My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 196: Past and present

Time passed, and half a year passed in a flash.

In the past six months, the entire plane of the forbidden world has undergone earth-shaking changes. With the death of the demon **** and the surrender of surrender, all heavens are completely divided by heaven and artificial heavens.

Under such circumstances, the magic side and the science side have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The mainstream science side camp has changed from its original disadvantage to a strong one. As long as some foresight can understand, the future of this world is destined to belong to science and superpowers.

It's just that the magic didn't disappear completely.

Because of the existence of heaven and the answer of the long gate, the power of magic can be reproduced in the world.

By the way, heaven once engulfed all the heavens, and the essence of its existence has transformed. It is no longer the source of cross-sect magic, but has become the source of all factional magic.

It's just that except for the magic of the cross sect, the magic of other systems has been weakened in different sizes.

As a result, the entire magic side is directly weakened and I do not know how many times.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible for the magic side to fall into weakness!

Of course, these little things are irrelevant to Nagato, and he just gave a brief explanation and let the girls make his own decisions. In the rest of the time, Nagato was digesting his own power.

Half a year is not long, but short is not short, but for Nagato, it is enough.

Both artificial heavens and heavens have completely digested the engulfment of the heavens. Among them, artificial heavens have been completely formed, and they do not have to continue to rely on modern technology, and heaven has turned into magic heavens.

As the transformation of the two heavens was completed, the power held by the red-haired boy also changed qualitatively.

The absolute power derived from the super power developed on the scientific side, received mad feedback when the artificial heaven was completely formed, and was promoted from mortal-level king power to divine power, now divine power.

And the magic power of Nagato was transformed into another kind of profound ancient power when the magic heaven changed, the past the power of the gods!

If the essence of the blood of the long gate was strengthened by the power of Shura, it really could not bear the two divine powers.

"Past and present!"

He whispered softly, and Nagato could clearly feel that the past and present of the entire world of Forbidden World were in his own hands. Subconsciously, his eyes turned to the future on the river of time.

There, the future master, who had already surpassed the world, was smiling at the long door.

Daba Star Festival.

This is the academy city organized by all schools every year for seven days, a large-scale comprehensive sports festival.

With over 1.8 million participants, it is one of only a few special days in the academy city that are open to the public. All students are based on schools, and all competitions are based on competition among competence.

Of course, this is the original situation, but the current Daba Star Festival is a bit different.

The fundamental reason lies in the different purposes.

This time, after half a year, the situation of the whole world has gradually stabilized, and the academy city has become more and more prosperous. The high-level people of the city, especially those girls, have specially organized it for celebration.

Of course, the seniors of the academy city also have the idea of ​​showing muscles in secret through the Daba Star Festival to further promote peace.

In the opening speech of the Daba Star Festival, Misaka Misaka's heroic debut immediately caused a fanatical shout from the Misaka Guard headed by Shiraoi Kuroko. To be honest, if it is not the wrong place, Miqin must cover his face.

According to the unbearable mood, Misaka Misaki started his speech!

After experiencing the memory awakening of the previous life, the crazy battle between the universe and the high-level management for half a year, the girl named Misaka Meiqin has completed the transformation, even in the face of countless eyes, it is still calm.

In the speech, Meiqin described the purpose of holding the Daba Star Festival and looked forward to the future of the academy city.

In the end, she actually introduced her sisters to the public. When the figure of more than 20,000 Misaka sisters and Xiao Misaka appeared, the audience and the audience around the world who saw the scene through the camera were full of faces. Emoji.

"As you can see, these sisters are my clones, and their existence is the darkness of the former school city."

Slowly speaking, Misaka Miqin's face showed a hearty smile, and said, "To be honest, I am very grateful for the darkness of the city, because it allows me to have these lovely sisters. "

Immediately afterwards, Misaka spoke out what he had experienced in the past, making everyone feel speechless.

Only after being speechless, everyone couldn't help but admire Misaka's spirit.

Of course, it is not that nobody secretly satirized her.

But they can only sarcastically.

Because in the past six months, Misaka Miki and her sister legions have played their prestige in the dark world, just like the Thunder Legion, sweeping all the roadblockers completely.

"Finally, what I want to say is that all the darkness has passed, we defeated the darkness, overturned the former chairman, and won the third world war. In the future, we will also become the guide of the new century ! "

Along with Meiqin's last words, cheers and applause rang from the audience, and the Daba Star Festival really began.

On the backstage, Meiqin who had just taken a sip of water met Ortinus.

At this time, the demon girl was very cute in the school uniform of Tokiwadai. Half a year ago, after being captured, the demon **** named Odin, after being persuaded by Meiqin, finally chose to surrender.

Later, because of the sympathy with Meiqin, she became an assistant and partner of Meiqin.

At this moment, she saw Meiqin and asked with a puzzled face: "Why did you announce the existence of the sisters?"

"Nothing, just don't want them to stay in the dark, they should have their own lives."

Speaking in this way, Meiqin seemed to remember something, and asked with great interest, "Oh, Otinus, Daba Star Festival, what competition are you participating in, let's listen."

"Long word!"

With a red face, Ortinus turned his head.


Seeing this scene, Meiqin couldn't help laughing.

The girl knows that Ortinus is shy. After all, although she looks only 13 or 4 years old, as a demon, she has gone beyond countless human years.

Under such circumstances, it is certainly a bit shy for the demon girl to participate in the competition between students.

Thinking so, Meiqin suddenly wondered about the situation of the other three demon gods-similar to Ortinus becoming a student, those female demon gods became either students or teachers.

They all blended into this academy city with different identities.

Suddenly, a subtle feeling struck Meiqin's heart. The girl looked up slightly. Her eyes seemed to penetrate through time and space, and she saw a familiar figure stepping on the long river of time and gradually stepping into the future.

It seemed to feel Meiqin's eyes, and the figure stopped to look back, and purple eyes caught the girl's eyes.

"what happened to you?"

Recovering, Meiqin saw Ortinus's puzzled expression, "What are you doing!"

"Nothing, go out and play!"

Grabbing Ortinus's small hand, Misaka Mikami left the background and walked towards the lively crowd. Although he knew that a battle to determine the fate of the world was about to start, the girl had no worries.

If you really want to ask why, it is-

"He is the elder brother!"

ps: sorry, some have overslept. ..

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