My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 10: Learn! Seven Reality vs Goku

Sun Wukong!

The first protagonist in the original Dragon Ball.

Sun Wukong, formerly known as Kakarot, was one of the orphans of the Saiyan who revealed the earth. He was adopted by Sun Wufan.

Sun Wukong's character is sincere, somewhat natural, **** and belligerent, and at the same time full of a sense of justice.

In addition to some bad brains, Sun Wukong is a perfect protagonist!

Nagato vaguely remembered that he was a fan of Sun Wukong for a while when he was in the first life. Now he wants to come, but he can't help but feel very emotional.

"Ah, hello!"

After Nagato introduced himself, Sun Wukong immediately showed an iconic smile, "I am the Saiyan of the earth, Sun Wukong, can you ask, are you strong?"

Speaking of the last, Sun Wukong's face could not help but show a bit of a terrible war intention.

Although his character is somewhat naive, Sun Wukong is not a real fool. He clearly remembers that when he came to the Northern Realm, he clearly felt the breath of Lord Realm.

And the breath of these two people in front of him, even now, he still can't perceive.

This level of ability to accumulate interest surprised Sun Wukong!

When Sun Wukong showed his fighting intent, the northern boundary king's face suddenly paled. Although the history of the original has changed, the relationship between the northern boundary king and Sun Wukong is still very good.

The blue fat man didn't want Sun Wukong, who is also an apprentice, to offend the two mysterious and dangerous existences of Nagato and Qishi.

It was just that the Northern Realm King just opened his mouth, and when he was about to say something, he was swept by the purple and deep eyes of the Nagato, and in an instant, the Northern Realm King's head was blank.

After quietly doing all this, Nagato's eyes turned to Sun Wukong, and said leisurely: "As far as your level is concerned, it should be quite powerful, do you want to learn?"

"Of course, it wasn't me who shot, but my wife, Qishi, was it okay?"

"my pleasure!"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, Ying Qishi's face appeared a slightly malicious smile. In the blink of an eye, some kind of strange cold permeated Sun Wukong's heart.

Sun Wukong, who originally wanted to work with Nagato, made a subconscious action instantly.

"It seems that you all agree!"

Seeing Sun Wukong's posture, Nagato nodded leisurely, and then his gaze turned to the Realm King, "North Realm King, let's give them a little space."

"Uh, good, good!"

After the reaction came, the North Realm King knew that it could not be stopped, and immediately took his pet away quickly.

When Nagato and Jiewang and others retreated, Sun Wukong's defense posture has been maintained, and the natural expression on his face has disappeared, turning into a dignified fighting intention.

Sun Wukong, who realized the mystery of Qi, could clearly perceive the hidden danger in the woman's body in front of her.

That obviously looks extremely weak, as if the body that fell in the wind blows is simply an imagination!

Time is like this, a little passed in the two people's eyes

Until almost three minutes, when everyone watching the battle couldn't help but frown, the dignity on Sun Wukong's face immediately turned into curiosity and confusion, and said: "That, isn't it going to war, why are you still like that?"


Hearing this, Qi Shi's face couldn't help but a doubt appeared.

However, the girl soon realized that she suddenly realized that Sun Wukong said that she hadn't made any stance before the war.

It seems that her gesture makes the Mr. Sun Wukong misunderstand that he is not ready yet

"Ah, how long has it been since this situation?"

Suddenly, such thoughts flashed in Qi Shi's mind. If it were before, she might feel very annoyed. In the world where she was born, the girl had no idea how many times she had encountered similar situations.

But today, Qi Qishi can't help but feel a miss

Subconsciously, the corner of the girl's mouth showed a touch of arc.

It was a very subtle, malicious smile.

"Even if you say so, Mr. Sun Wukong, I have never been in a position!"

Speaking of this, Qi Shi paused for a moment, and then said, "But Mr. Sun Wukong, don't you think? It's useless to pose like anything!"

"Whenever something happens, you have to posture, wouldn't it slow you down?"

"Just like you are now!"

Between words, the girl ’s eyes seemed to flash with a dim light, "With your posture, I can probably predict your next move, and the rare moves will come to an end."

Hearing Qi Shi's words, even Sun Wukong, who was at the center of the battle, couldn't help but be surprised.

"Of course, Mr. Sun Wukong can also think that I am in a position."

The whole body seemed to relax completely, the girl showed the most natural posture, "The name of this posture is the virtual knife flow zero fig!"

As soon as the words fell, Qishi no longer spoke, but took small steps and walked towards Sun Wukong.

The girl's footsteps are very light, but it gives Sun Wukong an inexplicable sense of oppression!


After hesitating for a while, Sun Wukong screamed and dispelled all the distractions in his heart. At the same time, the whole person instantly entered the state of battle, and charged! Then throw a punch!

A simple attack was launched in the hands of Sun Wukong, comparable to the impact of lightning.

But Sun Wukong's punch did not work, because at the moment when the punch hit Qishi, the girl seemed to lose gravity and turned into a catkin fluttering in the wind.

Under the blow of the boxing wind, the girl leisurely avoided the punch with a strange gesture.

At the next moment, Qi Shi's body burst into an extremely fierce breath, bent down and rushed under Sun Wukong, his five fingers together, turning into an indestructible hand knife.

"Uh !!!"

The horrible hand-knife came out from the bottom to the top, and vaguely cut the space.

If it were not at the last moment, Sun Wukong's instinct felt the crisis, and subconsciously retreated with Wukong, I am afraid that he would be ripped open by this hand knife.

But even so, there was a long crack in Sun Wukong's clothes.

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