My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 31: Desperate overture

"It's over!"

At the top of the broken building, Spider-Man Peter Parker looked desperate.

With his extraordinary dynamic vision, he can clearly see that the whole world is in darkness, and the society is paralyzed. The survivors are grievously fighting each other, their hearts are immersed in endless darkness and madness.

"The world is all over"

As if murmuring to himself, Peter couldn't understand why this happened.

Three days ago, it was still a humane paradise.

And now, it has turned into a ninefold hell!

Three days ago, this was the most lively festival of the year at SHIELD College. The students and teachers in the college and the visitors outside the college gathered together. Various activities made everyone cheers. Laughter.

It seems that even God is infected, the temperature is adjusted, the sky is cloudless, and it is very comfortable to look at a glance.

At that time, there was a part-time honorary teacher at Aegis Academy. Peter was also enjoying the joy. Looking at the smiling face, Spider-Man, who had struggled for more than ten years, was very satisfied.

Then he heard the words of the most famous girl from the college through special devices.

At that time, Parker did not realize the birth of upheaval--

"Can you die for me ?!"

Along with the brutal words of the girl named Yin Wuliangzi who smiled and smiled, I saw the students who were busy, and even some teachers immediately stopped their work and committed suicide in various ways.

Self-sucking, jumping from a building, exploding, burning, killing each other

The deaths of more than five thousand people instantly shredded the bright red color of the SHIELD Academy symbolizing hope, and the remaining student teachers and visitors exuded incomprehensible fear, confusion, and eruption.

The sages came forward one after another and wanted to control the situation.

But the next moment, a horrible thing happened, a huge formation pattern appeared across the sky, covering the entire Aegis Academy. The blood and soul of those suicides completely inspired the formation and gave birth to a monster called despair!

Despair began to spread, and countless creatures walked towards despair in an irreversible trend, creating despair.

All the goodness in the world they trampled on, destroyed this humanitarian paradise.

The heroes have put in countless efforts in an attempt to save it all.

But unfortunately, they all failed

And paid the price of life!

"It's over when it's over!"

Slowly to himself, Spider-Man's mouth slowly showed a broken arc, "It's already done anyway, then let me be mad, I've had enough, what the greater the power, the greater the responsibility. "

"Go to **** !!"

The blush flashed through the pupils, and Spider-Man jumped out, as if the demon came out of the cage

Time back to three days ago.

Looking at the formation activated by the suicides of a large number of teachers and students of the SHIELD Academy, and the desperation bred in the center of the large formation, the face of Enoshima Dunzi couldn't help but show the intoxicated look.

In Baiyujing, the main thing Enoshima Dunzi studied was the existence of the formation.

From Dunzi's point of view, it is really interesting that the formation method can guide the power of heaven, earth and earth with small strokes, and her Enoshima Shield is most good at guiding others. Most of the teachers and students of the entire Aegis Academy committed suicide, not the other, but the girl ’s guidance.

It's not hypnosis, it's not distortion of self, it's just guidance.

Of course, the guidance of the girl is not an ordinary guidance, but a multi-faceted guidance. Although each guidance does not seem to have any meaning, in fact, it does not have any meaning.

But all the guidance superimposed will contribute to the situation the girl expects.

Because of this, no one can see the action of the shield even though this plane has many powers.

So that her plan to subvert the whole world was completed smoothly!

The large array in front of him is the masterpiece of Shield.

"Aegis Academy is a training place for heroes. Over the years, the hope of this humanitarian paradise has been gathered. Now, I have used these hopes as sacrifices, and born the same despair. What do you think of this technique?

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the dean's room, Enoshima Shield dressed up as an ol and asked lightly.

"Boy, stop it!"

There was obviously no one around, but the kind voice echoed in the ear of the girl. "You shouldn't be like this. Although you don't know what problems you are experiencing, you shouldn't be like this."

"Shut up, boy, there are still a lot of good things in the world!"

Along with the long-spoken words, countless beautiful pictures came into the shield's heart out of thin air, trying to reverse her will.

"Ha ha!"

There was a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, and Enoshima Shield naturally knew who was talking to himself.

Professor x!

One of the leaders of the mutants, the most powerful psychic among the mutants, after becoming a member of the Space-Time Administration and gaining a lot of plane knowledge, he became the top fighting force of the entire Administration.

According to rumors, Professor X not only restrained the Hulk Hulk with infinite power, but also interfered with the humanitarian consciousness.

Only in the face of such an existence, there was only a disdainful expression on the shield's face!

Seemingly realizing that pure probation cannot be achieved, Professor X, who does not know where he is, directly came to more spiritual powers. In the face of the culprit of the Aegis Academy tragedy, this loving and well-known old man is also ready to perform a thunder Matter.

However, when his mental ability directly invaded the shield's mind, he directly encountered a great will beyond imagination.

The horror will, which is like the gathering of hundreds of millions of suns, directly burns into the soul of the professor through his spiritual power.


Leaving a scream that stopped abruptly, Professor X's spiritual power disappeared without a trace.

"Ah, the master's power is really great!"

A blur of missing thoughts appeared in his eyes, the shield raised his right hand, and his finger gently moved the void, instantly, covering the entire college's crazy operation, the terrible despair was directly imprinted into the origin of the plane. .


There was a violent shock all over the world.

A wailing sounded in everyone's ears. Ordinary people were inexplicable. They only felt that the depression in their hearts was getting heavier. In a short period of time, they had all kinds of impulses to ignore the law.

Afterwards, they put it into action one after another, and the world of singing and dancing rose to the end of collapse.

The strong men understood in horror that it was a cry of humane consciousness.

However, they all seem too late to stop! ..

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