My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 12: Overwhelmingly powerful

"What, this is"

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong's face could not help changing.

He is very clear about the moves he is using, and to be more precise, he has used this move to eliminate many very difficult evil enemies.

It's just that Sun Wukong really didn't expect that move could be used to restore himself!


The King of the North Realm who was watching the battle nearby was also full of surprise. "Although this is not the first time, it still can't help but be amazed. The Vitality Bomb is actually used to this extent."

Yes, vitality bomb!

The moves used by Yingqi to realize the legendary vitality bomb.

Obviously borrowing vitality from all creatures, the moves used to kill evil enemies, after learning from Qishi, were transformed to absorb the vitality between heaven and earth, and restore their own moves.

From attack moves to auxiliary recovery moves, the gap between them can be said to be incalculable.

But all these difficulties seemed to be non-existent in front of Qishi.

This is not the first time that the King of the North Realm has regretted it. Since the beginning of teaching his knowledge to Ying Qishi, the manager of the North Galaxy has deeply regretted it.

The genius of Qi Shishi has completely subverted the imagination of the Northern Realm King and reached an appalling level.

Plus the cold nature hidden under that weak appearance!

The Northern Realm King has been worrying about whether he will cultivate a devastating great demon-the Northern Realm King who is thinking so far looks at the battlefield.

Then, he saw the vicious smile appearing at the corner of Yan Qishi's mouth.

"No, she is already a super devil!"

"Hoo, all right!"

Bathed in endless vitality, Qi Shi's body returned to its original state in an instant.

Slightly moved, the girl's eyes turned to Sun Wukong, who was in the state of Super Saiyan. The deep eyes seemed to see everything through.

Under the eyes of the girl, Sun Wukong's face could not help but feel a little unhappy.

The kind of glances that were seen in detail are not easy to bear for every strong man, and just before the anger in Sun Wu's hollow, the girl spoke.

"Mr. Sun Wukong, it's amazing how your body can be strengthened to this point!"

During the speech, Ying Qishi sighed deeply and then said with a smile, "To be honest, now my body strength is far worse than you."

"Even if my self-confidence skills far exceed you, but the physical gap is enough to wipe out this advantage."

"It seems that I also need to strengthen it a little bit."

As soon as the words fell, Ying Qishi's body absorbed the vitality around him, and then burst into a blue flame.

Under this soft arrogance, the physical fitness of the girl suddenly increased by a thousand times!

A very strong sense of existence flooded the northern planet Uranus instantly.

"This is the Realm King Fist!"

Seeing this, Sun Wukong's face changed again. This was a move he used before learning to transform Saiyan, but since he learned how to transform, he rarely used it again.

After all, compared with the Saiyan transformation, Jie Wang Quan's increase in strength is really limited.

Just perceiving the breath of Ying Qishi, Sun Wukong was a little bit unconfident about his own judgment. The strengthening of the breath of Ying Qishi was too much at the moment.

It has completely exceeded the increase that Sun Wukong may use when he uses the world king fist!

Endless doubts pervade from Sun Wu's hollow

"So, get started!"

It's just that Qi Shi at this time didn't have the interest to explain with Sun Wukong. In this way, the girl took a step toward the front, very abrupt, and disappeared in place.

At the next moment, the girl appeared like Sun Liukong behind Sun Wukong!

The slender hand-knife turned into a hand and came out.


With his powerful fighting instincts, Sun Wukong instantly sensed the danger, and left the place at an alarming speed, then launched a counterattack at a more alarming speed.

At this moment, Sun Wukong has forgotten all his taboos and is completely focused on defeating the enemy in front of him.

Punch, knee kick, impact, side kick, head hammer, and even tail kick

Continued attacks directly enveloped the girl.

If you were a girl before using World King Boxing to strengthen, even if you see the opponent's movements clearly, I'm afraid the body will be too late to react, but now, it's different.

The girl almost flashed all of Wu Wukong's attacks in a relaxed manner.

Even grabbed the gap and returned to the other party several times.

Between the waving of his hands, the sharp air flew from his long sleeves, which justly interrupted Sun Wukong's rhythm and made him uncomfortable.

The whole process looks like an adult is teasing a grumpy child.

Although in terms of image, Qishi is more like a child.

"Ahhhhhhhhh !!"

In the end, after repeated unsuccessful offensives, Sun Wukong immediately backed away for several tens of meters, his hands clasped together, and placed on his side, the terrifying energy diffused from his hands.

"Take the trick !!! Turtle Qigong wave !!!"

Along with Sun Wukong's nearly roaring voice, a terrifying Qigong wave burst out of his hands and drove towards Ying Qishi standing still.

In the face of the attack of the Qigong wave of the turtle faction, Qi Shi sighed deeply.

Obviously it was just a simple movement, but it made all the people who watched it have a wonderful feeling-no one sighed more than her.

"To be honest, fighting with you is really boring."

With such a word in his mouth, Ying Qishi slightly raised his hand knife, and a sharp knife emerged, "Although you are far superior to me regardless of the physical angle or the size of the qi."

As soon as the words fell, the arrogance of Ying Qishi burst out, and the whole person turned into an emerald green sword.

The Qigong wave from the impact was directly cut into two sections under the sword gas!


The soft voice diffused in the void, and the figure of Qishi emerged from the top of Daoqi. "Your power is only illusory. To be honest, you know nothing about power!"

"This is the last one, and the virtual swordsmanship is finally unraveling--a variety!"

When the words fell, the girl was the first and most fundamental martial art, which manifested itself in this world, and the horror of the sword was arbitrary. ..

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