My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 63: Defiant Sendao first!

Time rushed, and days passed from Huo Qing's surrender.

During these times, Huo Qing'e has been fully integrated into the environment of the Big Devil, getting along well with the girls, much faster than Nagato's imagination. Obviously, the thousand years of giving the evil fairy girl is not just a body repair for.

Huo Qing'e knows all the human feelings, and she can use it freely. The key is whether she wants it or not.

In this way, the journey of the Big Devil still continued. The Shenzhou, which covered the sky, slowly and firmly followed the route set by the red-haired boy before departure, and soon approached the Shenzhou enclave.

At this time, at the border of the Divine Land, close to double-digit fairies led a large number of Taoists already waiting here.

"Are you finally here, great demon!"

Above the level, a white fluttering negative sword fairy looked at the huge Shenzhou that was slowly driving from the end of the distant sky, and his eyes burst into amazing sword, and said in a low voice:

"Well, let me be a vacant son to witness for yourself, what qualifications do you have to call yourself a monster master!"

"Exactly, the arrow of a certain family is already hungry and unbearable!"

The Orion man standing next to the vacant son echoed, "If you can shoot this monster master, if you want to come to the name of a certain family, you can spread it to the next generation, and shoulder the nine golden gold with the ancestors."

With the words of the two just falling, the rest of the fairies and priests echoed, and the invisible murder began to spread.

"Everyone! Don't be restless!"

At this moment, I saw a white-haired fairy who was in the wrong situation and quickly stood up. "Please don't be restless. I'm not here to fight for the sake of fighting. Don't ignore the overall situation, everyone."

"Also, the vacant son, Yishen! You two guys are enough too, don't incite people!"

Hearing the words of the white-haired fairy, the rest of the fairy and the priests were shocked in vain, remembering that they and others did not come to fight, and the fanatic atmosphere on the level immediately calmed down a little.

Upon hearing the reprimands of the white-haired fairy, Emptiness and Yi Shen were a little dissatisfied. They only thought of the other party as the leader, and did not refute it.

Seeing such a situation, a little unhappiness also appeared on the face of the white-haired fairy.

The fairy secretly scolded Kunlun's group of old guys in his heart, and actually gave himself such a chore, obviously he was also an elder of the older generation!

However, the white-haired fairy did not have much time to complain. From the appearance of the eyes of all the immortals, in less than three minutes, the figure of the Big Devil was approaching completely, less than 500 meters away from the level.

Immediately, a white cloud appeared at the feet of the white-haired fairy, and the whole person rose up from the cloud, blocking the path of the Datian Demon: "Kunlun Yuqing Palace Elder-Taibai Xian Weng is here, please see him. ! "

The voice of the old fairy is not loud, but it is full of amazing penetrating power, and it is clearly visible within a thousand miles.



The Big Devil didn't mean to stop at all, but accelerated instantaneously several times. The old fairy who could not respond in the future flew away, and then straightly rushed into the border checkpoint and hit the Divine Enchantment.

The terrifying impact force even made a big shake in the enchantment of the Great China.

Immediately, the whole land of China was completely boiling! The powers of the fairy roads scattered all over China are shaking, many old monsters who are preparing to retreat or have retired have appeared, and a powerful force has erupted on the Kunlun Mountain, causing a thousand miles. The salute of all beings within.


"How dare they !!!"


The immortals scattered around because of the impact of the Big Demon have expressed surprise, panic, and even incredible eyes. They never thought that the Big Demon would act like this-he is actually provoking the whole Divine State!

If during the Hundred Years' War, the Big Demon acted like this, there would be no problem, but the problem is that the war between monsters and humans has passed.

Under such circumstances, what kind of action do you make, do you think you can face the power of Shenzhou Fairy Road alone?

The chaotic thoughts are constantly present in the minds of the immortals, so that most of the immortals are stunned.

However, not all immortals were stunned. For example, this was to fight against the emptiness of the Heavenly Devil and the God of Yi. After the initial shock, he immediately launched a counterattack.

Immediately, a blaze of flames and arrows and a glimmer of sword light flashed out of thin air, and drove towards the Devil.

"Shoot it, sharpshooter!"

"Haha, let's play with Furan!"

At this moment, two petite figures stepped out from the Great Demon, which was no one else, and it was Remilia and Frantoro. I saw that Remi instantly threw a scarlet magic gun and came The attacking arrows cancel each other out.

Furan is directly holding the burning fiery sword, directly hitting the coming sword light into fragments!

After the two girls, Hong Meiling and Pa Qiuli led the guard girls to appear one after another, and they formed a confrontation with the scattered fairy people. The tense battle was almost a touch of fire.


In the palace hall inside the Great Demon, Huo Qing'e's eyes looked at the red-haired boy sitting on the throne leisurely. "There is the most humane fairy Buddha on the earth, why should you fight it?

The evil fairy girl couldn't understand why Nagato did this, but as a result, her situation was a bit embarrassing.

If the Divine Land wins, she will be in danger of betrayal, but if the Divine Land fails, then she will follow Zhou Yi and fight against the demon clan with all the immortals, and the Taoist Shengshi born will be shaky.

"No need to be so tangled!"

"If you really want a Taoist prosperity, after returning to Bai Yujing, I will give you a world directly."

"When the time comes, just do what you want!"

Roughly understand what Huo Qing'e thinks, Nagato said indifferently: "As for why this is done, it is probably because after the war between the demon race and humans, this fairyland has no value."

"From the beginning, this trip was for the final cleaning!"

"Useless and potentially disruptive things will be washed!"

The indifferent voice was filled with incomparable firmness and domineering, and hearing the words of the red-haired boy, Huo Qing'e seemed to see the endless blood of the corpse mountain, and immediately couldn't help but shudder.

In his heart, the evil fairy girl once again refreshed her knowledge of the horror of Nagato. ..

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