My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 17: Liaison and battleship

Meeting No. 18 here is an accident for Nagato.

Although in the original work of Dragon Ball, Man-made No. 18 is a rare beauty with powerful force, but to be honest, the red-haired teenager at this time may not be able to look at it.

Today, although Nagato's nature remains unchanged, the demands on women are much higher.

In fact, it is worthwhile for Nagato to take the initiative to find it.

The number 18 is clearly not in this category.

There is no other reason, because the 18th is a scientific mechanical transformation person!

Perhaps her fighting ability is now stronger than many Bai Yujing girls, but that is only limited to the general plane. The most important thing is that the future potential is greatly inferior.

In the big chaos, science, especially mechanical science, is about practicality and potential, both of which belong to the bottom of the power system, as far as practicality and development potential are concerned.

It is because mechanical science is too dependent on the physical environment in which it exists!

There are always some differences between the many planes, and these differences are undoubtedly very huge for the rigorous mechanical science.

Unlike other idealistic power systems, even if they are suppressed, as long as they understand the laws of the plane, modify the way the power is used to work. If the mechanical science of materialism is suppressed by the plane, you may have to overthrow the entire scientific system Redefinition can work.

Most importantly, the ultimate goal of Nagato is to break through chaos and return to the real universe.

In the real universe where the truth of the law is the most rigorous, the mechanical science developed in chaos may be less than one percent, or even one thousandth.

The so-called robots may not even be able to start in real earth!

Under such circumstances, Nagato and even Bai Yujing didn't care much about the scientific system.

Incidentally, Nagato didn't care much about the existence of Cyborg No. 18.

It's just now, looking at the situation in front of me, but the eyes are still showing the strong and unyielding blonde girl, and Nagato suddenly felt that he almost missed a piece of beautiful jade.

It is true that the strength of No. 18 all comes from scientific transformation, and may not even understand the realm.

But the transformation of the girl is not complete, and the part belonging to humans is still complete enough.

In this case, Nagato has enough ways to make the No. 18 humanoid category that transcends mechanical scientific transformation into a truly infinite potential.

The most interesting thing is that the young man had a vision at this moment: that is, to replace the mechanical part in the No. 18 body with the "third Samsungchen particle body"!

The third Samsung Chen particle body!

It is also a rare artifact in Bai Yujing's collection, known as the third permanent mechanism, which allows the owner to have the ability to draw energy from the surrounding environment information.

But this thing is not for everyone.

In other words, few can be integrated.

The huge Baiyu Jingnei is now available in both June and Nagato.

At present, the artificial man No. 18, in the perception of Nagato, is also a fiter of the Sanxingchen particle body, and should not be repelled from the Sanxingchen particle body.

With the so-called scientific creation, it is completely unscientific in nature, and it can even be called a magical, mysterious permanent mechanism. Where will the future of No. 18 go?

Thinking of this, the red-haired teenager couldn't help but look forward to it.

Immediately, Nagato took out a connector from his own space. This was the connector that Broly had left for Nagato in front of Dragon Ball. The red-haired boy did n’t plan to use it so early.

However, since it is planned to transform No. 18, it is natural to contact the owner of No. 18.

"This guy!"

At this moment, the 18th standing in front of the long gate was annoyed.

The red-haired teenager in front of her asked her name, but before she could answer, she fell into contemplation and ignored her existence completely.

Normal people are annoyed by such a situation, not to mention the beauty like No. 18.

And when he wanted to speak on the 18th, he saw that the other party took out a contactor out of thin air. At the next moment, a virtual screen appeared on the contactor.

"Brother, did you finally find me?"

Along with the sound, a dark-haired girl rubbing her eyes seemed to be confused.

"Master Broly ?!"

Involuntarily speaking, No. 18's face was full of surprise.


It seems that the **** the virtual screen turned around subconsciously when he heard No. 18, and then quickly saw No. 18, and the girl showed a smile.

"It's you, number 18. I didn't expect you to be with your elder brother!"


At this time, on the 18th, he noticed the name of the grown-up to the red-haired boy in front of him. In surprise, a memory that was almost forgotten flashed in the brain of the 18th.

It was a meeting at the Galaxy Center. Broly felt too troublesome because of too many things. On the spot, she complained that her brother and sister had to deal with it.

It was on the 18th at that time, and I heard Broly's complaint.

At that time, the young girl only knew that her own adults actually had loved ones. However, in the years after that, they did not see those loved ones appear, and the young girl gradually forgot.

I just didn't expect that I actually met my brother's brother here!

"Yeah, this is my elder brother!"

Broly didn't see the idea of ​​No. 18, and introduced herself to the other party, "Remember, see my elder brother like me."

"Okay, elder brother, what is the matter with me?"

Speaking of which, the virtual Broly's eyes turned to the long door again.

"I was just looking for you to take ownership of the 18th!"

Hearing Broly ’s words, Nagato retracted his sight when he had n’t seen the sky before, and then said, "Looking at the news before, your conquering hegemony seems to be having some trouble?"

"Trouble? Is that right!"

Hearing this, Brorie was a little stunned, and then said so. "Visa's remnant party is indeed able to hide. I heard that Dragon Ball was activated."

"If there are no miscalculations, Frieza should be resurrected."

"So, how did I help you?"

With that said, Nagato lifted his finger to the sky, and following the teenager's finger, both Broly and No. 18 clearly saw that a huge spaceship was slowly falling from above. ..

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