My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 54: Dark demon! Second more!

"Ha, that's it!"

After doing all this, a sigh of emotion appeared on Nagato's face.

To be honest, the appearance of this mysterious darkness really surprised the red-haired teenager, because he has seen the origin of this dark, which is exactly the negative force that was abandoned by the Nagato when he collected the luck of the Clan a hundred years ago.

I just didn't expect that the power I abandoned gave birth to consciousness, and I was finally suppressed by myself!

This is simply a reincarnation!

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and the long door found that Remilia had puckered her mouth.

Slightly stunned, the red-haired teenager instantly understood that this was the trouble of her daughter because she had grabbed her limelight, and the Nagato immediately raised her hand and rubbed the little girl's head.

"Girl, you are doing very well, it is my daughter!"

"What, suddenly say this!"

Originally because of being disliked as a child and rubbing his head, Remy was disturbed after hearing the words of the long door. She first panicked and earned the right hand of the long door. Then she said slightly proudly:

"Of course, I am the inheritor of Zhu Yue, Lord Remilia!"

"Yes Yes!"

The girl whispered softly, and the gaze of the long gate shifted slightly. At this time, on the broken ground around the area, Hong Meiling and others were constantly chasing down the church soldiers and angels who were fleeing.

From the perspective of Nagato, the victory of the war has been determined at this time, and the church is the end of the crossbow.

Sure enough, in less than a few minutes, the power of the church was completely wiped out!

At this moment, Nagato saw the big goblin and Qi Lu Nuo.

"How did you come out?"

Although Nagato did not require these two goblins to stay on the Big Devil forever, this did not mean that Nagato wanted them to come out. Subconsciously, the red-haired teenager did not want the goblins to get too much blood.

After all, the existence of the goblin seems to be too pure, and it really makes people unwilling to dye it in different colors.

Of course, in fact, the blood has no effect on the goblin. At least the two goblins and Qi Lu Nuo see the surroundings, and there is no negative emotions on their faces except for surprise.

In the eyes of pure creatures such as goblins, the blood may not be much different from the body fluids of the souls-they are all fluids on the souls!

"That, Qi Lu Nuo has been arguing to come out, hehe!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, the big goblin smiled a little embarrassedly. Although she was the guardian of Qi Luno, because of the predecessor of the ice goblin, if Qi Luno really wants to do anything, the big goblin will not object.

"Wow, it's fire!"

At this time, Qi Lu Nuo looked at the burning karma with her eyes glowing, and then the ice goblin directly instigated her three pairs of ice crystal wings and flew directly above the karma:

"Look at Miss Ben freezing this flame!"

With that said in his mouth, Qi Lu Nuo released a cold wind.

The scale of this wind is very small, but it is indeed the wind that can freeze small items, but the wind is facing a very flaming business fire. The cold wind blows, and the business fire is more vigorous.

"Haha, is this guy an idiot ?!"

Seeing this scene, Remilia suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"You are an idiot!"

After hearing Remilia's words, Qi Lu Nuo's attention immediately turned to Miss Vampire's body. Soon, the goblin flew to Remilia, and the predominant opening announced:

"Lao Niang is the strongest ice queen Qi Lu Nuo, worship it!"

"what did you say?!!"

Hearing Qi Lu Nuo's words, and then seeing her move, Missy was immediately irritated, and flew up, "If your purpose is to irritate me, then I congratulate you on your success, goblin."

In words, Remilia even condensed her magic gun, and a magic circle spread behind her.

Although this provocative ice goblin looks idiotic, Remilia clearly remembers that this guy had actually played a game of transformation-she was not weak after the transformation!

"I'm afraid you won't work!"

"Then come!"

The simple slogan smoothly evolved into a battle, so Remilia and Qi Lu Nuo started a fierce battle. Ok, Remilia instantly killed Qi Lu Nuo.

"Ah, why haven't you turned!"

After killing each other in seconds, Missy could not help but stay in place.

On the other side, the big goblin strolled forward and hugged Qilunuo who fell to the ground in a familiar car. To be honest, the big goblin was also somewhat helpless for her queen to always die like this.


Seeing this discovery, the red-haired boy couldn't help but laugh heartily. Qi Lu Nuo's transformation is not a regular move, except when the ice goblin really shows its murderous intention.

The conflict with Remilia, in the consciousness of the ice goblin, is probably just a joke.

"Don't laugh!"

Hearing the laughter of Nagato, Remilia's cheeks were flushed.

"Good! I don't laugh?"

Originally prepared to coax his daughter's long door, suddenly felt something strange, slightly surprised, the red-haired boy's eyes looked at the center of the gradually shrinking karma-where the darkness was suppressed.

Nagato clearly sensed that the dark consciousness had just been wiped out just now, but the consciousness wave was born again in a flash.

This bizarre situation, Rao's insights with Nagato can't help but be a little puzzled, and even more curious!

Nagato's move soon attracted the attention of others around him, and others followed suit, following the eyes of the red-haired boy, even Remilia was no exception.

Under the watch of the crowd, the flame that had burned karma gradually dissipated, and a dark ball appeared in front of the crowd.

"Crack !!!"

Soon, a crack appeared on the dark ball.

Then the cracks continued to spread, and the black ball remained in pieces for less than a few seconds, and scattered into pieces, showing a red-haired little girl with red hair and red eyes who was waking up from a deep sleep.

Slowly opened her eyes, the girl showed a pair of slightly curious but pure and unusual eyes.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little dull, and what made people even more dull was that after looking around, the little girl looked closely at the Nagato and said two words:

"Dad!" ..

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