My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 33: Life court!

"Have you started!"

When the shield started to act, the Nagato was located in the original space of the dream.

As the saying goes, the time of dreams and chaos is not synchronized. At this time, it has been an endless time since the reorganization of dreams by Nagato, and the vast dream world has expanded enough to cover the entire plane group.

From the perspective of detached dreams and chaos, huge dreams are wrapping up the entire plane group.

The experiment that Nagato was looking forward to was almost at the beginning.

The expansion of the dream world has enhanced the origin of the dream world's original space to an incomparable level. The chaotic road tires located in the center of the original space exude a powerful coercion and illusory vitality.

Instantly receiving the intelligence of his thoughts left in the source space, Nagato came to the front of the chaotic road tire.

"Sure enough, it really is!"

Once again confirming his original thoughts, a smile of anticipation appeared in the corner of Nagato's mouth.

To be honest, the red-haired teenager was also a little surprised himself. At first, he obtained the chaotic road tire just to more realistically simulate the real earth and the endless chaos. Unexpectedly, this road tire was unexpectedly brought to life again.

If Nagato's calculations are correct, when his experiment is completely completed, I am afraid that a congenital Taoist ancestor will be born directly.

"An unprecedented congenital ancestor, I don't know what it looks like!"

"I look forward to your coming, my countryman!"

He whispered to himself, Nagato seemed to see a slight to imperceptible fluctuation in the chaotic road tires, and with a slight smile, the figure of the red-haired boy directly left the original space of the dream world, and appeared again as a suspended plane The inner chaotic space-time courtyard of the group.

In the space-time courtyard, the sixteen nights and nights have been prepared for him with black tea and snacks. According to the rules of life of Nagato these years, it is now tea time.

"Niazi, they all set off!"

Sitting on the wicker chair in the middle of the courtyard, the long door gently took a sip of black tea and said indifferently.

"Yes Master!"

"Well, let us look at it."

Speaking softly, the red-haired boy's face could not help flashing a cold color, "I want to see, who will jump out, this chaos is my place, no matter who dares to stretch his paw, I will He chopped! "

Planar group, central plane!

After being aware of the aberration of the plane, both the local strongman and the Space and Time Administration quickly responded. From all over the world, even the heroic strongmen of the alien plane came to the fastest speed. The source of change-Aegis Academy.

There are many ways in the extraordinary world to anticipate crises and observe things like the future.

Enoshima Shield ’s plan succeeded, except that there was a long-door will to cover the sky, and the girl ’s own actions were too secretive, and after the plan was successful, the sky-covering disappeared, and the heroes knew everything .

While hating Enoshima's shield, they did not think that they and others would punish the sinful girl.

But soon, the facts told them-

"You really can't do it!"

It is still the top of the highest teaching building of Aegis Academy. Enoshima Shield sits leisurely on the edge of the building. Two little feet sway casually, dressed up in uniform, showing a rare mature temperament. She made such a girl. The move is not obvious.

The light smile on the corner of the mouth, with clear eyes and freehand manners, is innocent as if she is not familiar with the world.

Around the girl, the black phoenix is ​​showing unimaginable power. The endless black flames will blast the gathered heroes into disgrace. Almost all heroes cannot imagine that the black phoenix will be so powerful.

Indeed, the power of the Phoenix is ​​one of the most powerful and formidable forces in this direction.

As the incarnation of the original cosmic life force and emotional force, the power of the Phoenix is ​​immortal and variable, born between the chaos of the universe and the beginning of all things. It can be called the child of the universe and one of the absolute forces between the universe.

But in fact, no host of the power of Phoenix can truly fully exert the power of Phoenix.

Therefore, although the Black Phoenix is ​​powerful, the heroes are not afraid.

What they have is the host of the power to defeat the Phoenix with confidence.

It just seems that they are miscalculated.

The result of miscalculation is death!

Soon, casualties appeared.

In a minute, the famous Iron Man sacrificed and was burnt out with a black flame together with his armor.

Three minutes later, Captain America, known as the American symbol, also entered the footsteps of Iron Man.

In five minutes, the reckless Thor Thor was shattered in the head by the sword of flame!

In ten minutes, many superheroes have lost their lives.

With the passage of time, the casualties of the heroes are getting bigger and bigger. It is not that there is no hero outbreak. In fact, when facing a crisis, almost all the heroes present have exploded their fighting power far beyond the ordinary state.

But it is completely useless. At this time, the black phoenix is ​​about to lose its shape, and it has completely turned into a flying phoenix.

The entire universe, the entire plane, shuddered with the phoenix's cry.

Many gods sleeping in the universe were awakened!

"That's not Black Phoenix anymore!"

Suddenly, a mechanically icy sound rang in the ear of Enoshima Shield, and then the girl discovered that a creature with a basic humanoid shape and a golden metal color appeared all over her body.

Bizarre creatures have four chapter faces, three of which are engraved with basic human faces, but show inconsistent expressions.

The fourth face is blank and looks like a mirror.

"You are, life court?"

For the strange creature that suddenly appeared beside her, Miss Dunzi obviously did n’t anticipate. She saw the girl ’s smile and said, “I did n’t expect your plane spokesperson to really exist. I thought the secret information of the college It ’s fake. "

"On this point, I hold a negative attitude, clearly you have confirmed my existence!"

Faced with the girl's words, strange creatures, or the cold opening of the court of life, said, "Please answer my question directly. The host that uses the power of the Phoenix is ​​not a black Phoenix."


Seeing that his diversion was unsuccessful, Enoshima Shield whispered softly, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yeah, my despair has already replaced her. How can the real Black Phoenix have that level ! "

As a girl in desperation, she can naturally control the despair that she spreads, and refine all the desperate hosts into her own incarnation.

This is the talent awakened by Enoshima Shield after being blessed by the strength of Nagado.

"So it turns out, sinner!"

Hearing the confession of the shield, the life court burst into the cold air that suppressed all living creatures around it, "Stealing the power of the phoenix-the power of the phoenix, distorting the laws of the plane and interfering with the original operation!"

"In the name of my life court, the death sentence will be executed immediately !!"

"Oh, it's really interesting!"

Facing the sudden trouble of the life court and the infinite power of the other party, a strange smile flashed on the shield's face, "Just try the beautiful and lovely shield sauce, can you really do it?"

ps: Marvel is mainly based on movies, supplemented by comics, your sister, the force of comics is against the sky! ..

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