My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 35: Unexpected Emperor Engine

Since you want to be a hero, you naturally have to join the Heroes Association.

Nagato definitely did not intend to become an unknown hero, but in the face of the tests to be taken to participate in the League of Heroes, the red-haired boy had no interest in participating.

The first reason is that Nagato does not think that the planet is qualified to test itself.

Secondly, after knowing the association ’s tests through the Internet, in addition to the basic fitness test, there is actually a written test, and the final interview, the interest of Nagato is even lower.

The most important thing is that it takes some time to be a forerunner to become a senior in any organization.

For example, the professional heroes of the Hero Association are divided into four levels: s, a, b, and c according to their combat ability and social contribution. The c-level heroes will be removed from the league without any contribution within a week.

After there is no reputation to join the association, Nagato may have to upgrade from the lowest C level.

The red-haired teenager is not sure if he has so much time wasted here.

Red-haired teenagers will not forget that the flames of the Sixth and Seventh Universes are still burning, maybe they will burn into other universes, even Bai Yujing.

At this time, a small part of Nagato's spirit was watching the war, and he himself was always ready to participate in the war.

The battlefield changes rapidly, and even Nagato and Saya cannot predict the course of the war.

Therefore, Nagato cannot become a hero according to the routine!

At this time, the prosperity that the red-haired boy had practiced a long time ago-existential reading, was again found by him from the corner of memory and was ready to be used here.

As for the object used, it is naturally the most free s-level hero in the hero association!

After the hacking ability on the 18th, Nagato hacked into the headquarters computer of the League of Legends and obtained the information and addresses of all current s-level heroes.

After much planning, Nagato placed his goal at the seventh place of the s-level hero, king.

In fact, the original goal of Nagato was the first of the s-class heroes, the mysterious hero named Blast. After all, Nagato felt that the first name was suitable for himself.

But the problem is that the existence of blasting is too mysterious, and performing heroic activities only follows personal will.

Because it is too chaotic to stand on the table stage, even the insiders of the League of Legends only know its name and no detailed information.

It's not that Nagato can't find each other, but he really has no mood to chase a man.

In contrast, although mysterious king, but there are a lot of specific information.

At least King's address is known by the League of Legends.

According to the association, this is an unknown hero. At the age of 28, he is known as the strongest man on earth. He once killed a powerful weird man several times.

It is often accompanied by "suddenly" background sounds.

According to rumors, it is the sound of its unique "Emperor Engine" starting after entering the battle state, and its strength is unfathomable!


"Are you sure this is really the hero's residence?"

Standing in front of an independent apartment building, Nagato looked at the number 18 on his side in amazement. "Did you read it wrong, or was the record of the League of Legends wrong?"

"In my perception, I didn't even feel any strong man's breath."

"There should be no mistake!"

Hearing the question from Nagato, casually dressed No. 18 quickly removed the notebook from the backpack on his body, opened it, and read it several times, confirming that: "Yes, the hero who claims to be the strongest man on the ground lives in the apartment building in front of him."

"Then go in and see!"

Slightly silent, the long door walked into the apartment with No. 18, and there were no obstacles along the way. The two came to the entrance of the king's apartment recorded by the association.

There was no knock on the door, the long door was just pressed on the shoulder of No. 18 with one hand and moved instantly.

In an instant, the two entered the apartment.

In all fairness, this is a very ordinary apartment, and there is no unique place. If something must be said, it is the man who is playing the game in front of the two.

From the appearance, this is undoubtedly a man with a strong spirit.

Under the ordinary household clothing, a rather strong flesh appears, and it looks more solemn with its solemn face and three scars.

It's just that such a man is playing a girl-cultivation game. What a picture!


After being silent for a while, Nagato could not help but sigh, and seeing what the other person looked like, Nagato knew that he was the hero of the Heroes Association, king!

At such a short distance, the red-haired boy had long seen the reality of the man in front of him.

Like his previous perception, this is an ordinary person.

In other words, what the Heroes Association proclaims, the strongest man on the ground is essentially an ordinary person-it is like a big joke.

Hearing the sigh of Nagato, the king playing the game stopped the movement in his hand.

Turning slowly, he looked at Nagato and No. 18:

"Who are you? Something?"

With a faint opening, the sound of ‘suddenness’ gradually coming out of King ’s body seemed to be filled with a dignified pressure throughout the room.

Even on the 18th, in the face of such a situation can not help but frown slightly.

Only the face of Nagato did not change, and it remained calm.

In such an atmosphere, the red-haired boy wandered to King's body and said, "Is this the so-called emperor engine? It's a heart-beating sound!"

Hearing Nagato's words, King's complexion changed greatly, and there was a panic in his eyes.

Just waiting for him to say anything, Nagato's hand was pressed on his head, and the power of reading was instantly spread out, and the existence of king was immediately captured.

There is no hindrance in the whole process, which undoubtedly proves that king is just an ordinary person.

Countless memories emerged in the mind of the long door, that is king's memory.

After combing, the red-haired boy directly removed a lot of dross, leaving only some necessary memories.

The existence of king is directly swallowed and replaced by the red-haired boy.

It was at the end of this process that Nagato suddenly felt a powerful spiritual force entering his body and being absorbed by his body.

With the passage of time, the spiritual absorption, the heartbeat of the long door and the blood run faster and faster.

Until the end, the boy's body made a sudden sound! !

Powerful forces spread through the limbs of the red-haired boy and felt these forces. A rare surprise appeared on the face of the red-haired boy.

"Emperor Engine, it's actually true !!!"

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