My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 95: Supersense

After putting away the pocket watch, Nagato's gaze turned to Li Ding.

After swallowing everything about the horse, Li Zhiding seems to have greatly benefited. Nagata can clearly perceive that there is a kind of "reason" that explains the extreme of time. Xiaoding is constantly drawing from the origin of the horse.

If Nagato's perception did not go wrong, this is not the first time he has encountered such a reason.

When he first entered this realm, Nagato once saw a similar theory on the crystal wall.

"The supreme **** of Greece, Kronos!"

He murmured softly in his mouth, and a sudden expression appeared on the face of the long door. "So, then the master of another divine power is the wife of Cronos, and the goddess Anan must be fixed."

In ancient Greek mythology, Cronos, a super primitive god, rooted in os (time), created chaos and order.

His power is unique, above all things, existing before the beginning and creating everything.

And his wife Anan Ke is the deification of the fate, the number of days and the inevitable deification in Greek mythology, the super-god who controls all the fate, destiny, fixed number, and number of days.

Of course, these statements are just the words of ancient Greek mythology, the real Kronos and Ananke can not really be so strong.

But these remarks also illustrate the path of the two super-gods, and their lofty status among the Greek gods.

The reason why the horse, or the brother of the super primitive **** Koronos, was to be sealed by his elder brother is very simple. I am afraid that Cailos shared the fruit with his elder brother.

There is such a saying in the boundless chaotic void called: The Battle of the Avenue!

There are thousands of methods of spiritual practice, but the final results of spiritual practice are not that many. Many times, there will be countless people yearning for the same accomplishment of spiritual practice, but the only ones who can really get it are the disputes on the road. Too.

This is the case of Cronos and Cailos, both of whom are naturally on the same path of spiritual practice and chasing the same achievement.

For his own avenue, Cronos completely sealed his brother.

It can be seen how cruel the dispute over the road is.

The reason why Nagato will cause Bai Yujing to set off an endless battle in chaos. It is possible that the battle of Bai Yujing's girls' avenues will be killed by this battle, thus increasing the probability of their enlightenment.

Of course, the Cronos brothers' main battle for the main road is not of interest.

What he cares about is the principle of time that Li Zhiding draws from Cailos's origin. Although this theory is not complete, there is no doubt that this is the super **** of super **** Kronos. Management.

The most important thing is that in ancient Greek mythology, the super **** Kronos is not only the **** of time, but also the first cause that transcends everything.

Therefore, after gaining some of his rationale, Nagato's analysis of the simulated star chart of the Greek **** group took a big step in an instant, and even the small universe with Nagato's own became more pure under the influence of this theory.

"Well, although it doesn't make much sense to me."

Feeling the change of the small universe in the body, Nagato gave a nonchalant smile.

From his throne, the red-haired boy stretched out slightly, moved his body, and then turned to look at Sasha. The little maid was as clever as ever, and looked rather lovable.

It's just that in the eyes of the long door, although such a Sasha is picturesque, it seems to lack something, and there is an inexplicable regret.

Slightly pondering, Nagato knew what Sasha was missing.

She lacked a blooming brilliance.

As Athena ’s reincarnation, although not in sync with the goddess ’consciousness, her character looks even more fragile, but Sasha is not essentially a weak woman, and the warrior ’s factor is rooted in her soul.

Such a woman needs a stage for her to play, and only then can she bloom the most dazzling beauty.

Only the appearance of Nagato interrupted the process and strangled her transformation.

and so--

"Sasha, this stage of the sanctuary, give it back to you, how?"

Looking at Sasha, the long door said so. With the words of the red-haired boy, the scepter of Athena's goddess of victory and Athena's shield flew from the goddess' temple and levitated in front of Sasha.

"Lord, master, this"

Facing such a situation, Sasha was at a loss and looked at the long door for help.

"I remember, you have an elder brother and sweetheart."

Perceiving Sasha's gaze, the long door turned a blind eye and said, "If my memory is correct, the two little guys' names are Aaron and Tianma. Their identity is not simple."

"Tianma's identity is the reincarnation of the god-killing Pegasus in the era of mythology, and your brother is the reincarnation of the Hades chosen by Hades."

Speaking of which, Nagato kept silent and looked at Sasha with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Sasha was silent.

In these days, I have experienced events such as the goddess' will to seize self-consciousness, the change of the Holy Land, and the seizure of his body and mind by the men in front of him. Sasha has long been disheartened by the so-called jihad.

The so-called love and justice cannot even become the driving force of Sasha's battle.


"Brother Aaron, Tianma."

Saying softly in his mouth the names of these two people who played an important role in his childhood, a warm current appeared in Sasha's heart.

Although he didn't get along for long, Sasha knew the character of the man in front of him. If he refused, he wouldn't be angry, but he also wouldn't pay attention to Brother Aaron and Tianma, and let each other die.

"However, I can't sit back and watch Brother Aaron and Tianma fall into a land of nowhere!"

Thinking of this, Sasha sighed secretly and raised her hands, grabbing the scepter of the goddess of victory and the shield of Athena, respectively.

The breathtaking heroism suddenly burst from the girl's eyebrows


Seeing that Sasha had made a choice, Nagato nodded in satisfaction. The left hand Li Zhiding flew out and entered Sasha's body. "Lee Zhiding will lend it to you first. Pray when you need it. , It will help you. "

With that said, Nagato turned and walked out of the pope slowly.

"I am looking forward to your performance, Sasha!" ..

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