My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 184: Mutation and convergence!

When Nagato began to create the world, the fire on the right side of the Roman Orthodox headquarters immediately noticed something strange.

An ominous hunch shrouded in the heart of the fire on the right!

Although I don't know the reason, the intuition of the fire on the right as a strong man is definitely not groundless. There is definitely something that he did not expect, or that he did not want to see happened.

Indistinctly, the fire on the right knew that he had to do something.

It was only for a while that he did not know what to do, and eventually he could only focus on the battlefield. Immediately, under his will, the offensives of the Roman Orthodox and Russian adult churches increased several times.

From the call of the senior officials of the Holy See, crazy believers exploded with unprecedented power.

Various costumes and spells of various snow hidden have been launched, and the cross sect shows its most powerful power on the magic side, so that the countries and organizations that watch the war are extremely shocked.

In the face of such a terrible offensive, the Science Side Corps headed by the academy city immediately fell.

There is even a trend of collapse of large lines of defense.

Fortunately, although the science side is not as long as the magic side, the power of science is also not to be underestimated. The strong productivity allows them to have a powerful war reserve not inferior to the magic side.

The continuous supply of combat power has quickly enabled the scientific side to gain a firm foothold without breaking down the front.

But the good news on the battlefield did not make the fire on the right feel a little happy.

Because the ominous enveloping him is still there.

One day, two days, three days

The ominous feeling became stronger, and the temper of the fire on the right became more violent.

On the fourth day, the body of the fire on the right changed abruptly, and a powerful force suddenly emerged from the void, making the breath on the fire on the right increase at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

And with the passage of time, this rate of improvement is still rising!

Faced with this situation, the fire on the right panicked for the first time.

As the so-called cause must have results, since the war was launched, there must be a demand. As the initiator of the Third World War, Nagato has its own purpose, and the fire on the right also has its own ideas.

Since its birth, the body of the fire on the right has contained the "sacred right" of "the power to save the world".

But this great power cannot be fully exerted due to various constraints.

He initiated the war to lift these restrictions, and then realize his ideals with the "sacred right" in his body-correcting the inequality in this world, letting the world achieve peace, and making everyone happy.

But now the situation is different, completely beyond the judgment of the fire on the right.

This inexplicable power was too weird, and the fire on the right could feel it, and the "Holy Right" in his body began to show signs of runaway after absorbing these forces.

As a strong man standing at the apex of the world, the fire on the right understands that uncontrollable power cannot be called power at all.

"No, you can't go on like this!"

Secretly clenching his teeth, the fire on the right made such a judgment and tried to restrain the power in the body.

But his actions did not get any good results.

On the fifth day, the power of the "sacred right" in the fire on the right has soared to an indescribable point, and an absolutely cold and rational will was initially born to compete with the fire on the right. On the sixth day, the icy and sensible will was so large that it was difficult for the fire on the right to resist.

"How can this be!"

The moment the will was suppressed, the fire on the right was full of unwillingness.

Perhaps it was such unwillingness that his consciousness made a short leap, and then the fire on the right ‘saw’ the source of strength in his body. That was no other. It was the heaven of the cross, heaven.

And above heaven, a shadow covering the sky is slowly covering down, as if to swallow heaven!

In that shadow, the fire on the right saw a pair of familiar purple eyes.

"Vortex Gate, you actually"

Before the words were finished, the consciousness of the fire on the right was interrupted.

"Boom !!"

The fire on the right seems to have become the supreme god. The terrifying divinity spreads from the fire on the right, and a steady flow of divine power emerges, infecting the entire headquarters of the Roman Orthodox Church.

In an instant, the entire headquarters of the Roman Orthodox Church was transformed into a **** realm.

Including the Pope, clergy at the headquarters of the Orthodox Church have been eroded by divine power and lost themselves.

The changes in the Roman Orthodox Church quickly caught the attention of the world.

This is not only because the Third World War stopped because of the destruction of the Orthodox high-level, but also because the Roman Orthodox Headquarters was the center, and the horror realm expanded continuously with time.

In less than half a day, God Realm has covered the entire Papal State, and all the creatures in the kingdom have lost themselves.

Faced with such a situation, neither the science side nor the magic side can ignore it.

In particular, the strong men at the apex all felt a sense of horror. After predicting that the terrible things would happen if the gods were allowed to expand, the headquarters of the Roman Orthodox Church immediately became the focus of the world.

It is almost the same, and the powerful men who are at the forefront of the world have gathered outside the realm of the Roman Orthodox Church.

Because of the different relations of the camp, the strongmen on the science side arrived at the latest. When Nagato and Misaka no longer exist, the leader on the science side is none other than the emperor Yuangen.

In the temporary headquarters where many power leaders gathered on the magic side, the emperors really saw the inside of the magic side of the world of forbidden world.

Not only the religious leaders of the cross sects such as British Puritanism and Russian adult religion, but also the leaders and high-level combat power of magical associations such as dawn dawn and new life light, as well as many powerful free magicians.

There are as many as hundreds of strong people in the forest, which fully demonstrates the power of the magic side.

Of course, with the imperial capital as the head, more than fifty abilities with at least high-power level surprised the many forces on the magic side.

"Welcome, Your Excellency Yuan Gen, and everyone in the academy city!"

Seeing the arrival of the imperial capital and others, as the secret ally, the British Puritan Archbishop Lola first greeted him, and then as he approached the imperial capital, secretly preached, "How can he not be, Longmen?"

"He has something to do and he will arrive later!"


After secretly exchanging information, Lola said to the imperial capital, "I am waiting to discuss how to solve the expanding mysterious realm, I don't know what you think."

"I don't think it's necessary to discuss"

Slightly shrugging, Emperor Yuangen turned to look at God Realm. As his words just fell, God Realm not far away burst out a strong light, God Realm began a new round of expansion! ..

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