My Infinite Life

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Such thoughts flashed simultaneously in the hearts of Nagato and Brorie.

In the final analysis, compared to Nagato, which is a state of pseudo Dao ancestors with holy power, and Broly's Dao ultimate realm, pure white girls are the real Dao ancestors.

It is already an amazing miracle that the two can suppress the pure white girl in a short time with the tacit cooperation.

It should be known that as the power continues to rise, the challenge of leapfrogging becomes more difficult to achieve.

And now that the pure white girl really exerts all her strength, the two are in danger.

The bright river of light is raging in chaos, and the chaotic air that is enough to kill all things in the world has no resistance in the face of this river of light. It has become the nourishment of the other party. Almost instantly, the river of light expanded by hundreds. Thousands of times, it is far from the previous scale.

If caught in this river of light, Nagato cannot guarantee that they can get out.


"Not even back!"

Almost at the same time, the gifted instinct Nagato and Broly, who had gained their hearts and minds after thousands of years of battle, looked at each other and resonated with each other's will.

Yes, it cannot be refunded!

The situation in front of me is obvious. This river of light will continue to consume the power of chaos, and then strengthen itself. Once the two retreat, it will inevitably waste a lot of time.

And these times will make the already terrifying River of Light even more terrifying.

and so


Without wasting any time, the red-haired boy raised the white jade sword in his hand, and the infinite holy force system in his body operated to the extreme, even beyond the extreme.

"Keng !!!"

The unimaginable Jianming echoed in the chaos. Along with this Jianming, Nagato waved his strongest sword so far towards the river of light striking before him.

Endless divine power emerged, blending sword intentions, and transformed into a horrible sword spirit that seemed to cut through chaos.

At the next moment, the dreadful sword gas beheaded directly on the roaring river of light.


In the roar of trembling and chaos, the supreme beheaded sword gas directly cut the roaring river of light out of a long gap, and continued to extend towards the eyes.

But as time passed, Jian Qi was constantly being worn away, and the gap gradually had a tendency to close.

And at the moment when the sword energy was wiped out, Broly's figure released a surging flame from the golden super Saiyan flame to the blue super Saiyan flame.

"Slaying-Dragon Fist !!"

As the girl exhibited her rare moves, the entire person merged with Qi Yan, turned into a blue dragon, and rushed into the gap that followed the sword Qi.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, the river of light burst into a continuous roar, and finally in a burst of angry dragon chanting, a part of the blue divine dragon that was worn away completely penetrated the river of light.

After traversing the river of light, Shenlong's progress did not stop for a moment, and he went directly to the white girl.


Seeing this scene, the pure white girl let out a cold hum and raised her left hand, condensing an invisible barrier, and had a frontal collision with the attacking dragon.

The violent shock spread in all directions, as if to shake the entire chaos.

But at this moment, the figure of Nagato appeared behind the pure white girl, and the white jade sword in his hand mercilessly beheaded towards the girl.

"Keng !!!"

The crisp sound rang slowly in the chaos.

The white jade sword was blocked by an invisible barrier at a distance of less than one finger from the pure white girl, and the supreme edge that killed everything could not break the enchantment.

"how to say"

At this moment, the pure white girl turned leisurely, looked at the long door, and whispered in a smiling tone, "I am fully prepared, but there is no dead end!"

As soon as the words fell, his body burst out of imagination.

"Bang! Bang!"

In the continuous collision sound, both Nagato and Brorie flew out under the impact, but the two were not mortal, and soon adjusted their posture in mid-air to stop their figure.


Gently spit out a breath of gas, and Nagato's gaze swept across the chaotic starry sky in the distance. To be honest, Nagato didn't want to use this final hole card if he could.

After all, the chaotic starry sky is the foundation of Nagato. Before the foundation is truly immortal, Nagato definitely does not want damage.

But now it seems that if you don't use it, you seem to be really unable to beat the other party.

And at the moment when the red-haired boy made up his mind--

"Boom !!!"

The wonderful wave spread from the plane of fantasy township not far away, and soon spread to the chaotic area suppressed by the gate of the other shore, or even the entire chaos.

Those supreme beings outside this chaotic area have been awakened

The pure white girl also shook slightly, dissipated the strength of the whole body, shrugged her shoulders, and said at random, "Ah, it seems that this fight is impossible!"


At the moment when the pure white girl's voice fell, another soft voice echoed in the surrounding chaos, and then saw the barefooted gauze Saya appeared out of thin air.

"Hello, Your Royal Highness, I am the second generation of the gate of the other shore-Shaye"

"In the future, please advise me!"

Three hours later

It was still the chaos that was extremely calm. The pure white girl transformed by the consciousness of the real earth had disappeared, leaving only the long door, and the three of Saya and Brorie stood quietly in the chaos.

Looking at the extra round mark on the back of his left hand, the long door couldn't help but sink into contemplation.

This is a graphic symbol that looks somewhat similar to the surface of the earth, and it is not the other symbol. It is the earth where the first world of Nagato lived.

When Saya succeeded in inheriting the position of the spirit of the other side of the gate and obtained the right to use the other side of the gate, Nagato obviously became an ally of the true earth consciousness, so he had such a performance.

In this way, in the future chaos, Nagato has an extremely powerful ally.


"This is not enough!"

Suddenly, Nagato sighed so much.

Slightly raised his head, the red-haired boy could clearly perceive that countless maliciousness is wandering outside the chaotic area controlled by the gate on the other side.

The gate on the other shore also contains the power accumulated by the deceased young girl as a deterrent.

But those forces are rootless trees after all, and sooner or later they will consume clean.

Before that power is exhausted, Nagato needs to gain the power to truly protect itself, otherwise, the real earth consciousness will enter here as an ally.

At that time, Nagato and his Bai Yujing will become vassals of each other.

And this is obviously not the result that the red-haired boy can bear.

You know, Nagato still wants to counterattack each other!

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato quickly recovered, and consciousness contacted the chaotic starry sky. Nagato waved his hand, and the mighty power descended from the chaotic starry sky.

The plane of Fantasy Township, not far from Nagato, was soon 'grabbed' by this force.

Soon, the plane will be captured into the inner chaos by the chaotic starry sky.

"All right!"

After doing all this, Nagato clapped his hands, then looked at Saya and Broly. "Let's go back to Bai Yujing for a rest, and then it's a new beginning."



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