the mourning disappeared, and the dragons never came out again

Standing in the middle of the **** mist is a red castle.

In the central hall inside the castle, the girl who was sleeping on the throne slowly opened her eyes, turned her head slightly, and looked in the direction of the long gate.

"Well, is it coming so soon, my dear father!"

Speaking softly, the girl's eyes were filled with a confused look, and then she seemed to remember something. The girl shook her head. "It's not yet the time, at least to wait for me and Furan to finish what they want to do."

"Yes, if you don't make any achievements, it's really not good to see your father."

Just then, at the entrance of the hall, there were four girls with identical appearances but very different temperaments, and one of the girls whose temperament seemed to be more wise was so agreeable.

"That's it, Furan is a capable good boy."

"It's a pity that I miss my father!"

"Ah, what can I do if I can't stand it, I want to destroy everything!"

The other three same girls all echoed, but the last girl was obviously different from the others. The extremely violent temperament and sickly tone made everyone feel a chill.

"Since that is the case, then speed up the plan!"

The **** the throne looked at the tyrannical girl and said with a sigh, and after hearing this reply, the breath of the violent girl calmed down slightly and nodded slightly. ..

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