My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 65: Tragic universe pirates


A series of explosions were immediately triggered on the high-altitude spacecraft.

Seeing this scene, the heroes on the scorched earth looked back from the shock of the advent of the spaceship. At this time, all the people recalled the strength of the trembling tornado.

Perhaps in this war, her performance is not as good as Saitama, Hungry Wolf and Nagato, but she is still the final weapon of the Association.

Especially in the face of such a large-scale attack, really only the trembling tornado can completely defend it.

Of course, this judgment is just the idea in the hearts of many indigenous heroes.

Because of their own limitations, they know nothing about real power!

Xiaolongjuan in the void didn't care about everyone's thoughts below. Her eyes were fixed on the huge spaceship that suddenly appeared, and her eyes were full of dignity.

Through superpower scanning, Xiaolongjuan knew clearly, don't look at how powerful the explosion was in front of him.

But the spacecraft has not suffered much damage.

No, the spacecraft quickly launched an offensive again!

Spread across a huge ship's bottom of tens of kilometers, the damaged muzzle was replaced in an instant, and then it was another huge rain of shells.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Longjuan suddenly snorted unpleasantly.

Obviously the previous shells were rebounded by themselves, and they even used this attack for the second time-this is definitely underestimating themselves in the eyes of Xiao Longjuan.

Immediately, Xiaolongjuan's thoughts burst out again, sweeping the world.

"Sister, let me help you!"

At this time, Blowing Snow finally reacted and released his mind.

Although Xiao Longjuan felt that her sister was a bit troublesome, she sighed for a while and then defaulted. Then she was surprised to find that her sister's thoughts had more than doubled a few days ago.

Although it is not as good as myself, it is not inferior to most s-class heroes!

"What's that guy doing very well!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, the tornado's thoughts actively gathered the thought of blowing snow, and swept directly towards the endless shells that fell from the sky.

Seeing that the endless shells are about to be solidified by the mind again, another mind falls from the sky!


There was an inexplicable muffled noise in the void.

Unprepared, Xiaolongjuan and Blowing Snow snorted each other, and the shells that should have all been solidified were dumped onto the scorched earth below.

"It's amazing!"

"I didn't expect that my master of the first thought in the universe, Goryugan Shup, would actually encounter opponents of the same level and slightly elite elites on this indigenous planet on the edge of the galaxy."

"Since that is the case, it will leave you even more twisted! Three hundred times the gravity!"

I don't know when, a blue creature that looks like a slime and looks like an octopus appears above the snow blow and the tornado, and then the surrounding gravity suddenly increases by 300 times.

Originally Tornado and Blowing Snow were not afraid of such moves, but before that, they had just been attacked.

Although barely supporting the mind, it also made the heads of the two girls dizzy.

Both the tornado and the blowing snow's super powers are derived from the power of the brain. Under the state of dizziness, the two's super powers naturally lost their effect and immediately fell down from a height.

With the fall of the two girls, the endless shells that had been frozen at high altitude once again fell down. "Damn!"

During the fall, the will of the little tornado forcibly dispelled the state of dizziness and recaptured his own will, but it was difficult to resist the heavy gravity around him.

If she is the only one, in the face of such a situation, the tornado does not matter.

Anyway, even in such a state, Xiaolongjuan's only mental power was enough to create a powerful shield that would keep her intact in the gravity and the barrage that was about to be bombarded.

It's just that Xiao Longjuan can do this, but her sister blowing snow is still a little bit worse.

Thinking of this, the girl felt powerless.

Then quickly, she fell directly into a warm arms.

Not only her, but even blowing snow fell into that arms.

"What expression is this, Xiaolongjuan!"

Slightly tilting his head, the dragon saw a handsome face, and Zhang Yang's red hair looked like a burning flame. "Come on, no one can hurt you if I'm here."

"Wow, it turns out he can fly!"

At this time, on the vast scorched earth, Saitama looked with admiration at Ling Kong to catch the little tornado and the long door blowing snow.

As an ‘ordinary’ human who cannot fly, he envied this ability.

"Mr. Saitama, now is not the time to think about this kind of thing!"

Hearing Saitama's admiration, the hungry wolf stared closely at the barrage falling from the sky. "Let's destroy this barrage first. Let's talk about this piece of land. This land can't withstand this impact."

As soon as the voice fell, the hungry wolf took the lead in a whirlwind and rushed straight up!

Not only the hungry wolves, but also the heroes around them who were not seriously injured launched their attacks one after another, and the strange attacks poured out from the ground toward the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

There was a violent explosion in the air.

With the aftermath of the explosion, the endless smoke swept up, covering the entire sky, but soon, the smoke was dispersed by the wind blowing from the sky.


"What a surprising result"

"You actually blocked two full-scale attacks of the spaceship in a row."

"Aboriginal, you surprised us!"

The cosmic man who claimed to be the master of the first thought of the universe, Ge Liuqian slowly descended from the sky. At his side, the number reached four digits, and the strange and strange cosmic people scattered.

"But don't think that you can win this way. Wrong, wrong!"

"Then you will understand the combat power of our universe's dark matter pirates, despair, indigenous people!"

Under the influence of mindfulness, the voice of cosmic people spread throughout the city, as if strangling the neck of others, so that most of the heroes on the battlefield felt a suffocation.

The most unfavorable thing is that the heroes have just experienced a full day of war, which is the most exhausting time.

Immediately, many heroes felt fear, and the breath of despair filled.

At this moment, the endless flames permeated from the horizon, swept through with thunderous speed, and swallowed all the cosmic people in an instant.

The whole process was unusually short, and people in the universe didn't even have time to react, and they turned into ashes.

"Sorry, I seem to be late!"

The indifferent voice echoed, and a short-haired man who looked similar to Saitama but was filled with sparks on his body broke into the air and landed on the scorched earth.

The original s-class hero of the League of Legends, the blast finally appeared at this moment! ..

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