My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 169: Surgery and decision

In an instant, the fiery fiery-weaving pupil contracted sharply!

The horror in the saint ’s heart cannot be described in simple words, not only because the roots of her own power have been shaken, but also because she clearly felt the change of the red-haired boy in front of her.

As the transformation progressed, the Qi machine on the Nagato immediately changed, becoming more and more sacred.

It looks like a **** son walking on earth!

"How can this be!"

Divination wants to deny, but can't deceive his heart at all.

In a trance, the girl seemed to see that, in the paradise that echoed countless chants, the red-haired boy was stepping towards the position of ‘Lord’ step by step, and the electric light flint understood everything.

Although heaven exists, the position of the Lord is empty.

Regarding this point, only a handful of powerful people in the Forbidden World know it, and Divine Crack originally did not know it.

Only the real existence of the essence of magic can be known.

However, as the foundation of the saint's power, the sacred mark transformed it by a long door. In a sense, it was equivalent to a wonderful communication. Through this communication, the cleric understood this deeply.

To be honest, as a believer, a split heart is absolutely collapsed.

What makes the young girl feel even more collapsed is that the young man in front of him, the whirlpool gate, actually tried to become the new master!

Originally, this kind of big injustice should be angry.

But at this time, she was confused.

Especially when he discovered that the transformed part of his sacred mark had even more sacred and noble powers, the dilemma was even worse.

"Ha ha!"

The split mind completely reflected in the perception of Nagato.

In other words, this was deliberately designed by Nagato. If it were not so, it would be really difficult to overcome it.

A light smile appeared on the corner of the red-haired boy's mouth, urging the power of absolute kingship and imaginary mathematics zone to madly transform the divine sacred mark, and on this pedal, he began to analyze the power of heaven.

Gradually, Nagato felt, an endless power stored in the mysterious void.

This kind of power is similar to the magicians of the forbidden plane that treat the original human power, that is, the product of life and vitality. The magic power is very similar, but it is more magnificent than the magic power, sacred and powerful.

Nagato knew that this was the so-called angel power!


Almost subconsciously, Nagato moved his thoughts, drawing the power of angels into his own body.

As if stimulated by the power of angels, the absolute kingship gave a slight tremor, and then included the power of angels under the kingship. Where did Nagato once read from Inticus, the knowledge of the magic book about the power of angels was numerous Emerge.


Knowledge and power had a wonderful reaction, and the spark of inspiration from Nagato suddenly burst into bloom.

After the formation of absolute kingship, the existence of Nagato is no longer limited to the scientific side. Even if he studies magic, he will not have conflicts like other abilities, causing physical damage and the like.

It ’s just that Nagato did n’t know what magic to learn for a while. After all, with his current ability, most magic is useless.

And now, Nagato has found his goal-angelic style!

Angelic style is not available to everyone.

The angel technique in the Forbidden World is theoretically a technique used by gods or angels in the crucifix literature. In addition to gods, only people with the characteristics of gods or angels can successfully use it, and the use of angel techniques requires a certain degree of The power of faith!

In this world, there are very few people who can possess such abilities, and even "sages" like Divine Fireweaver cannot use it.

The only human known to be able to use angelic art is the "Right of God" of the Roman Orthodox Church.

This is also the reason why they dared to call themselves "the right seat of God". All four of them have the characteristics of angels, and can directly control the power of angels by using the similarity between human magic power and angel power.

Compared with the right seat of God, Nagato is even higher. He does not even need to use the similarity of magic power and angel power to directly manipulate the power of angels.

Under such circumstances, it seems that it is not a problem to develop your own angel technique.

Thinking like this, Nagato's brain was running wildly.

It has been a fantasy for other magicians in the forbidden world to develop their own angel skills from scratch, but in the eyes of Nagato, it is not a difficult thing.

In his research, Nagato discovered that the magic of the Forbidden World is essentially the application of idol theory.

The so-called idol theory refers to fakes with similar shapes and characteristics to the original objects, and also inherits some of the original object's capabilities. Its essence is to borrow the power of faith and mythical heavenly realm.

The magicians of this world often cast a series of rituals, which are imitations of myths.

The angel technique is just some special magic, and there is no difference in essence.

In particular, Nagato is eroding heaven through the divine sacred mark, and he can completely simplify or even skim through this step of imitation, so it is extremely easy to develop his own angel technique.

"The only thing to worry about is which angel to choose or not to choose."

"Since it is the power of heaven, it is natural to choose the ruler of heaven."

"Okay, it was so pleasant to decide!"

At the same time, St. George's Cathedral in Lambeth, London, England.

The leader of the British Puritanism, one of the three major sects of the Old Church, the supreme bishop of the necessary evil church in the zeroth parish of the British Puritanism.

Just now, the archbishop felt a loss for no reason, as if he had lost something.

"It seems that what happened that I did not want to see."

As a strong man, Lola will never doubt her feelings. Soon, she thought of many possibilities, "Is Inticus, or Rift Fireweaver and Steele, or the one still being hunted down? Quasi Demon God.? "

Thinking of this, Lola felt a little tricky, and the new director of the academy city was too strong.

Actually, even the combination of Quasi Demon God and Sage can be hunted down, which is beyond the gods.

The entire magic side is now a bit screaming, and the scientific threat theory has been met by countless magicians. Such a strong force made Lola dare not get in touch with the other party immediately after the end of the urban civil war.

But now it seems that she can't continue to wait and see

"Really, that **** of Aresta, just went like this. This time it was a loss, too passive." ..

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