My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 70: Tian Qing hits second more!


Immediately, there was a wave of cheering in the authentic origin.

Nagato could clearly feel that the authentic origin in Dantian was almost transformed into a terrifying vortex, and the power of the dragon was swallowed up one by one without any loss.

With the engulfment and completion of the authentic source, the blood of the red-haired boy's body began to boil!

The dragon in the body has reached the extreme at this moment, and the blood of the real dragon has been continuously born.

The dragon in the body was completed in a short time, and the red-haired boy's already powerful flesh became stronger, but after that, the real transformation was obviously not over.

Because the phagocytosis of the surrounding dragon heads continues, the authentic origin of the juvenile body is still engulfing

The continuous force of succession will continue to advance the long gate in the direction of the real dragon!


The severe pain spread from all over the long door, but the red-haired boy suppressed it with his absolute will, and strangely blue patches appeared on the surface of the long door skin.

Starting with both hands, the scales began to spread wildly, and soon spread to the upper body of the red-haired boy.

Afterwards, there were also blue scales on the legs of Nagato. The inhuman pain, even though Nagato was not afraid of his own will, was still instinctively brutal, and his expression looked a little scary.

In this way, the time passed slowly, and the whole dragon graveyard was swallowed up by the nine dragons bit by bit!

Everything is turned into nothingness, even if the space itself does not exist!


Too much surging power made the red-haired boy unable to hold his mouth open to the sky and scream, and with it came a more intense pain, and two strange dragon horns slowly emerged from the forehead of the long gate.

At this moment, the whole person of Nagato looks almost transformed into a greasy humanoid dragon.


The power of terror erupted from the long door and penetrated the void.

Under such circumstances, the consciousness of the red-haired youngster continued to rise, out of time and space, and extended to the depths of the chaotic void. In a trance, Nagato seemed to see the origin of the pure breed of dragon.

Countless information about the dragon's purebred came from the depths of the void, integrated into the soul of the long gate, and penetrated into his body and blood.

In the midst, Nagato knew that as long as he wanted to, he could directly transform into a real dragon.


"It's still a bit worse!"

With the supreme will, the final promotion was forcibly stopped, and Nagato returned his rising consciousness to the body, and the corners of the body surface also slowly returned to the body of the red-haired boy.

After doing all this, the red-haired boy pulled out a dress from the void and put it on his body, then he was relieved.

"It's dangerous! Almost immediately promoted!"

With such words in his mouth, a little fear appeared on the face of Nagato, and if he took that step, it might cause the imperfection of his own power system, and it would not be beautiful if it affected the future.

Nagato can feel that his authentic strength is still the last part.

Not only that, the red-haired boy vaguely predicted that the time for clearing that part would come soon. If the guess is good, I am afraid it is in the place called Devil Realm. "Humph!"

At this moment, a cold humming sound came from the body of the long door, and upon hearing this sound, a red-skinned boy's face could not help but a bit of a bitter smile, and said:

"Wait for some more days, soon!"

"it is good!"

After being silent for a while, the girl's voice was heard again, and then he fell silent.

"Ah, does Orpheus really want to be born ?!"

I felt that the will in my body had fallen asleep again, and the long door could not help but whispered, but also, Orpheus had gestated again for thousands of years after all, and I had long been impatient.

"Boom !!!"

At this moment, a slight sound reverberated in the void.

Aware of this noise, the Nagato instantly recovered and looked towards the location of the noise, only to see an altar, which looked simple and unusual, appeared in the void.

The center of the altar is engraved with mysterious and unusual runes, and above the runes, the power of humanity converges.

Seeing all this, Nagato knew that this is the ultimate core of the Great Enchantment of China.

Immediately, the red-haired boy stepped out, and the whole person disappeared from the place and appeared on the altar. There was no time delay in the whole process, just like the smooth flow of clouds and water.


The moment the long gate reached the altar, the power of humanity on it began to riot, and the energy fluctuations that overflowed seemed to be a little unremarkable, but this was condensed into a substantial power of humanity.

Not to mention, the riot of this force alone is enough to threaten the life of the big monster.

But now it is Nagato who is facing this force.

and so

"Let's go!"

I saw that the red-haired boy said such things, flicked his fingers, and even directly dispelled the rioting humane power. The large altar collapsed as the humane power dissipated.

After all, the foundation of this altar that could exist in the void is the support of humanity.

Looking at the altar that began to disintegrate at his feet, Nagato squinted his eyes and directly used his feet as a medium to inject his own dragon power into the altar. After delaying the speed of the disintegration of the lower altar, it completely eroded the enchantment of Shenzhou.

Probably the power to maintain the enchantment of the Divine State comes from the Dragon Tomb, and there is no resistance to the more advanced Dragon Power possessed by the Longmen.

In less than a moment, the red-haired boy completely controlled the famous Chinese enchantment in his consciousness.

It's just that the current enchantment of China has lost its foundation and has already entered the countdown of collapse.

"So let's use the surplus value!"

With such words in his mouth, the killing intent of Nagato flooded the entire enchantment of Shenzhou, and immediately made the fairy people on the earth of China and the senior Taoists feel a fatal crisis.

However, the immortals and senior Taoists were not waiting to react, and the enchantment of the Divine State that shrouded the sky shattered.

The pieces of substantive pieces went straight down to where they were.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The endless roar resounded between heaven and earth, and the land of China suddenly mourned! ..

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