My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 81: Bailian's fist is second!

The earth on the battlefield wailed at this moment.

The number of magic bullets released by Bailian's tearing scroll is too much, and he has taken care of almost every inch of land. Similarly, all the Buddhist monks have not escaped Bailian's attack.

Immediately, there was an obvious scream between the roaring sounds, but fortunately the smoky dust obscured the view.

Otherwise, Bailian may present an extremely tragic and **** scene.

But even if I really see it, I am afraid that Bai Lian will not have much reaction. The centuries of cultivation has given Bai Lian not only a powerful force, but also a state of mind.

"Evil demon, town!"

Just then, a light drink came from the smoke.

Afterwards, a huge golden ‘’ character appeared in the sky, receiving the endless bombs from the bombing down, and then straightly suppressed towards the location of Bailian.

"Humph, carving insect skills!"

Faced with the word ‘’, Bailian could n’t help but sneer.

At the same time, the scroll that had been torn apart in the girl's hands instantly disintegrated into runes-in fact, the scrolls on Bai Lian's body were all composed of runes, not real scrolls.

A large number of runes are arranged in a mysterious way in mid-air, and evolve into a huge beam of light.


The shock beyond imagination exploded with the collision of the golden ‘’ and the beam of light, and the chaotic shock waves spread in all directions, blowing everything away.

Even Bai Lian had to fly high in the face of such chaos.

After a few minutes, the aftermath of the shock gradually subsided

At this time, the figure of Bai Lian slowly fell from the sky, accompanied by the last smoke and dust dissipated by the breeze, showing in front of her a messy earth and a life lotus sitting in the void.

Except for the head of the monk, all the monks have disappeared, leaving only one broken weapon.


I saw that Minglian broke away her seemingly wise eyes and looked at Bailian who fell in front of herself. "You are still as good as ever, my sister."

"It's not that I am terrible, but that they are too bad."

Faced with the praise of his brother, Bailian's face did not have any joy, but shook his head boringly, "Don't you think so, my brother!"


After a little hesitation, Minglian said so.

Ming Lian must admit that he and his sister Bai Lian are indeed geniuses in human beings. In just a hundred years, in the eyes of some longevity species, it is even just a time to sleep.

But in such a short period of time, his sister Bai Lian became a strong man who could not be directly looked at.

And he also became the most potential bodhisattva under the Buddha!

The monks who once taught Ming Lian are no longer his opponents, and those Luohan in the Pure Land of Buddhism Bliss are no longer within the scope of Ming Lian's contrast. Because of this, Ming Lian will become the leader of the monks.


"Why not save your companion?"

Perceiving the breath of Ming Lian, Bai Lian knew that the other party's strength was not weak, at least belonging to the level of the big monster. Since he has such power, he should be able to save those companions from his own hands.

"No, no, their death is inevitable."

Facing Bai Lian's doubts, Life Lian slowly stood up from the ground. With Junxiu's monks standing up, there was a ghost image of monks on the broken weapons around them.

I saw that these monks' phantoms paid their respects to Minglian, and then turned into golden light, rushing towards Minglian.

The golden light gathered together, forming a golden treasure wheel behind Minglian!

"Boom !!"

Immediately, the vitality of the life lotus was even greater, just like the fall of the **** and Buddha.

Seeing here, Bai Lian understood everything

What death is inevitable is exactly what Lianlian hopes. The reason why Lianlian is not prepared to shoot is probably to absorb the power of those monks to further strengthen themselves.

"Sure enough, you are not you anymore!"

Sighing softly, Bai Lian finally gave birth to the ultimate killing intention in her heart.

The original girl was a little hesitant. After all, it was her only brother. She had fantasized that perhaps her luck was not taken by Minglian, but by the monks.

But after a short battle, and the question and answer just now, she was finally really sure that it was no longer her brother.

You know, the life lotus that was dependent on her at the beginning was kind and pedantic.

In addition to the appearance of this savvy monk in front of him, there is nothing like life lotus.

The answer is obviously no.

and so--

"You should die!"

As the mouth said, a special magic circle unfolded under Bailian's feet.

"Why so, sister!"

Minglian can obviously feel the changes in Bailian, especially the fierce and firm killing intent. Immediately, Minglian spoke as she said, while she tried her best.

The mighty **** Buddha appeared behind the life lotus, and a huge Buddha palm slammed down towards the white lotus.

The overwhelming pressure locks all the space around Bailian!


Facing the attack of Minglian, a light smile appeared on Bailian's face, the magic circle accelerated, and runny butterflies fluttered around the girl.

The mysterious trajectory of the butterfly instantly resonated with the runes within Bai Lian within a hundred years.

"Boom !!!"

The unimaginable violent momentum burst out on the girl.

As if there is no limit to the power that emerged from the runes in the girl's body, filled with Bailian's limbs and bones. Under the blessing of this power, the girl's palm directly under the sky was a punch.

A simple punch, as if there is no momentum, only a real punch!


The earth sank a little in the roar, and the huge Buddha palm showed a spider-web-like crack under Bailian's fist, and even spread to the body of the **** Buddha.

Seeing this scene, Ming Lian was stunned and completely lost his ability to react.


At this moment, Bai Lian blasted out the second punch, which was still an unpretentious punch, and under this punch, the giant incarnation of the Buddha shattered directly, flying Minglian instantly.

At the moment of landing, Minglian reacted, but Bailian's figure appeared in front of him.

"The third punch, say goodbye, my brother!"

Without giving Lianlian the opportunity to speak, Bai Lian threw a third punch mercilessly. With one punch, Lianlian flew out directly, burst directly in mid-air, and dissipated into blood mist ..

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