My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 106: School City

School City!

A special city built in the slow-developing area of ​​Tokyo ’s West District.

The city of this school is about one-third of the Tokyo metropolitan area. It contains dozens of universities and hundreds of elementary, junior and high schools. There are more than a thousand "research institutions" with a population of more than 2 million. Eighty percent of the residents are students.

Gakuen City has the most advanced technology in the world, two or thirty years more advanced than the outside world, and is a leader in the scientific world.

Since most of the technology and research are highly confidential matters, the security system in the academy city is very strict, and there are strict restrictions on the entry and exit of personnel.

The entire city is divided into twenty-three school districts to provide special education courses to discover superpowers, mainly by recruiting students from outside. In addition to educational institutions, there are student-oriented research facilities, production and commercial facilities, international exhibition venues, and international airports Wait for facilities.

But these are all superficial rhetoric. Excluding a series of modifications, the essence of the city is just a superpower research base.

All education, technology and research are carried out around the theme of ‘superpower’.

At this time, Nagato was in an unnamed institution in the second school district of the academy.

As expected by Nagato, after activating his realm to become a rare rough stone ability, he was quickly captured by the academy city, so that the next day after Christmas, the staff of the academy city Then came to the door.

After a very simple negotiation, Nagato smoothly became a member of the academy city, and will formally enroll next year.

During the time before enrollment, the red-haired boy probably spent time in the research institution.

In the face of such a situation, Nagato did not care much, or rather, Nagato was still looking forward to the results of the research of the institution, because even Nagato could not figure out what his original stone ability was.

At first, Nagato only showed the characteristics of controlling its own energy.

This feature allows him to perfectly control the aim diffusion force field, so that his superpowers are not affected by any external forces. The machines in the original story that can interfere with superpowers obviously have no effect in front of the long door.

In the following days, Nagato's ability gave birth to a new feature again, which perfectly controlled his physical body.

With this characteristic, coupled with the various martial art skills in memory, Nagato instantly became the ultimate master of martial arts. Even the saints of this world, Nagato can compete with it in a short time.

However, these two characteristics are not so much the super power of Nagato, but rather the influence of the control attributes deep in the soul of Nagato.

The super powers that Nagato really possessed have not yet been completely bred, but now it is just the tip of the iceberg.

However, the original stone is the original stone after all!

Although its existence itself is the basis of superpower development, the excessively scarce number, the random random birth pattern, and the almost instinctive way of exertion are completely different from the superpower developed by scientific means.

Even if the whole organization did their best and tested three times before and after, they could not detect the truth of Nagato's ability.

Nagato didn't care about this. Although he had some expectations, he only had a little bit of expectation. The most important thing was that Nagato found that as time went by, his appearance of superpower was gradually revealed.

On the contrary, the researchers of the institution, because of this situation, curiosity has been completely burned.

Some enthusiastic researchers even thought about dissecting the long door. so that their eyes are burning abnormally.



After seeing these eyes from the long door that came out of the scanning room, the subconscious sneered, and immediately, the unspeakable fluctuations spread out in all directions around the body of the red-haired boy.

In an instant, all the researchers felt a wave of fear, as if they saw a nightmare and a natural disaster.

Although this sensation was only a flash, all researchers did not think it was an illusion, because their bodies seemed to remember the feeling of fear, and there was a clear stiffness in their behavior.

"Oh, fun!"

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared at the corner of the long door.

The red-haired boy found that his superpower showed a corner, but this ability did not seem to be really completed. He could only vaguely realize that his ability seemed to have an extraordinary lethality to humans.

Aware of this, many speculations appeared in the head of the long door, but he did not blindly draw a conclusion, but temporarily left behind.

Glancing at the researcher present indifferently, Nagato turned leisurely and left the experimental area.

After the long gate left, the researchers in the experimental area were relieved, and everyone looked at each other. There were many emotions in their hearts, but it was difficult to express them in words.

Finally, the research team of the institution exhaled for a long time and sighed:

"It seems that there is another monster in the college city!"

"It is indeed a monster!"


Nagato left did not know what the researchers said about him.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Since he decided to join the academy city, Nagato did not plan to act in a low-key manner. He had already made a decision to become a monster in the eyes of ordinary people.

No, not just monsters, Nagato do, but the monsters among the monsters are the strongest and invincible monsters!

Soon after leaving the experiment area, Nagato came to the living area of ​​the institution.

It has to be said that the support of the academy city for scientific research institutions is really nothing to say. An unnamed research institution occupies a huge area of ​​land. Not to mention the experimental area, even the living area has a playground size.

In addition to several apartment buildings used for living, various fitness facilities and a badminton court are also placed around.

By the way, there are two young teenagers on the badminton court.

Outside the stadium, teenagers with less than double digits are cheering.

Although they do n’t know the names of these people, Nagato knows that they are students in the nearby 13 districts. They signed a contract with this research institution. Every winter, spring and summer vacation will come here to study and earn money.

Many orphans in the city use this method to obtain tuition fees and then complete their studies. ..

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