My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 41: Seated headquarters

Sici's distribution was soon announced.

The five urban areas symbolize five different enemies. Among them, the Hairen are walking out of the deep sea. The deep-sea environment makes them accustomed to various kinds of oppression and their physique is amazing.

The simple brute force is not so destructive to the sea people.

Therefore, Sici used silver fangs, the martial arts master who knew all kinds of strike methods, as the main force of the crusade. As for the **** prisoners, it was only an auxiliary.

The underground race is the largest among the five weirdo races, and its hiding ability is also the strongest.

Therefore, Siqi will be the fourth place among the s-class heroes with the first lethality, the atomic warrior and the twelfth place who can track the enemy, and the police dog is responsible.

The Sky race living in the sky is the most difficult and fastest weirdo race, so it is the ninth driving knight and the thirteenth flashing Flesh who are responsible for cruising them.

The former is a reformer and has anti-air firepower, while the latter is extremely fast and ranks among the top s-class.

It is rumored that the underworld clan from the underworld is a dead creature that can devour everything. Because it is so unique, it is the eighth zombie male and the tenth pig **** who are cruising them.

A zombie man, as his name implies, is an undead zombie that is so strong that it can be revived after being crushed in time.

The pig **** has a stomach with extraordinary digestive ability, as well as extraordinary ability.

As for the last ancient dinosaur tribe, they are actually strange people transformed from the remnants of the ancient extinct dinosaurs. They do not have many special abilities, but they are the strongest.

Therefore, Sic assigned the eleventh superalloy black light, the fourteenth vest venerable and the fifteenth metal bat to the same melee style, all of which were assigned to fight against these old times.

"The above is my allocation!"

After telling his distribution and the reasons for the distribution, Sic looked at the heroes present, "If you have any opinions, you can come up with them."

"How could it not be !!"

At the moment Sicchi finished speaking, the Dragon Roll couldn't help but stand up from his position. "What does this assignment mean? It doesn't matter if the little boy Tong Di is not assigned to the task."

"but I"

There was a slight pause in Xiaolongjuan's tone during the speech, and then he continued, "Why hasn't he and King been assigned to the task!"


Hearing the tornado, the fifth child emperor of the s class was speechless for a moment.

This nine-year-old s-class hero, one of the association's think tanks, would like to spit it out. From a mere appearance, the dragon is more like a little guy than himself.

However, comparing the combat power gap between himself and the dragon, Tong Di silently gave up his thoughts.

His life has just begun, don't die!

"Uh, please calm down, Miss Tornado!"

Faced with the question of Tornado, Sic was too surprised. Or, as soon as the task was assigned, he guessed the reaction of the Tornado, and he did not dare to say his thoughts:

"Miss Dragon Roll, you and Mr. King have more important tasks!"

"Xic that dastardly lie to me!"

"What is the more important task, what to guard the headquarters building, and reinforcement of teammates at any time. It is true. As long as I personally go out, what weird people are scum!"

"No, the more you think, the bigger it gets. Hey, don't you have any other ideas? !!!"

In a VIP hall in the headquarters of the League of Legends, the trembling tornado murmured with dissatisfaction, and finally complained towards the long door.


Faced with the complaints of the tornado, Nagato seemed extremely indifferent.

I saw the red-haired boy leaning leisurely on the sofa and reading a book that didn't know where it came from. "For me, it is boring to simply kill and kill."

"Should it be said that it is king!"

Tong Di, who was sitting on the sofa near the long door and was playing with his palm computer, couldn't help but stop the movements in his hands and secretly praised in his heart.

Half an hour ago, the hero meeting ended, and the assigned heroes set off for their respective battlefields.

Only the trembling dragon, King and Tong Di were stationed at the headquarters of the association.

According to Sich, although they judged the actions of the five major races, these judgments are based on incomplete intelligence and cannot guarantee correctness.

Under such circumstances, the trembling tornado and king will be the final insurance.

As for the Emperor Tong himself, he was acting as a think tank for the two supreme combatants.

Of course, this is just the scene, secretly Richic once explained to the Emperor Tong, hoping that he can coordinate the entire battle situation and command these two extreme combat powers when necessary.

Only in the eyes of Tong Di, the difficulty of his task seems a bit high.

The s-level heroes are extremely determined and rarely listen to the opinions of others, and no matter whether the tornado or the king are far more than other s-level heroes.

Wanting to command these two people, to be honest, even Tong Di thought he was not sure about his genius.

"It's really troublesome!"

Thinking of this, Emperor Tong couldn't help whispering to himself.

While the Emperor Tong was upset, the other side was reading leisurely, and from time to time, the long door of the one or two sentences with the Dragon Roll slightly raised his head, feeling something vaguely.

Without showing anything strange, Nagato looked at No. 18 beside him.

The red-haired teenager who is in the state of ninefold deterioration is not strong in perception, but his intuition is still so strong that after receiving the eyes of Nagato, No. 18 immediately unfolded his perception.

Then the girl noticed something and nodded slightly towards the long door.

"No. 18!"

"I understand, master!"

He said indifferently, on the 18th, he bowed slightly towards the long door, and then the blonde girl suddenly walked towards the entrance of the hall.

"Huh ?! What did that maid do?"

Seeing the move on the 18th, Xiaolongjuan immediately asked curiously, as a "class enemy", Xiaolongjuan was extremely concerned about the actions of the 18th.

Not only Xiaolongjuan, even Tong Di, who was worrying, looked at it subconsciously.

The reason is nothing else. It is the short confrontation between the 18th and the metal bat before the hero meeting, which made all s-level heroes attracted by the 18th.

"It's nothing, just going to activities."

Facing Xiao Longjuan's questions and Tong Di's gaze, Nagato just said with a chuckle, "Do you know that an actor who wants to be on the stage also needs a handsome selection."


When Xiao Longjuan was baffled, Tong Di reacted suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly, and he seemed to remember something, and his face changed greatly. ..

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