My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 34: Subscription for travel and encounters

After dropping Mebius, Nagato began to control the alien world.

Originally, the red-haired boy was prepared to kill the dragon that was raging on the mainland with his own strength, and to gain the favor of the fate of the fate of the fate, so as to peep at the root of the root.

Only after leaving the city of the Niebit tribe, the inexplicable emergence of the red-haired boy came up with the idea of ​​seeing the world in person.

Although Nagato also thought that his thoughts were inexplicable, after a short moment of thought, the red-haired boy decided to obey his own germinating thoughts.

Because he is the master of the chaotic future-Nagato, his ideas are absolutely not accidental, only inevitable.

Now that such an idea has arisen, there must be a reason why Nagato does this.

Although this idea does not hinder Nagato's intention to kill all dragons, but because of this idea, Nagato gave up the faster teleport as a movement method and changed to hiking.

The teenager's travel has no destination, but just moves forward according to his own feelings.

The mountains surrounded by clouds and the bottomless canyons do not matter, even the dangerous places such as hot volcanoes, horrible swamps, etc. No matter how bad the environment is, the footsteps of the long gate cannot be stopped.

Time passed in a hurry, and it was fleeting. From the long gate, I started hiking, and a month soon passed.

In this short month, the red-haired boy has seen a lot of strange and dangerous places, traversing the ruins and ancient sites in the old forests of the deep mountains, and has fully realized the colorfulness of life.

The down-to-earth travel gradually stabilized the temperament of Nagato, which was originally a bit impetuous because of falling into a terrifying situation, and gradually stabilized.

The colorful environment also allows the red-haired boy's mind to be more stable, and has a speechless spirit.

Under such circumstances, Nagato himself became more relaxed and detached from the world.

——Perhaps this is the reason for the idea of ​​hiking.

Feeling what happened to him, Nagato thought of it.

But, everything has two sides

Travel does allow Nagato to adjust its mindset, but it is not without harm.

Because it is just a purposeless hike, the red-haired boy has not traveled a great distance in the past month. The number of dragons encountered can be counted with both hands.

Although the red-haired teenagers have already killed the dragons they met, this is of little significance to the huge base of the dragons.

During the journey, Nagato has seen broken human towns and displaced humans more than once.

Although this era is a battle between humans and dragons, when humans face giant dragons, they do not have any advantage at all. Even the magicians in humans have achieved a record in the face of giant dragons with extremely high magic defense. The same is not great.

In a sense, the so-called human-dragon dispute is a joke!


"Humans, there is never lack of bravery!"

With a soft sigh, the eyes of the red-haired boy penetrated through a town more than ten kilometers away with the strength of the body, where a battle between humans and dragons was ongoing.

Nagato could clearly see how fearless those human warriors faced the raging of the black dragon.

He knew that he would die when he stepped forward, but those humans are still struggling to attack. Those humans perfectly interpreted what a hero is.

Rao is the ruthlessness of Nagato. In the face of such a situation, he still couldn't help admiring.

However, the admiration and admiration, the red-haired boy's pace of advancement remains unchanged.

Although he could reach there instantly with his own ability, kill the dragons and rescue those humans, but for the Nagato, this kind of meaningless thing, he was too lazy to do it.

Therefore, when the red-haired boy wandered to the nearby town, the whole town was completely ruined.

In the middle of the ruins, the proud black dragon looked up and shouted, and his voice was a bit loud.


Can't help but let out a cold hum. The long door injects the power of the dragon in his body into the hum. In an instant, an invisible sound wave hit the dragon's body, causing him to tremble and directly choke.

Immediately, Black Dragon's eyes showed a fierce, watching around, and soon locked the long door.


There was no intention of any verbal communication at all. The black dragon opened his mouth directly towards the location of the long gate, and spewed a dark to slightly white dragon breath directly at the red-haired boy.

Facing the dragon's breath of the black dragon, Nagato's face did not change, and his purple eyes were filled with indifference, and the murderous opportunity appeared.

Not only did Black Dragon have no intention of communicating, but Nagato himself had no idea of ​​communicating.

In his view, these impure blood dragons are nothing but their own prey.

The so-called prey, just die!

And at this moment-


The second dragon's roar suddenly echoed in the void, and at the next moment, the hot flame fell from above, and there was a frontal collision with the impact of the black dragon breath.

During the collision, there was a burst of weak impact, making the purple robe hunting on the long door, and the long red hair spread.


Brows raised slightly, Nagato raised his head slightly, and then he saw that a giant red dragon was built from the sky, fell in front of him, and confronted the black dragon.

The intertwined Long Wei collided in the space, making the surrounding air seem a little frozen.

"Stop it, Kuros!"

I saw the crimson dragon spoke in vain, and its sound was like a thunderous sensation, making the long door standing behind the dragon frown slightly, trying to kill it.

Only the next moment, what the black dragon said, let the red-haired boy stop the killing in his heart.

"Absolutely impossible, Fire Dragon King-Iguniro!"

It seemed to be very dissatisfied with the words of the Scarlet Dragon. The black dragon opened his mouth, and his voice was full of tyrannical emotions, "Damn man, he killed my wife, these ants are all **** !!!

"Fire Dragon King-Iguniro ?!"

The memory of the fairy tail in the previous life flashed in my mind, and a little surprise appeared on the face of the red-haired boy. "I didn't expect to meet the adoptive father of the original character here!" ..

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