My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 16: Replace it!


Watching Wu fall into Longkou, a smile appeared at the corner of the long door.

In fact, in the ten thousand years of battle at the spiritual level, Nagato has long understood the purpose of the witch through some clues, so when the incarnation of the witch incarnation of the Hydra engulfed the giant he had transformed, he took the game.

At the expense of self-exploitation, Nagato left his own will in the fragments devoured by the witch.

Through this careful operation of the will, with his Daozu-level state of mind more complete than the witch, Nagato deceived the opponent's perception ingeniously, and led all his soul to the core of the chaos.

"And here is your burial place!"

Cruelly speaking softly, Nagato's will resonated with the dragon.

The soul of the witch was swallowed directly into his body by the dragon, and the endless power of the chaotic origin emerged, madly consuming the soul of the witch, trying to wipe out everything he did.

At the juncture of the life-and-death crisis, the witch's mind was unprecedentedly broad.

Perceiving at this moment as if breaking through the shackles, he clearly felt that the fragments in his soul were exuding the wonderful ripples that interfered with his soul, and immediately, he understood everything.

"Ah !!!"

The roar of anger roared from the mouth of the witch, and the power of the Daozu class burst out without reservation.

Taboo witchcraft, unprecedented transformation, and even the aid of summoning civilization

All the imaginable attacks, the witch tried.

It's just a pity that he is in the body of the demon dragon. The demon dragon is not a real dragon, but the death of Nagato. With my own authority, I manipulated some attacks from the origin of time from the origin of time.

In essence, the so-called magic dragon is the source of chaos, and the pure power far exceeds the source of chaos existing at the level of Daozu.

The outbreak of witch did not help him get rid of the predicament, no matter what kind of witchcraft or form can break through the body of the dragon, the connection between witch and civilization is directly isolated by the origin of chaos.

Instead, many attempts made him fall into a bigger crisis after consuming more power.

For the first time, after achieving Taoism, Wu felt despair.

Perhaps it hasn't been this way for a long time. Wu suddenly calmed down and tasted the feeling of despair carefully, but Wu's heart could not help but return to the distant past, and countless past flashed in consciousness.

For a long time, Wu Wu gave up his resistance and said softly, "Lord, you won!"

There is great terror between life and death.

At the last moment of life, life will show its own essence, some will be hysterical, some will burst into tears, and some will choose to accept it. Obviously, witch is the last kind.

He calmly greeted his end.

Witnessing the death of a Taoist ancestor with his own eyes, the mood of the Changmen Gujing Wubo could not help but ripples. You must know that it was a Taoist ancestor. If it were not for his own trap, it would be estimated that Nagato would fight for millions of years In order to consume it.

In addition, Nagato felt a trace of extremely subtle grief.

"Is this kind of injury?"

In contemplation, the red-haired boy couldn't help feeling softly.

Dao Zu has been essentially different from the innumerable life of the entire chaos. In a sense, only Dao Zu is the same kind of Dao Zu, so after the design kills the witch, Nagato will have such emotions.

"And this is just the beginning!"

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and Nagato's state of mind returned to Gujing Wubo's state.


At this moment, the circling magic dragon roared, and the whole body shone with a dark light, and the huge body directly shrank to less than two meters. The black light dispersed, revealing a man with the same appearance as the witch.

But unlike the witch, the man's eyes are deep purple, exactly the same as the long door.

He is no one else, it is the death of Nagato.

Or it's part of me!

After all, the real death is at the origin of time, merging with the origin of chaos.

"how is it?"

Seeing the passing of me, Nagato asked softly.


After a while, I pondered for a moment, and said, "I have done some preliminary refining on the characteristics of my own chaotic origin. Although it takes some time to fully digest it, it is no problem to pretend to be a witch."

"I will copy the memory of the witch to you!"

With the passing of my words, there was a long memory in the consciousness of Nagato in billions of years.

If an ordinary person receives such a huge memory, it will definitely explode in an instant, but Nagato is not very human. Receiving this kind of memory is familiar. Although it is not as fast as my death, it will not be too slow.

About half an hour later, the long door glanced at the life of the witch.

The red-haired boy had to sigh that Wu Dao, the Taoist ancestor, had absolutely no moisture. From a magic apprentice in the original collapsed magic civilization to the establishment of a wizard civilization, the life of a witch is magnificent and magnificent.

Through Wu Wu's memory, Nagato's more and more understanding of the endless chaos, Wu Wu's spiritual memory brought him a lot of inspiration.

Just want to digest these memories thoroughly, I am afraid it will take a lot of time.

"So, let's do the work first!"

Having made such a decision in his heart, Nagato temporarily suppressed the action of digesting memory, and looked up at me. The two were the same person, and they understood each other's ideas without communication.

Each other's breath resonated again, and when I died, I raised my hand and opened the channel from Chaos Core to Chaos.

The two stepped out at the same time, and immediately left the core of chaos, and came to the top of the highest Wuwu tower in the civilization of the witch. At this time, the long door showed the gesture of soul projection, silent and invisible, invisible and qualityless.

The supreme will expands quietly and directly shields everything around it.

The deceased me is directly stationed on the throne. The original body of the witch is just a moment of time. The deceased me simulates all the characteristics of the witch's soul and perfectly fits the body, and then completely refines it.

No one can notice the whole process.

Whether it is the tower spirit of the supreme voodoo tower, the luck of the voodoo civilization, or other ancestors of chaos, no one knows that the lord of the voodoo civilization has been replaced by people at this moment. ..

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