My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 73: The King

The sneak attack of the hungry wolf chose a very suitable time.

At this time, Nagato just swallowed the aura of the earth, and was having a special reaction with the aura of the water in his body, promoting the rise of the essence of his life.

Therefore, in the face of the attack of the hungry wolf, although Nagato felt it, he could not make a counterattack.


The scorching flame tornado bombarded the red-haired boy with the supreme power to destroy the void, and the horrible popping sound instantly echoed between the gray world.

The unimaginable horror shock became the last straw to crush this gloomy world.

Then, the gray world collapsed completely, and turned into a boundless void.

"Hahaha !!"

Seeing this scene, the hungry wolf laughed wildly, revealing a big mouth with a trace of blood left.

At the next moment, the hungry wolf rushed towards the center of the explosion. Previously, the hungry wolf attacked the blast, digging out his heart, and devoured it. Now, he is about to reapply his old skills.



The indifferent sound suddenly sounded. Before the hungry wolf reached the smoke in the explosion center, a fist emerged from the smoke and directly bombarded the hungry wolf.

"Boom !!!"

In the bursting sound, the hungry wolf flew out, and most of his body shattered directly.

"How, how is it possible!"

In the process of flying backwards, the hungry wolf's incomplete half of the face was still sullen and horrified.

He couldn't understand why Nagato could still attack at this time, and why he was obviously the owner of the two auras, and he would be defeated by the opponent with a punch.

"Why not?"

As if hearing the words of the hungry wolf, indifferent echoes sounded in the void, and then the crippled hungry wolf felt a strong traction force on his body.

The process of flying backwards stopped instantaneously, and the hungry wolf reversed toward the explosion center.

At this moment, the smoke from the explosion center had dispersed, revealing a red-haired young man with some damage except for his clothes, but his body was unscathed.

I saw the teenager raised his right hand, palms facing the flying hungry wolf.

Soon, the hungry wolf flew to the side of the long door, and was caught in the head by his right hand.

"Indeed, I just couldn't respond at that moment."

"But don't look at me from your point of view. I am different from you. After combining the power of Saitama, even if I stand and let you fight, you can't hurt me."

"Forget it, a guy who can't even control his own will is useless!"

In this way, the right hand of Nagato was straight, and the head of the hungry wolf suddenly shattered like a watermelon.


When the four spirits converged on the long gate, the sky gave a violent shock.

The endless and deep space suddenly began to stain red from the end of the field of vision. As the red became larger and larger, it seemed that the entire void was stained with blood.

The searing heat, enough to melt all the searing heat, diffuses everywhere in the void.

Nagato also felt a little choking at this moment.

"this is"

While Nagato took control of the changes in his body, he watched the changes around him excitedly, and his face could not help showing a slight trance.

The surrounding scenery is not unfamiliar to Nagato.

In other words, he used it often for a while.

"Heaven and Earth Oven!"

Speaking unclear words softly, Nagato's face was slightly weird.

"Hah, it's starting!"

In the center of the still universe, a golden figure stood in the void and spoke softly.

Suspended in front of the golden figure is a tall alchemy furnace that is too large to be visually inspected. Converging at the fire, there are thousands of hot stars.

And inside the furnace is a piece of chaos, as if there is an endless void.

Obviously, the long door at this time was inside the furnace.

In other words, the essence of the grand ritual that enveloped the earth is to send the four aura hosts to the magic circle of teleportation in the furnace.

When the last host is the last of the four hosts, the grand ceremony is clearly over.

"Now it's left to turn the last guy into a chaotic golden pill!"

Looking at the Dan Furnace in front of him, the golden figure appeared a little excited, and slowly approached the Dan Furnace, as if affected by the hot breath of the Dan Furnace.

This is a humanoid creature with a purple hue in its head basket, orange and yellow limbs and a slightly chunky figure.

He is no one else. He is the leader of the Golden Clan, who is said to have passed away, King!

The king is the king of omniscience and omnipotence.

Dare to use such a name as a name, the whole king should not be underestimated.

As the leader of the golden family, do n’t look a little unremarkable, but the king is born with wisdom and talent far beyond all the people, destined to stand at the apex of chaos.

After the baptism of the wandering years after birth, the King quickly reached the threshold of creation.

It stands to reason that he will create a world of golden people and become a new creation god.

But somehow, the problem appeared.

It seems that there is some kind of power that has been interfering with the creation of the King. Because the world created is incomplete, there is always a slight gap between the King and the world of the God of Creation.

Until the twelfth universe was forcibly developed, the king finally knew the problem.

There is no other reason, just because the owner of this chaotic piece does not want the creation of God.

Knowing this, the King resolutely chose Taoism in the process of creation, his body transformed into heaven and earth, but the soul took the opportunity to hide.

While avoiding the prying eyes of the chaotic master, the King began to study another path.

After a long period of research, the King has found another way to the creation god. Instead of realizing that level through the perfect creation experience, he will directly evolve his own body into the creation god.

To this end, the King has evolved the seeds of four auras of light with supreme wisdom and the endless years of the golden race.

Then he put these four seeds into the earth transformed by the head of his Taoist body.

After a long time of waiting, today, the four seeds have already matured and gathered together in the Dan furnace. The next thing to do is to refine the Lingguang into Dan.

"Just wait until Jin Dan is made and swallowed, and I will have the body of the creator god!"

There was a little excitement on his face, and the whole king said with expectation, "At that time, with the strongest physical support, my soul will soon reach the realm of the God of Creation."

"When the time comes, Master of Chaos, the account that has allowed me to die for so many years must be counted!" ..

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