My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 56: The sneaking evil fairy second!

Huo Qing'e is an evil fairy on Kunlun Mountain!

The so-called evil fairy does not simply mean the evil fairy. For example, if the warlike fairy on the Kunlun Mountain is a sapling with a crooked plant, then the evil fairy is not a tree at all.

Fundamentally speaking, Xianxian has denied the way of reincarnation of heaven and man in this world.

Do n’t look at the group of new-generation immortals on the Kunlun Mountain, but it is only temporary. The power of the years is great, and the hearts of those immortals will one day be fully understood as time goes by.

In the end, all the fairies will either die or die, or they will become enlightened and transformed into heavens without desire!

But evil fairy is not like this, they can only be evil fairy who lives on earth!

There are not many evil immortals in the whole world, and Huo Qing'e is the most famous, because she is not only on the path of evil immortals, but also an evil immortal who thinks about evil and acts.

Huo Qing'e has a mode of thinking as long as it is beneficial to himself, no matter what his surroundings become, and his character is very evil.

However, although it is an evil fairy, Huo Qing'e is a rare Taoist revered person. He often learns to play the world like Taoist masters, but it may be because of his own nature. Girls often appear in interesting places on the earth, and they usually leave after teasing.

From this point of view, Huo Qing'e is more like a fairy than a fairy.

Huo Qing'e joined Kunlun at the beginning because she met Zhou Yi and got his promise to establish a college of immortal cultivation and spread the Taoist knowledge throughout the world.

To be honest, Huo Qing'e still appreciates Zhou Yi, but it is a pity that the extremely powerful humane saint actually died.

After Zhou Yi's death, Huo Qing'e recovered his nature and became an alternative existence in Kunlun.

Not long ago, the news of the trip of the heavenly demon spread throughout the world, and the evil fairy naturally heard about it.

As one of Zhou Yi's friends during his lifetime, Huo Qing'e knew that the humane saint took great care of the monster, the Great Demon, and she knew a lot about the Great Devil from Zhou Yi's mouth.

What force marries Hui Yeji, conquers Yingzhou monster circle, captures the capital of the moon face, etc., the big demon can really do a lot of amazing things.

Zhou Yi often sighs that if the Lord of the Monsters joins the war, I am afraid that the future of mankind is debatable.

Under such circumstances, Huo Qing'e's curiosity about the Big Sky Devil has completely reached its peak.

So, upon hearing the news of the Great Demon, Huo Qing'e immediately took action.

As for Kunlun?

Evil fairy talents will not care!

Time is in a hurry, just two hours in a flash.

When Huo Qing'e walked out of the enclave of China and found the Big Sky Demon that was staying in a beautiful place, the sky was dark, and the semicircular moon was hanging in the night sky, releasing a soft moonlight.

At the entrance of the Big Devil, there are one or two rabbit ear girls coming in and out from time to time.

"Is this, supplementing resources?"

Seeing those rabbit ear girls who entered the Big Devil either carrying a bucket or carrying game, Huo Qing'e judged so, and the most amazing thing for the evil fairy was that these rabbit ear girls were not weak.

In some relatively weak demon clan forces, these rabbit-eared girls are completely like pillars.

But such a character seems to be a servant in the car of the Big Devil!

Seen from a small age, the horror of the Great Demon has already revealed the tip of the iceberg.

"It is worthy of being the legendary lord of the monsters, the great demon who completely occupied the moon face capital!"

Such admiration flashed through her mind, and a little hesitation appeared on Huo Qing'e's face. Although Xianxian was indeed very curious about the great demon, she was never a dead man.

And now there is only one question before Huo Qing'e, that is whether to go to see the heavenly demon!

"See you!"

After pondering for a long time, Huo Qing'e made such a decision.

Although the great demon is dangerous, Huo Qing'e is very confident in his ability, especially his ability to escape, but just to see it. In the eyes of evil fairy, there should be no danger.

