My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 91: Erosion is complete!

Athena's marvel!

This is the three golden saints who attack the extreme small universe at one point.

This move is also called-Shadow Warfare.

Because its destructive power is too strong, it is banned by Athena in the case of three golden saints against one person. Once used, they will be deprived of the qualifications of the saint, and the soul will be branded with ghosts and animals.

At first glance, this seems to be because Athena does not want her saints to abuse their shadow tactics more than others.

But in the eyes of the long door, Athena's real command may be to cover up the mystery of shadow warfare!

If it is just a hearsay, I am afraid that everyone will think that Athena's marvel is a way of superimposing the three universes of Saint Seiya, but when really facing Athena's marvel, Nagato discovers otherwise.

Under the influence of shadow tactics, Jabfica, Desctier, and Alcide have undergone amazing changes in the little universe.

The collision between the small universe and the small universe has undergone a wonderful transformation, giving birth to an unprecedented force!

Relying on his own excellent knowledge, Nagato immediately judged that this force was the infinitely expanding force before the Big Universe explosion, or the tip of the iceberg of the true power of the Big Bang.

"In a sense, this is also the real power of the simulated star chart of the Greek gods!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato cautiously looked at the terrifying power that was about to come to him, and raised his right hand, "Athena's wisdom is indeed amazing, and actually created such a secret method."

"In this way, she also has unknown ideas about the simulated star chart of the Greek gods."

"It's just a pity that I'm here, her plan is doomed!"

Thinking so, the right hand of Nagato turned into a blaze, striking towards the incoming energy


A violent collision beyond imagination echoed in the Sagittarius palace.

The huge archer's palace was completely blown away for less than a moment in the horror impact of the collision, and then the horror impact swept the sanctuary, and there was no difference in impact on all creatures.

The contemporary Pope Sage, who was guarded between the Popes in the twelfth house, was given special attention and fell into a coma.


At the same time, the door of the Temple of Athena.

Sasha, or the almost awakened goddess Athena, holding the scepter of the goddess of victory in her left hand and the shield of Athena in her right, came out a little ugly on her face.

Athena was in a very bad mood at this time, and her angry will affected the space around her.

Originally in this life, Athena was not prepared to be truly awakened.

As expected by Nagato, Athena has reached an agreement with Shakya and secretly invested in the Buddha. Although the Greek gods have their own cards, Athena does not think that this card is as big as the Buddha.

After really seeing the existence behind the Buddha Shakyamā, Athena has no heart to fight against.

Over the years of continuous reincarnation, Athena is secretly practicing the practice of Buddha.

In the calculations of Athena and Buddhism, in this life she should continue to accumulate the foundation with the soul after the reincarnation, and her practice will not be truly completed until the next life.

It was only then that Athena truly awakened, and when the Buddha officially launched a full-scale attack on the Greek gods.

It's just that the goddess never thought that he and the Buddha's calculation would encounter such an accident!

Obviously, the holy war has not yet begun, and his own sanctuary has been invaded. The most terrifying thing is that this intruder is still preparing to completely refine himself and the entire holy domain so that he has to wake up.

"Damn, who is it?"

Looking up at the mysterious enchantment encircling the sanctuary, and the white jade Xiaoding at the center of the mysterious enchantment, Athena's silver teeth bite, and the powerful little cosmic perception suddenly released.

It was just this release that Athena was stunned.

In the goddess's perception, all the saints in the sanctuary, including the pope of this generation, fell into a coma, while the enemies who invaded the sanctuary had no shadow at all.

"This is impossible!"

A look of consternation appeared on her face, and Athena felt incredible.

When she just walked out of the temple, Athena clearly felt the aftermath of the shock caused by Athena's exclamation, which she thought was a taboo.

Obviously, at that time, their saints were fighting the invaders.

But now, the other party is gone!

Thinking of this, Athena couldn't help but be surprised. There were three reasons for this situation. First, the enemies were wiped out in the attack of her saints.

At the moment this idea appeared, Athena rejected it.

The reason for this is that in addition to the crisis in the goddess' spiritual consciousness has not been lifted, there is a more obvious evidence-that Baiyu Xiaoding, which is above the sanctuary, is still playing a role.

Since the possibility of the death of the enemy is ruled out, then there are only two other possibilities left.

Either the enemy has a special ability to escape his own perception, or the other party is so powerful that he can't perceive it. If the former is okay, but if the latter thinks of it here, Athena's heart grows a little ominous.

"Be the first to be strong!"

However, Athena deserved to be the goddess of war and victory. At the first time, she suppressed the distractions in her heart. Her left hand raised the scepter of the goddess of victory and aimed at Baiyu Xiaoding in the sky.

In Athena's intuition, Xiao Ding in the sky is definitely one of the enemy's important combat powers.

If you can destroy it, your chance of victory will increase greatly!

Immediately, the super-small cosmic power of Athena burst out and emerged along the scepter, turning into a soaring energy shock wave, and bombarded towards Baiyu Xiaoding suspended above the sanctuary.



Just before the shock wave was about to attack Xiaoding, the heavy ripples spread around in all directions with Xiaoding as the center. With the diffusion of the ripples, the entire sanctuary was instantly stained with dark colors.

In this gloomy world, everything including the roaring energy shock wave is still.

"Erosion is done"

The indifferent voice rang in the dark world, and the figure of the red-haired boy appeared in front of Athena, leisurely, "The first time I met, hello, Athena!" ..

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