My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 118: The counterattack starts first!

"Boom !!!"

At the next moment, two giants of similar size collided together.

Suddenly separated from each other by a small distance in the sudden roar, the two giants launched a crazy attack towards each other, hitting each other, kicking, and boxing Lin Lin's various attacks burst out slowly and quickly, but they collided.

The battlefield seemed extremely tragic, and it was difficult to distinguish the victory and defeat for a while, and the entire void was vaguely turbulent.

But everyone with a discerning eye can see that the outbreak of Nagata is probably temporary.

Over time, I am afraid that there will be a trend of defeat.


Seeing such a situation, Shisheng Pill issued a long roar that disturbed the void, and the already huge body swelled again. Then, the fierce beast went straight into the battlefield of the two and united with the long gate.

Perhaps it is still a lot worse to kill Sheng Pill in the realm, but the problem is that the current King of the End has fallen into violent and lost his reason.

Without reason, the King of the End naturally cannot use mysterious means, but can only fight melee.

For the killing pill, the physique of the swallowing beast is also good at melee

After all, the so-called swallowing beast is a mythical beast born in chaos. How bad is the chaotic environment. Normal creatures can't survive at all, but can survive in chaos, and even break out of the name of the swallow. The flesh of the swallowing beast is naturally not to be underestimated.

Under such circumstances, the combat effectiveness that Shi Sheng Wan can show is actually quite impressive!

Sure enough, with the help of Shisheng Pill, the pressure of Nagato on the battlefield was suddenly sent away, the spirit of the red-haired boy was shocked, the strength of the body accelerated, and showed a more powerful combat power.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

In an instant, there was a burst of roar in the dark void.

The combined fighting power of Nagano and Shisheng Maru is definitely not as simple as one plus one. The tacit understanding of the same source is not comparable to the so-called mind-to-heart connection. The explosive power was instantly suppressed by the power of the black giant.

Although after that, the coercion of the inky giant continued to rise, and he would be able to counter it soon.


"This gave Saya my time to observe and think."

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and Saya's thoughts were fully operational at this moment.

After completing his transformation and stepping directly into the realm of Daosheng, Shaye ’s computing power has reached an incomparable level, but within a moment, the girl has completed the information collation, and has carried out countless calculations and pushes. Yan.

Even when the calculation is in progress, the girl's eyes seem to penetrate through time and space and see the future of countless possibilities

No, it's not like it seems, but Saya's eyes really see the future!

The path of Saya is the way of the true spirit-the girl delves into the ultimate mystery of the four souls and one spirit, and thoroughly understands the mystery of the spirituality of all things. After reaching the realm of Daosheng, she has even reached a wonderful state in essence .

Time and space in Saye's eyes are not much different from up and down, left and right, and back and forth.

As long as the girl is willing, the endless future will appear in her eyes!

What Saya needs to do now is to use this vision and his own computing power beyond the limits of life to find the road to victory from the endless future and hold the key to victory in his hands. .


"What the **** are these !!"

Less than a moment later, Saya's pupils could not help shrinking slightly.

After seeing tens of millions, or even nearly 100 million times, of different futures, Saya was shocked to find that as long as he reached a certain point in the future, his vision would be obscured by a figure wearing a black robe. The long-term future.

What made Shaye even more crazy was that she felt the breath of the mother of the road from that figure! Obviously, the mother of the avenue did not want Nagato to win this way!

For the first time after promotion, I was hit by such an accident. If it is not that time is not wasted now, Shaye will definitely be on the bar with the other party-even if the other party is the mother of the Avenue, Shaye will never give up. .

"Humph, hateful!"

With silver teeth biting, Saya resolutely withdrew his gaze to the future and turned to the void battlefield.

Although the girl only wasted less than a moment, the situation on the battlefield has already been reversed at this time. The plane that survived the last chaotic era and carried out a Nirvana show its strength is unreasonable. Background.

The three planes of the plane, especially the power of the plane of heaven, are constantly flowing, and even the dark giant transformed by the king of the end has been strengthened to an incomparable point.

Obviously, all of them lost their sense of autonomy, but the giant was able to counter Nagato and Shishengwan with the power of terror alone.

"This is the so-called one-stop solution, I hate it!"

"But don't think Saya I will have no way, the key to victory, in fact, it has already been obtained!"

Speaking of such words in the mouth, Saya did not directly intervene in the battle. In the current situation, even if there is more of her, the result of the battle will not change much, so the girl decided to take another plan.

Immediately, the girl's whole body released a slight light, and soon the whole person turned into a streamer.

"Shoot !!!"

In an instant, the streamer cut through the void and merged into the body of the red-haired giant.

After the fusion of Saya, Nagato instantly felt a soft light enveloping his soul. The inexplicable power permeated the limbs and corpses, increasing the control power of Nagato to the extreme.

Under such circumstances, although the strength of the red-haired boy has not changed much, the destructive power has shown an alarming rise.

Not only that, Shaye's wisdom is superimposed on the long door, let him see the opportunity to win!


In his mouth, he screamed in vain, and Nagato blasted the dark giant in front of him with a sudden double punch.

No need for a red-haired boy's body at all, the fierce giant beast transformed by the killing pill immediately flew out, and the big mouth of the blood basin suddenly opened, biting the neck of the black giant fiercely, shining through the fangs of the sun and the moon. The neck of the giant!

The inky giant immediately rebelled immediately, originally with its horrible power enough to break free from the bite of the killing pill instantly.

It was just that the peerless demon burst into a fierce attack at this moment, and stunned the giant's neck.

Even if he was seriously injured under the attack of the giant, he still never let go.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nagato canceled the spells on his body and directly restored the prototype. Then the red-haired boy was sealed in vain, and the space behind him was rippled, and two golden swords appeared in the sky.

The name of a sword is ‘Chan Dao’, and the name of a sword is ‘Chan Dao’!

Looking at his two long-lost divine swords, Nagato took a deep breath and held a sword in one hand. At the next moment, the red-haired boy directly turned into a residual image and appeared over the head of the black giant. , Guanghua blooms.

"Take me a trick, Heaven and man double kill!"

As the voice just fell, two fierce and unusual swords appeared across the sky, cross and bombarded on the head of the giant. Between the roars, the screams of anger suddenly appeared, and the whole body of the dark giant couldn't help it. There was a stiffness.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shisheng Pill finally let go and escaped from the giant's side, returning to the human form from the form of the giant.

There was a spit of blood in the mouth, and the trembling noble son kneeled down on the ground and had already lost his fighting power.


At this moment, the giant roared, and the pressure on him would rise again.


"You have no chance!"

The red-haired boy standing above the giant suddenly opened his mouth. During the speech, the boy let go of his double swords. In a flash, the Sword of Sword and the Sword of Sword edged out a slight resonance, and the invisible fluctuations filled the entire void. ..

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