My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 15: War and destruction second!

It must be said that the ghost race is indeed a peculiar race.

When Xing Xiong Yongyi returned to the surface with the command of Nagato, the Ghost Clan's carnival suddenly sounded on the Mountain of the Monsters. God knows how much fighting intentions the Ghost Warriors had to dormant in the past world war.

After receiving the order from Nagato, the entire ghost race was completely boiled, and the gathered fighting intentions rushed to the sky.

Without any declaration of war mobilization, the army of ghost races immediately opened the channel.

Then, the war that spread throughout the old **** soon started completely

The monsters gathered in the old **** are never ordinary monsters. Except for some little monsters that are rejected for various reasons, the other monsters are more lethal than the monsters on the surface.

If it is an ordinary monster army that invades the old hell, unless it has extremely powerful combat power, otherwise it will probably return.

But this time, the monsters of the old **** faced a fighting monster named Ghost Clan!

The endless array of ghost race abilities, extremely strong physique, and fighting consciousness beyond ordinary people directly give each ghost race the potential to leapfrog challenge. Under such circumstances, the battle power that the ghost race army can show can be imagined know.

So, the monsters of the old **** are losing ground, and many monsters ran to the Earth Spirit Palace for help.

It was just before the Earth Spirit Temple that they had eaten a mysterious enchantment that was closed to the ground. They were guarding the Earth Spirit Palace. No matter how the monsters attacked, they could not make the enchantment fluctuate.

"Is this really good?"

When the monsters left indignantly, in the Earth Spirit Hall, Gu Mingdi felt hesitantly looking at the red-haired boy who was looking down at the book, to be honest, until now, Gu Mingdijue did not know whether he had done something wrong.

"What's wrong, and it's not that you don't stay on the road, just surrender, isn't it?"

Hearing the girl ’s words, the red-haired boy raised his head and looked at the former Lord of the Earth Spirit Palace in front of him. He said indifferently, “I do n’t cover my mind much in front of you. You should know my purpose.”

"Well, who knows what you said is true or false."

Although I knew the correctness of Nagato in my heart, Gu Ming felt that instinctively did not want to admit that in other words, she was arrogant!

Facing such Gu Mingdijue, Nagato just smiled softly, heard the laughter, and then looked at the longmen's expression like a non-smiling smile. Gumingdijue suddenly wanted to go viral, but it was just then that Guming loved in.

"Cough, love, why are you here?"

The proud girl turned into a gentle sister in an instant and said with a smile.

"Ah, sister, you too!"

Seeing his sister, Gu Mingdi happily said hello, and then the girl's eyes directly looked at the long door, trotting, "Nagato, you are here, come and play with me!"

Gu Mingdijue's face turned completely dark at this moment.

Time flies, fleeting.

When the war in the old **** ended, it was already ten days later.

The result of the war is obvious. The ghost races with super fighting power and amazing reserve power unexpectedly defeated the entire old hell. In less than three days, all the creatures of the old **** moved to other small worlds.

The long door that sent away the sisters of Gu Mingdi also returned to the old **** with only a few grudges and residual souls.

In the central area of ​​the Earth Spirit Temple, the momentum of the Long Gate was completely released.


The unprecedented momentum rushed to the sky and overturned the entire Earth Spirit Hall.

Under the oppression of this momentum, the huge old **** made a mournful sound, originally hidden deep in the old hell, and the grudges of the many underworld consciousnesses from the previous era were fully activated at this moment.

Roaring, cursing, and unknowingly harsh voices echoed in all the corners of the old hell.

Countless plumes of black smoke diffused from the depths of the earth and gathered above the old hell. "Sure enough, this place should be completely destroyed!"

Above the old site of the Earth Spirit Temple, the red-haired boy who released the horror and coercion all over his body looked at the condensed black air, and he could not help shaking his head. The Nagato understood that even if he did n’t come out today, this old **** would still be To be destroyed.

Nothing else, just because this resentment has become so dark that it can't be looked directly at, it can be called the resentment of this world!

"Now that's the case, let's get started!"

Between the sighs, the long door raised a hand, and the power in the body emerged along the arm, rushed into the sky, poured into the surface of the space where the old **** was, and gradually eroded up. The long door was ready to divide the old **** from the plane come out.

The old **** is not an independent small world, but a broken space where one side is attached to the main plane.

If it weren't for the three major achievements of Nagato, all kinds of mysteries can be used freely, and there is really no way to do so.


While in the action of the Nagato, the resentment in the void has condensed into a behemoth up to several kilometers. At the moment of appearance, the dark giant looked up to the sky and then ran straight in the direction of the Nagato.

Obviously, Nagato's strong sense of presence completely attracted his attention.

In an instant, the old fragile land of the old **** was constantly collapsed during the giant's attack.

"Humph, scratchy!"

Seeing the monster approaching towards her at an alarming speed, the long door snorted softly, then exhaled with a sigh of breath, and immediately set off a horrible hurricane that was enough to blow large tracts of land.

Under the sudden impact of the hurricane, the resentful giant directly flew a short distance and landed heavily.

The entire continent was completely turbulent at this moment, and various magma burst out.

"All right!"

At this time, Nagato finally eroded the entire old hell. At the next moment, the figure of the red-haired boy appeared in a vast dark void, and a huge space with black paint appeared in front of the red-haired boy. .

Through the barriers of space, a huge figure who is climbing is vaguely visible.

This space is no other. It was the space long door named Old Hell that moved it into the void.

"You can let go of your hands and feet here!"

With such words in his mouth, the Nagato burst out of the body with great power, and was once again poured into the old hell, but this time the Nagato's purpose is no longer to infect, but to destroy, ruthlessly ruined completely .

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a horrible sound echoed in the vast void, the old **** space continued to collapse, and its barriers showed loopholes one after another. The surrounding void deduced the earth, water and fire, refining the entire space.

As the roar continued, time gradually passed, and the old **** space entered a complete collapse and destruction.

The huge space gradually shrinks, shrinks, and shrinks

The so-called monsters in the space completely disappeared with the destruction, and the long door looking at this scene could not help but sigh with emotion.

Do n’t look at the grieving monster in the hands of Nagato seems to be vulnerable, but in essence it has extremely strong potential, bearing the luck and cause and effect of the last Hades era but all this disappeared with the destruction of the old hell.

——Sure enough, power is the foundation that really determines everything!

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and Nagato once again strengthened his heart, and the power in the body emerged again, completely refining the reduced old **** space, and at this moment, a certain mysterious breath appeared.


His movements took a slight pause, and Nagato dispersed his strength.

Then the red-haired boy was quite surprised to find that in the original ruin of the old **** space, a seed with a wonderful radiance floated leisurely.

"It's kind of interesting, is this Nirvana freshman?"

With such words in his mouth, Nagato waved his hands, gathered the seeds, and then disappeared into the void. ..

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