My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 11: think too much!

Witch civilization!

One of the eight super civilizations at the apex of endless chaos.

Compared with other super civilizations, the Wu civilization is a new civilization, and among many civilizations at the same level, the Wu civilization is definitely a very special civilization.

Because this civilization has been subverted!

The original Witchcraft civilization was called a magical civilization. It was a super-dimensional civilization known for many magics. The brilliant civilization gave birth to countless great magicians and countless lunatics.

Yes, lunatic.

The path of magic is progressed by studying the world and creatures.

In order to study magic, many magicians have stepped into the abyss of the magic path without any turning back. They study all things that can be studied, including the lives of countless creatures and their own compatriots.

In the abyss of the magic road, they did not hesitate at all, their personality gradually became paranoid, and became a lunatic in the eyes of the world.

In the crazy experiments of these lunatics, the magic civilization almost completely fell into destruction, and on the verge of the destruction of the magic civilization, a magic apprentice with psychic ability rose.

With their own abilities and qualifications, the apprentice absorbs the essence of magical civilization and creates a system of spiritual practice!

With the spiritual system of the shaman, this apprentice was able to reach the culmination of civilization step by step.

Then under his will, the magical civilization was subverted.

The wizard's civilization was born!

Perhaps it is because the birth process of the Wu civilization is so special. Compared with other civilizations, in addition to the defects of the inside, there are many special situations in the Wu civilization.

For example, the so-called rules within the civilization of the witch advocating weak meat and strong food are entirely the will of the strong.

Another example is that wizards all admire fighting, and their starting point is always fighting, so even if they become a super civilization in chaos, many subordinate planes of the witch civilization have presented extremely primitive living standards.

Of course, Nagato didn't care much about these situations of the Wu civilization, he was more concerned about the guy in front of him.

The so-called warlock is actually a professional system for developing bloodlines in magical civilization.

But in the wizarding civilization, few people would call themselves warlocks.

Under normal circumstances, any wizard is a sorcerer's so-called wizard profession, in fact, it is a hodgepodge. This profession has both the rigor of the arcanist and the body of the warlock, and is good at alchemy and so on.

The profession of the wizard has already included all the professions in the past magic civilization, and it has been more powerfully mixed.

But now, there is a son of the civilization of the witch who calls himself a warlock!

You know, the Son of the Witchcraft Civilization is the son of the leader of the Witchcraft Civilization. He obviously has a strong father and a brighter profession, but he claims to be a warlock. Obviously there is a reason.

Nagato was curious, so after a moment of pondering, he asked his own question.


Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, the young man who claimed to be the nightmare Hydra Warrior Lei Lin flashed a bit of hesitation, and then said, "This is just my choice. Although the status of the Warlock is lower than that of the Wizard, but as long as I break Limitations, one day, the warlock can also surpass the wizard, replace the wizard's power system, and become the mainstream of civilization. "

"Oh, I see!" The long door frowned slightly, a trace of impatience flashed in his heart.

It is true that the youth in front of him did not lie, but through the feeling of being in the dark, the red-haired teenager knew more clearly that there were definitely other more important reasons why the other party chose the warlock.

Any man who dares to lie to himself is destined to perish in the heart of the long door.

Seemingly also aware of the killing intention of Nagato, Lei Lin's face suddenly turned pale, and his brain turned, he said: "Under the Lord of Reason, I hope to join your Bai Yujing."

Hearing this, Nagato finally couldn't help but stunned slightly.

"Is such that."

Taking advantage of the stunned moment of the long gate, Lei Lin quickly said, "Although I am the son of the civilization of the witch, but because of my professional reasons, it is highly rejected by the high level of the civilization of the witch."

"Listening to Bai Yujing's extraordinary occupation under the crown of the Lord of Reason, the peaceful coexistence, Lei Lin longed for it very early, and he hopes to complete it."

"You can talk with each other."

Recovering from the stunned god, Nagato asked indifferently, "For the time being, you want to join Bai Yujing for a while, I will only ask you one thing, why you can appear here."

"At this point, Lei Lin does not know."

Seeing how the Nagato seemed to dissipate, Lei Lin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then said, "I just came here by accident through a chaotic wormhole, but I'm sure this plane group is a fairy lord Handwriting. "

"After all, the situation that is bringing this plane into it is really the master of the realm of Taoism."


Hearing this name, Nagato could not help being dignified.

Chaos has eight super civilizations, and there are eight Daozu-level strong men who are not born. Among them, the leader of the Xian Dao civilization, the Xianzhu, or Xian, is definitely the most troublesome guy in Nagato.

There is a rumor that the immortal master has a very famous great technique, called Shenyou Chaos Great Technique.

As the name implies, this is a way to let your own mind ignore any obstacles, enter any plane, evolve into countless avatars, and recycle them after collecting enough luck and wisdom.

With this great technique, the Immortal Lord is not the earliest Taoist among the eight civilizations, but it is the most powerful Taoist.

Recently, when Nagato recalled his past, he discovered that Immortal Lord had once appeared beside him-that was what humanity encountered during the reincarnation of Xingyue World.

Although the Immortal Lord did not take action at that time, but just chatted a little with the human world, but that could not dispel the fear of the long door.

On the contrary, the red-haired boy was even more afraid of the fairy master.

Who knows how much that guy knows!

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, but the spirit of Nagato could not help shaking. The red-haired boy never thought that he had only known the traces of the two super-civilized leaders just after he came.

"More and more interesting!"

There was a touch of excitement in the corner of his mouth. Long Gate looked at Lei Lin without saying much. The red-haired boy raised his right hand directly. The power of terror appeared out of thin air and locked Lei Lin in all directions.

"Wait, under the crown, how can you turn against me, I"

"I never promised, you think too much!"

He said indifferently that the right hand of Nagato was clenched, and the power of terror worked with it, pinching Lei Lin into flesh. ..

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