After making a decision, Huo Qing'e was not a person who looked ahead and looked back, immediately pinched a handprint, and the figure gradually became transparent.

In this state, Huo Qing'e slowly drifted towards the location of the great demon.

Huo Qing'e did not choose the obvious entrance and exit of Da Tian Mo as his choice of entry, but came to an obscure hull plate corner of Da Tian Mo.

Then Huo Qing'e took down the 'hairpin' on his head, or it was a small chisel.

This is a treasure that Huo Qing'e specially cultivated. This chisel can instantly make a hole in it no matter what kind of wall it is, but the gap in the wall can be restored to its original state without damage in a little time.

To some extent, this is a variant of the five-element escape technique, reflecting Huo Qing's standard on the five-element path.

Using this thing, Huo Qing'e can be equivalent to walking in and out without obstacles.

"So, it starts!"

With such words in his mouth, Huo Qing'e gently tapped the hull plate in front of his eyes with a chisel in his hand, almost without any effort, and the hull plate in front of him broke a small mouth.

Immediately, Huo Qing'e leaned into a smoke and flew in from a small mouth.

After entering the hull, Huo Qing'e was surprised, because Xian Xian discovered that the environment inside the Big Sky Demon was more complicated than she had imagined, with nine turns and eighteen turns, various facilities were emerging.

After hiding his body, Xian Xian walked in the hull for a while, and even found many facilities that he was interested in.

But this is also normal. After all, the facilities here are manufactured according to the standard of the moon capital, far beyond the ground. It is indeed normal for Huo Qing'e, who was an ancient person, to be interested.

It's just that Huo Qing'e can't try it in person, because there are already a few little girls playing in those facilities.

Although it is only a distant perception, Huo Qing'e can clearly perceive the power of those little girls.

Especially one of the little girls who is pretending to be majestic is inaccessible.


"That's the breath of fate, what a hell!"

Some murky opening in his heart said that Huo Qing'e hurriedly left the location of these facilities. If he stayed here for a long time, Xian Xian feared that he would be directly inexplicably felt by the other party.

The practitioners of fate and cause and effect are the most inexplicable. Even the millennium evil fairy is difficult to understand.

After leaving these facilities, Huo Qing'e seemed like a ghost to explore within the Big Devil.

To be honest, it is very troublesome to explore the environment. If it is not because this is the car of the Big Devil, Huo Qing'e will definitely summon some little devil to do this kind of thing.

And now, in order to ensure her concealment, she can only act on her own.

I don't know if it was her luck or bad luck. Under extremely simple exploration, Huo Qing'e actually came to the room area on the Big Devil, and the Big Devil's room should be right here.

"Under normal circumstances, the big demon should be in the center of the room area, or deep!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, Huo Qing'e sneaked into the room area more carefully, and as he slowly progressed, Huo Qing'e found that the surrounding environment was really abnormally quiet.

But soon, this quietness was broken-a strong magical atmosphere came from the room not far away.

Although this magic power is much worse than Huo Qing'e, but it shows all the attributes.

"Huh, this is really amazing talent!"

With such admiration in his heart, Huo Qing'e slowly approached the room, and then used his chisel to gently make a small hole silently on the wall outside the room.

Through the hole, Huo Qing'e saw that it was a girl in purple pajamas, casting magic.

In front of the girl, there is a magic array with mysterious lines!

In the center of the magic circle, there is a magic book.

As the girl continued to output magic power, the mysterious magic circle completely unfolded, and some wonderful changes were slowly revealed in the magic book. Mysterious and abnormal, Huo Qing'e was a bit lingering and forgotten.

"Does it look good?"

At this moment, a soft voice rang in Huo Qing'e's ear, and the evil fairy immersed in the mysterious subconsciously refuted the sentence, "Don't disturb, you are busy now."

Just after the words were finished, the whole Xianxian froze ..

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