My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 127: Aihuasi! erosion!

With just a glance, Nagato's consciousness returned from the years.

The spiritual particles have been perfectly integrated with the vitality that is giving birth to the wind and the ice, but at this time the long door's mind is no longer on it. All he thinks about is the figure of the future.

To be honest, the red-haired boy really didn't expect that there would be such an amazing existence in this world of magic ban.

In a sense, that figure can be said to be the future master!

In terms of realm, the realm of Taoism is not enough to describe Him.

It's just that He, trapped in a world, cannot be a Taoist ancestor.

Insufficient strength, but detached in half a step!

-Heresy of the world!

Thinking a little, Nagato can only make such a description.

If the red-haired boy does not guess wrong, in the near future, super powers and magic, all the extraordinary powers, will eventually achieve the glory of the future master.

Even at this moment, the power of the future master can cross the river of time and affect the present.

"Obviously, this is a more difficult existence than the Devil God!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato narrowed his eyes slightly, "This kind of existence is not an unknown person, and of course it will leave traces in the original, then his identity is"


With a flash of light, Nagato came to this answer.

Aihuasi, the top secret of the academy city code-named "dragon".

In terms of appearance, it is a tall figure with long blond hair, a shining figure, and a loose white clothed mantle covering the torso of the limbs.

Although the correct gender cannot be completely judged, at least it looks like a female.

The angel of science-Aihuasi!

It claims that its existence and the angels recorded in the existing Bible are completely different concepts, and it should be more accurate to choose the phrase "teach the necessary part of the required knowledge in the past to a person called Crowley's weird magician". Terrain.

Legend has it that when Aresta was a magician, he used his wife as a medium of contact with the guardian angel Aihuasi to summon Aihuasi, through the teaching of angels, he learned the "angelic style" that humans cannot use. And record it in the book of law.

In the original book, Edwards was once described as an angel that the Bible and theology cannot explain. At the same time, in the world created by God, it symbolizes the attributes that are not controlled by God, and is also a clue to let mankind escape from destiny.

Recalling the data of Ai Huasi, Nagato frowned slightly.

In fact, as long as he was preparing to shoot against Aresta, or even when he first came to this world, Nagato had evaluated the highest combat power of the world of Forbidden World, of which Aiwasi was not really concerned by Nagato.

The reason is that although Ewas is mysteriously abnormal, he is only an angel after all.

In the world of Forbidden City, although the angel looks tall, but its essence is just like a human-shaped balloon filled with "angelic power". In other words, this is an objective force.

Since it is only an objective force of existence, there will naturally be no suspicion in the background of red-haired teenagers.

But now it seems that Nagato looks a little too underestimated, and the appearance of the angel is probably just a disguise he made to bring his own power to the present from a distant future. Thinking of this, Nagato could n’t help but think of the original evaluation of Edwards——

Having the power to move the world with just one finger is enough to destroy the world, but it is a person who only acts according to his own interests and whim. Even if human beings are destroyed and the world disappears, Aiwasi will not change his face, even for his own existence. Don't care at all.

"It seems that the authenticity of this evaluation is really not small."

Thinking like this in his head, Nagato's thoughts were running fast, and he began to think about how to deal with Ewas.

As for the upcoming battle of science leaders, the existence of Edwards actually has little effect. After all, his ontology exists in the future after a long time, and the power that can be manifested in this time and space is not great.

Nagato's prepared combat power for that battle is absolutely sufficient, and it can definitely wipe out its manifested power.

But this does not mean that Nagato will ignore Iwas. On the contrary, Nagato's emphasis on Ewas has reached its zenith.

From the evaluation of the original and his own eyes, Aiwasi has actually surpassed the world of Forbidden City.

The existence of the world has little to do with Him.

If the Forbidden World is just an ordinary magical world, it is not strange. After all, the Great Thousand Worlds are unique, but for this Forbidden World suppressed by the other side of the gate, it is a bit ridiculous.

The door on the other side is a tool for Taoist ancestors that can suppress endless chaos. Under its suppression, there is no existence that can be detached.

Even ordinary Taoist ancestors can suppress it on the other side!

So, what exactly did Edwards reach the present state by virtue of what?

If you think about it, the answer is already obvious.

"The last thing left in the previous life?"

To reach such a conclusion, Nagato's speed of thinking has reached an extreme level, and countless ideas are presented in his mind, and then Nagato is madly brushed with the actual situation.

Less than a moment later, Nagato decided on a new plan.

Before completing the final power savings, the red-haired boy must ensure that Evath will not pose a threat to himself, and through the description of the original story, Nagato knew that Evath appeared in this world in two media.

One is Arista, this medium is the goal of Nagato, and no matter the body or soul, Nagato will destroy it.

The second is the wind-cutting Binghua and imaginary mathematics area.

The original Riaresta used the wind to cut the ice and the imaginary mathematics area to present Aihuasi. Among them, the wind to cut the ice will become the long door under the influence of mental particles with the passage of time. tool.

As for the imaginary mathematics area, Nagato must also control it.

For this, Nagato is even willing to pay some price.

and so--

"Broken !!"

With the determination, the sword of wisdom suddenly appeared in Nagato's mind.

Under the indescribable wisdom, the connection between the spiritual subject of the Nagato and the spiritual projection broke instantly, the face of the red-haired boy turned white, and a trace of blood burst from the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the psychic particle clusters thrown into the imaginary mathematics zone slowly disperse.

Without anyone knowing, these mental particles disguised themselves like chameleons, quietly scattered to every corner of the imaginary mathematics district, and began to erode the entire school district ..

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