My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 121: Awakening Shura

Emperor Yuangen had a long dream.

In the dream, he is no longer the second superpower in the academy city, without metamaterials, but a puppet incarnation of a terrorist existence, even his own consciousness does not exist.

And the environment he is in is also not a school city, but a very different plane.

From the initial birth on the end of the zombies plane, and then sneaked into a mysterious organization called the space of the main god, then confrontation aliens, anger and wraiths, explore the secret realm, dance with the **** of death

His brilliant experience has shaped his personality and given him an independent will.

At the end of the dream, he returned to the doomsday plane of his birth, participated in a battle against the main **** space, hunted the two protagonists cultivated by the main **** space, and achieved himself.

And at the end, he resolutely stepped into reincarnation in order to break his own restrictions!

After reincarnation, his name is—

"Emperor Yuangen!"

Repeating the name softly, Emperor Yuangen who woke up from a dream found himself in a dark void, and the weightless environment made him feel unreal.

But compared to this untrue, Emperor Yuangen is more concerned about the content of his previous dream.

"Is it really my previous life?"

Such doubts flashed in his mind, and Emperor Gengen soon felt a ‘huge’ sense of existence coming from the dark and deep places, making him suddenly suffocated.

And in this suffocating atmosphere, he found that there was an inexplicable desire in his heart.

Longing for completion, longing for return, longing for breaking through the darkness!


Under the impetus of all kinds of desires, Emperor Yuangen could not help but yelled, as if there was endless power in his body, and then his right hand clenched his fist, blasting out towards the endless darkness in front of him.


The dark void in front of the boy burst into a fierce roar, shattered like a mirror.

Then appeared in front of him was a back seat of Bai Yu Xiao Ding suspended above his head.

Seeing this back, the Yuan Gen Emperor looked like a lightning strike.

The memory blockade in the brain shattered instantly.

And the surrounding space shattered

Opening his eyes, Emperor Yuan Gen saw a strange ceiling.

Sitting up from lying down, the brunette teenager found himself in a laboratory-like place, and below him turned out to be a platform like an anatomical table in the laboratory.

Blinking slightly, Emperor Yuangen felt speechless for such a situation.


At this moment, a slight sound rang around.

I saw the pure white door not far away automatically opened, and a long door in casual clothes strolled slowly in from the door: "Yo, you wake up, the memory should have been restored, Emperor Capital."

"Well, recovered."

Answering softly, Emperor Yuangen leaped from the platform and said with a wry smile, "Just brother, can't you arrange a good place, just throw me here at random."

"Sorry, sorry, some scientists seem to have contracted it recently."

Hearing the complaints of Yuan Genyuan, the red-haired boy's face rarely showed a little embarrassed look. "I'm really curious about the unmet matter, and I can't help studying it before you wake up."

"You explain this, it makes me feel even worse."

Hearing that Nagato had studied his body, Emperor Gengen couldn't help but cover his face. Anyone who knew he was thrown into a place like this anatomical table could hardly guarantee his normal state of mind.

If the person in front of him is not his brother, or he has no awakening memory, Emperor Gengen guarantees that he will absolutely run away.

After taking a few deep breaths, Emperor Yuangen was able to recover his normal heart.

"Oh, what's the situation now?"

After recovering his mind, Emperor Yuangen immediately remembered his memory seal and immediately asked, "Why is my memory sealed, and how is the guy Misaka?"

"The situation is a bit complicated, please pay attention to receive the message!"

As he said in this way, Nagato immediately used his own spiritual power to share most of his non-private memories with him through the inexplicable connection between himself and Emperor Yuangen.

With the sharing of memories from Nagato, the face of Yuan Gen immediately flashed a look of sudden enlightenment.

"Unexpectedly, so many things happened without my knowledge."

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Emperor Yuan Gen would not have the energy to think about other things.

Because from a long time ago, the Forbidden World was silently sealed by the door of the other shore, causing Emperor Yuangen to find that his understanding of Bai Yujing was still more than a thousand years ago.

Suddenly received too much new information, so that the emperor Yuan Gen was almost unable to bear it.

It took a total of more than two hours to scan all his memories.

If you want to digest it, it may take some time.

Slightly gasping, Emperor Yuangen looked at the long door with a scorching gaze, and said, "Brother, from now on, how much time is left for you to fight against Aresta?"

"Not much, probably in about a year."

A faint smile appeared on his face, and the long door said, "Even if I don't shoot the fantasy killer, before that guy's plan is officially implemented, my variables are destined to be excluded."

"Well, it seems that time is running out, and the school will leave it to you."

Understatement, he handed over his forces. Emperor Yuangen rubbed his temples and said, "I will retreat here during this time, digest these memories, and complete my transformation."

"I am still too weak now to be involved in the game between your brother and Aresta."

"But soon, I will catch up!"

With that said, Emperor Yuangen closed his eyes directly and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"So, I look forward to it!"

Looking at the actions of Emperor Yuangen so decisively, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and turned and walked out of the door. "Let us fight this academy city, or the largest shady plane in this plane." .

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