My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 103: Short collision!

During the war, Nagato's face remained indifferent.

Since inheriting the legacy of the lost past life, breaking through the threshold of the Dao ancestors and truly seeing the true face of the 'world', Nagato has been ready to prepare for the war with the eight civilizations at any time.

Not to mention the existence of a mere avatar of the leader of the civilization of Buddha.

Even when the Buddha came in person, the Nagato was not afraid.

The chaos at this time is somewhat similar to the wild world in the memory of Nagato's first world. The leaders of the eight civilizations and Nagato are equivalent to the so-called saints. Although chaos is endless, it can only be matched with each other.

Of course, the premise of this metaphor is to exclude the real earth consciousness.

The seemingly harmless white girl needs to be treated differently.

In a sense, Nagato and the other eight leaders of civilizations have long been in close contact with each other. In addition to the grudges left by Nagato's lost second world, the red-haired boy has long been eager to try.

The only thing that confuses Nagato is the behavior of the Buddha's civilization.

It stands to reason that the eight civilizations should know that the power of the other side of the bank is still at this time, and still controls most of the sovereignty of this chaos. No matter how strong the enemy is, if it comes to this area, it will face failure.

Even if the civilization of the Buddha uses some insignificant pieces to engage in the east and the west, why would the will of its leader come in person?

This kind of move is meaningless except for delivering food.

"Forget it, let's fight and talk!"

Such thoughts flashed in my head, Nagato squinted slightly, most of his mind suddenly merged with Baiyu Xiaoding in the void, and in an instant, the entire mysterious starry sky seemed to be alive.

Endless starlight spilled, filling the void around.

Faced with this change, the mysterious treasure tree that hung the Seven Treasures of the Buddha Gate shuddered slightly.


Along with the chanting that echoed out of thin air, a colorful light flashed from the treasure tree. This light was extremely divine. It was like a sword, cutting through the shackles of the starlight, and it was like a storm, and was about to sway the stars.

"Interesting, as if to paint everything!"

Seeing this scene, an arc of interest appeared in the corner of the long door, and said, "According to my memory, is this treasure tree the legendary seven wonderful treasure tree."

As soon as the words fell, Li Zhiding turned on his own.

In an instant, the endless starlight scattered in the mysterious starry sky also slowly turned, and the unimaginable terrorist power condensed in the star space, suppressing the raging colorful light.

"Zenzai, it's the seven wonderful treasure trees!"

The Buddha sound responded leisurely, and Baoshu was shaking again.

This time it was no longer a colorful ray of light, but countless colorful ray of light appeared in the air, as if to thoroughly penetrate the star blade's blade storm, and stiffly carried the oppressive force of starlight rotation and condensation.

"Great, it is worthy of being the guy who has stepped into the realm of Daozu for many years, and the away game is still so powerful!"

Seeing this, Nagato could not help but sigh softly. Through simple confrontation, Nagato realized that Buddha is definitely not a perfect Taoist ancestor, but with the accumulation of the other party's endless years, the pure power is not even worse than the perfect Taoist ancestor.

Obviously, such an opponent is terrible, even if the opponent does not use his full strength.

If it were not his own home now, if Nagato had to deal with him, I am afraid it would really unblock the power and completely enter the realm of Daozu.

Of course, unless it is really necessary, Nagato will not do this. After all, the road to the perfect Taoist ancestor is already in front of him. He does not want to have any accidents.

"However, I am not bad!"

A chuckle appeared in the corner of his mouth, and the spirit of Nagato's heart urged the rational trip.

"Boom !!!"

All the stars suspended in the endless starlight have a wonderful resonance at this moment.

After swallowing the simulated star charts of the Greek gods and the center of the entire box court, all the universe views in the history of the box court have become the accumulation of Li Zhiding. With this accumulation, Li Zhiding completed a sublimation in an instant.

This mysterious starry sky is the product of Li Zhiding's sublimation, while the stars in the sky are reflections of the universe.

At this time, the mapping of these cosmological views unleashed the power contained in them in resonance.

It seems that the supreme truths of the thousands of gods are all released at this moment.

Endless stars turn into meteors, bombard down!

"Boom! Boom !!!"

Unimaginable collisions broke out completely in the starry sky.

The light of the Qi Miao Bao tree collided extremely with the falling star of truth. In the deafening violent roar, the entire starry sky swayed, and even a few cracks appeared on the edge of the starry sky.


At this moment, a sound of breaking the sky appeared at once.

I saw that Bai Yu Xiaoding fell down at the ultimate speed as if to penetrate the time and space, and it was severely suppressed on the body of Qi Miao Bao Shu. The unimaginable collision aftermath spread in all directions.

The time and space where the two treasures collided in the center even twisted and shattered.


Suddenly, the solemn and solemn Buddha's voice slowly came out from the vortex under the seven wonderful treasure trees.

With the sound of the Buddha, more powerful power poured out of the vortex and blessed on the treasure tree. The seven treasures of the Buddha Gate shone dazzlingly, and the whole treasure tree threw Xiaoding out fiercely.

At the next moment, Qi Miao Baoshu fell into the vortex fiercely and seemed to leave.


"Don't want to run!"

A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the long door, and the power of the entire starry sky was all blessed on Xiaoding.

At the next moment, Li Zhiding bombarded again with an extremely utterly utter desolation.

Before the Qi Miao Treasure Tree disappeared completely, Li Ding came.


A more terrible collision suddenly broke out.

Xiaoding left a branch of the Qimiaobao tree, and at the cost of it, the huge starry sky was directly scattered into fragments during the collision.

The surrounding void was restored into a box court.

At this time, the aftermath of the collision continued to spread, madly destroying the whole world.

Perhaps it is because the center of the Sand Court has been devoured, and the Sand Court, which has existed for countless years, has begun to collapse.

But Nagato's attention was not on the box court, but on the battle.

Although he achieved a victory, he could feel a sense of powerlessness from Li Zhiding, but this is not surprising. The birth time of Li Zhiding was too short, and a branch that could burst the treasure tree was already very good. Amazing.

Thinking of this, Nagato recalled Li Zhiding, and at the same time took back a branch of Qi Miao Bao Shu. ..

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