My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 1: Ten years in a hurry

Time is running fast

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed since Nagato returned to Bai Yujing.

When he returned just ten years ago, as expected by Nagato, he was directly surrounded by women in Bai Yujing who were already desperate for their children.

Coupled with the great gains of the fantasy town and his party, Nagato really needs time to sort out and precipitate.

Under such circumstances, the red-haired boy then took the women's attention.

I have to say that, for the sake of the children, the women of Bai Yujing did show an amazing ‘combat power’. Every day, there are so many tricks to directly transform Bai Yujing into a gentle town.

Without resistance, Nagato was directly indulged in this gentle country.

And this addiction is a full ten years!

Today, ten years later, Nagato considered that the pregnancy frenzy of Bai Yujing had almost disappeared. More than thirty of his three-digit lovers had become pregnant.

It ’s just that Nagato ’s life level is too high, and even if the difficulty of gestating offspring is reduced, its gestation time will not be too short.

So far, no new daughters have been born in Nagato!

Yes, daughter!

The descendants of Nagato can only be daughters, not sons.

This is determined by the will of Nagato-know that the act of gestating future generations of life is just for the continuation of life, and Nagato itself is already an immortal existence.

In a sense, Nagato itself did not have any idea of ​​having any offspring.

A concession that has been able to promise his lover to breed offspring has long been taken.

Under such circumstances, the red-haired teenager can accept his daughter, but not his son. The reason is that except for the long-lost ghost father plot in Nagato, Bai Yujing does not need an heir.

Although there is a saying that women can occupy half of the sky, they have to admit that in the endless plane, men are the dominant players in the world and the times.

Even Bai Yujing, which is in vain and decay, is equally popular.

There is no other reason, and Nagato itself is the best representative!

Therefore, once Nagato has a son, Bai Yujing will have an heir invisible, and with the passage of time, the growth of Nagato's son will affect the unity of Bai Yujing.

"So, my son doesn't need such a thing at all!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato manipulated his dragon gun to pierce Zhu Yue directly under him, causing Zhu Hongzhiyue to utter a moving groan.

During this process, a breath of almost undetectable life germinated in Zhu Yue's body.

Immediately, Zhu Yue's blushing face showed a look of surprise.

"Longmen Jun, I seem to feel it"

"Yes, that's the one!"

Slightly lowering his head, Nagato gently touched Zhu Yue's forehead and said, "Congratulations, let's take a good rest from now on."


In half an hour

The long door came out of Zhu Yue's room in a cloak.

After Zhu Yue became pregnant, the red-haired boy's 'work' came to an end. After all, not all lovers of Nagato wanted to have children.

In fact, among the lovers of Nagato, those who wish to have children are still a few.

After all, it is not a trivial matter to breed a new life in one's own body, and it will inevitably consume part of one's own origin, even if Bai Yujing has some resources to make up for this origin.

But after all, the innate origin and the acquired origin are still a little bit different.

From a more long-term perspective, this will consume some of its own potential-this consequence is completely accepted by the public in Bai Yujing, which is completely colored by the long door and respects the supremacy of power.

Most of the women who really want children are women who are not fighting.

"Zhu Yue!"

Pausing for a while in the corridor made of white jade, the long door sighed softly and turned to look at the room behind him, his face slightly complicated.

To be honest, Nagato didn't want Zhu Yue to be pregnant.

After all, even with the many outstanding girls in Fantasy Township, Zhu Yue is still one of the ultimate beings who can at least reach the realm of Dao Sheng, and Nagato does not want her to consume her potential.

The most important thing is, did n’t Zhu Yue already have two daughters, why need to regenerate one!

But Zhu Yue stubbornly said that she would give birth to a crystallization that really belonged to her and Nagato.

Without persuasion, Nagato could only do what she wanted.


Gently exhaled, the long door shook his head, no longer thinking about Zhu Yue's problems, what had been done, and thinking about it was useless, but it was just increasing trouble.

The most important thing is that Zhu Yue's move is after all a love for himself.

If a lover is like this, what can he ask for?

Walking along the corridor made of white jade, the attention of the long gate gradually shifted to the surrounding scenery.

From the establishment to the present, Bai Yujing has also experienced at least more than a thousand years. The original design of Bai Yujing by the girls was more charming under the rendering of the years.

At least during these days of returning, Nagato would be intoxicated every time he walked in Bai Yujing.

This time, red-haired teenagers are no exception.

In this way, a smile appeared at the corner of the long door. With his own feelings, he walked in the Bai Yujing inner court, walking, and unconsciously came to a bamboo forest.

This is a large bamboo forest that covers a large area. The forest is filled with thick fog, which obscures the view.

"Oh, I came here unconsciously!"

Slightly stunned, a smile quickly appeared on the face of the red-haired boy. This bamboo forest is also quite famous in Baiyujing, and its name is a lost bamboo forest.

Yes, lost bamboo forest!

It's not an accident with the same name, but this bamboo forest is the bamboo forest in the fantasy town!

After incorporating the plane of Fantasy Township into the chaotic starry sky, after careful consideration, Nagato completely separated the fantasy world from the plane and integrated it into Baiyujing.

Under such circumstances, places like the Lost Bamboo Forest and Monster Mountain are distributed throughout Baiyujing.

"Since you are here, go in and see!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato did not hesitate. He walked directly into the bamboo forest. The wonderful enchantment surrounding the bamboo forest did not have any impact on Nagato. ..

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